To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January, I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Message updated 14th July 2024

Monday 30 May 2022

Royale Studio Models - David Reid (Updated 30th June)

1. David Reid solo - Royale Catalogue Entry

David Reid appeared in a number of Royale sets and storyettes. This image was his first, solo appearance, seemingly nude, oiled up and astonishingly muscular (with a touch of puppy fat). He's seated on Royale's famous military drum which appears in a number of Royale studio sets.

Royale Studios' Catalogue entry for DAR

1a David Reid by Royale
This image (added Jun 2022) is almost certainly from the DAR set.
It appeared in 'Tomorrows Man 7' magazine in 1959.

2. David Reid - Royale 02

It's possible that this image, which I found at Adonis Male, also comes from this early set with the black background. Although it's attributed to David, it's hard to authenticate it's identity in this quality. I do sense the hand of Royale's associate, Scott of London in the shapely pouch (if you know what I mean!). The chains add a tasty, feisty, fetish touch.


This image of David, is from Man Alive No 9 (April 1960)

This study of a dude cowboy from the autumn days of 'pouch art' looks rather ridiculous to modern eyes at first, but even from that perspective there's still a perverse sexiness in the manipulation of the model. David's youthful beauty and muscular build shine through the confusion. There's a somewhat leaner look about his face that's possibly connected to getting 'ripped' for a bodybuilding competition. 

For all the oddness, there's erotic craft to admire in the well-stuffed pouch and the belt tightly cinched about his waist accentuating the model's tapered torso and screaming out that his jeans are missing. It's lightly suggestive of restraint, especially in combination with the whip. 

The bandana tied round his neck has a similar, erotic ambiguity. It was a common, stylish accessory for TV cowboy stars of the time like Roy Rogers and Tex Ritter, but it also accentuates the sexiness of a stout neck when it's tied in a narrow strip - see Ty Hardin (in the middle) from the 'Bronco', TV show


This picture of David appeared in the following issue of Man Alive, No 10 (1960). It showcases his broad back and shapely buttocks but I'm not sure it's a very flattering pose overall (admittedly the slope of the magazine in this e-bay sales picture isn't helping). 

The gun as an erotic device is something of a cliché and it's shadow seems to be in an odd place if it's meant to be erotic innuendo. Once again David's hair is a standout feature.


This image really does showcase David's lusciously upholstered torso.

From Body Beautiful 16 (1961)


Another image from the same 1961 outdoor shoot.

Tracking down images of David is complicated by the use of aliases.
He was labelled as John Dawe for this picture when it appeared in Trim Studio Quarterly 26 (1968). 
It was part of a retrospective feature on Hussar Studio. 


David fronted Body Beautiful 16 in 1964 looking a lot more mature in Tarzan-esque gear with yet another fetish accessory - rope. You can see him as a body-builder here rather than a suggestive porn model but I've yet to discover other pictures in this vein. It may be that he used a different name for his straight posing. This picture was taken by Davmel not Royale. 


This is the best picture I have of David Reid and his luscious torso by a long way. It surfaced out of the blue in the Colville Exhibition of Royale Studio coloured masters in 2019. Royale lovers will recognise the wagon wheel from the closing scenes of 'Unapproved' but this image is not part of that storyette. It's the only example I can recall of a Royale Studio model wearing cut-offs and the cowboy flavour is unusual for Royale too although it also occurs in other images of David Reid above.

This picture of him is the closest match I can offer to the slightly puzzling opening images of the BULLIES set (see below, Royale 04 in the mitchmen archive)



In addition to his solo set 'DAR', David Reid appeared in the following Royale Studio storyettes:

R04 BULLIES (Caned Sailors)

see mitchmen article, Royale Studio 04 

R08 UNAP (Unapproved)

In this well known picture from 'Unapproved' David (second left) is a dead ringer for image 6 above. Standing next to Fred Collins (on his right) you get a great sense of his bulk although Fred himself had amazing thighs. Such is the fickleness of genes. You can also see here that David was not particularly tall which may account for his less imposing appearance in some of the BULLIES pictures.

Unapproved (UNAP) was  Royale 08 in the original mitchmen review of Royale's work, 
that article is presently awaiting revision.

R99 WHYY (Why Y)

This thumbnail and Royale Catalogue entry below are the only information I have about this set in which 3 models try on underwear. You should be able to spot David on the right and Fred Collins on the left.

This highly original topic reminded me of how sexy it was to try on clothes with my first boyfriend in the privacy of his bedroom. David's reflection in the mirror is a frustrating glimpse of the great imagery this subject must have produced, and the underpants get ripped too! 

These fragments are parked in folder Royale 99, my Miscellaneous Sets folder
 in the mitchmen Open Archive of Royale Studios photos.


This image is the only record I have of David's appearance in 'The Test'. 

It shows him being forcibly stripped, forced to fight and dunked in water (someone at Royale clearly had a thing about water tortures!). These pages appeared in Man Alive No 9, the same issue which he fronted as a Cowboy (image 3 above). The top row seems to include some great pictures of his physique (2,4 and 5), notice how they all seem to disguise his height!

I haven't been able to identify yet his co-stars in The Test, 'Barry and Brian', Royale had a number of models who used these forenames but the pictures above are not clear enough to link them. 

The narrative included in the article probably came from Royale's catalogue but this set doesn't appear in any of the catalogues I have (see below). I'm hoping a better image will turn up at some point so I can review it properly. If any of you have a better copy of this page or the magazine itself I would be very pleased to hear from you! Meanwhile, this fragment is also parked in Royale 99, my Miscellaneous Sets folder in the mitchmen Open Archive of Royale Studios photos.

Sequencing and Dating of David Reid's Appearances for Royale

The only clue I have to the sequencing of these sets is the catalogue number in which they appear:

Catalogue No 7 - BULLIES, 
Catalogue No 8 - DAR (solo set) and UNAPproved, 
Catalogue No 10 WHYY. 

THE TEST does not appear in any of my catalogues. That's probably because Catalogue 10 was dated January 1960, whereas THE TEST appeared in 'Man Alive 9' in April 1960, so I imagine it would have been included in Catalogue 11 (which I don't have).

By the way, it was quite normal for Royale to release images of a model in a storyette before doing a solo set. 


These bio's of Royale Models will be included in the mitchmen Open Archive of Royale Studio

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Be Careful What You Wish For - 8

Some weeks later....

This is No 8 in the mitchmen 'Wishes' series
for the rest click on the 'Wishes' label below

Saturday 21 May 2022

Art by Damo -3

This series is a tentacle saga that's a cut above the average. Starting with a nice physique, Damo develops a genuine sense of tight bondage gradually enveloping Eddie's body and completely restraining him. He also captures the mysterious presence of Venom within Eddie and asserting his hold over him in a way that is both seductive and forceful.

This cutie is yet another take on Eddie Brock by Damo, 
this time he manages to make him look both butch and roguish
as befits his villainous role in the Spiderman stories.

Venom's tentacles curl around him poised to take control. 
The symbiote lives inside Eddie and this image
creates the impression of an electrifying power within, 
although Eddie himself has no super-powers.

As the web-like bindings tighten round his body
Eddie shows no reaction, but the effect is to 
makes him look stronger and still in control.

Composure is replaced by annoyance as his arms are pulled behind his head,
It's a classic bodybuilder pose, but there's a real sense of strength restrained.

As his nipples are teased, Eddies cheeks to suffuse with redness 
His cock and balls bulge from their tight restraints, he begins to leak.

When finally a gag seals his mouth
He looks impotent and angry
Watching his balls being divided.

When bobbly tentacle drives inside his cock shaft 
Eddies eyes close in ecstasy
The oozing of fluid continues.

 Eddie looks so cute and happy here!
Sexy in his mesh of tentacles

See Part 1 of this mitchmen post for site links for Damo's art

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Art by Damo 2

 Incremental series are not my cup of tea usually, but this image of a blond, butch hunk sleeping on a settee in his tight shorts caught my eye and the degradation of this particular immobile man encompassed a number of fetish elements that appeal to me.

It's Eddie Brock again and he is awakened by the sensation of his shorts being pulled down.
All we see of the perpetrator are the black tips of the slenderest tentacles ever.
He doesn't seem to see anything at all, but I think it might be Venom, his symbiote.
Maybe Eddie is used to antics like this from him, he just looks irritated.

But if he thinks it's OK to just go back to sleep he get's a rude surprise.
Because a large round paddle appears and slaps his backside sharply.
It appears to be a tentacle again, one that has shape-shifted.
So presumably it feels more like a hand slap than a hard, wooden paddle

The paddling continues,
somehow, the hunk has become tightly bound and gagged.
Is this a result of more tentacles joining in?
The half-mast shorts and shiny cheeks are sexy.

Now, even his shorts are taken from him and his legs too are bound together.
But not before his cock is prised out so that it's trapped behind his thighs, in full view.
Whether it's due to the spanking or the binding of his cock, he's seen to be rock hard.
The threat of a stray paddle hit landing there adds fearful anticipation to his primary discomfort.

At length the painful (but clearly exciting) spanking is paused,
but only so that a chunky candle can be inserted into his ass.
The hot, molten wax drips down, stinging his exposed genitals.
An extra control device has been fitted to his cockhead.

Tape is applied to his eyes, a basic blindfold leaving him to focus on the sensations of pain.
A second paddle-tentacle joins in, they simultaneously pound both buttocks.
The tension mounts!

I haven't reproduced the entire series here, there are more intermediate stages 
and the customary, messy finale which you will find at the links given in Part 1.

Damo - Eddie Gym Bound

This postscript sees Eddie at the gym, still minus his shorts - and still throbbing. 
This is the most luscious depiction of his muscularity in my samples.

The posters on the wall and the camera suspension arrangement overhead
appear to suggest that it's Spiderman (his arch-enemy) who has done this.

Whether he's responsible for Eddies erection too I cannot say, but probably not.
There's a companion image in which Eddie has transformed into Venom, identically bound.

You'll notice that the ropes here have a bamboo-like seam at regular intervals 
but I have not discovered what that signifies, it may be Spidey-web.


More DamoDee in Part 3 of this mitchmen series (link pending)

Damo site links are given in Part 1

Sunday 15 May 2022

Art By Damo 1

Damo - Eddie Brock Milked

 This is my favourite Damo picture. It shows one of his regular subjects, Eddie Brock (of Venom fame). being overpowered by a gang of men and milked (for reasons best know to themselves). 

Eddie's hunkiness shines out through a terrific puffed out chest and tensed six pack. The sheer number of his assailants testifies to his strength and his man appeal and it makes for a great picture.

  Damo normally specialises in those multi-image series based on a single character who is progressively tweaked, gradually losing their clothes and interfered with until eruption occurs. As far as I have been able to discover, this picture is, an almost unique occurrence of men directly interacting with each other in Damo's art. And it's a great image too. There are some minor 'spatial' issues in the detail of this ambitious, crowded picture but that doesn't detract from it's dramatic impact.

Damo - The Punisher Boxed

This image of a naked man, shibari-tied and forced into a transparent box is a powerful image of subjugation but the subject's fluid response casts doubt on it's value as a punishment in this case. The character depicted is actually Marvel's 'The Punisher', so it's a neat role reversal.

This drawing looks deceptively simple but notice the beautifully crafted feet. It's also another striking 3D accomplishment, not so much in the perspective of the box itself. but in fitting the man inside it so  convincingly. He really looks like he's squeezed inside in this incredibly contorted position. I love the flattened buttocks.

Apart from the air-holes, the box seems rather unreal, almost magical. It's a bit like those flimsy perspex boxes they put Christmas cards in. More substantial walls would be nice - and a lock to keep him inside!

Damo - Off To The Pound

This is out and out cartoonery, a very severe prison regime . 
I like the idea of inmates being given jocks with convict stripes to wear.

Damo - title not known

In a world where bondage is typically depicted in dungeons and hard places, 
experiencing it in a cosy, domestic bed seems exceptionally kinky

The subject here is notably less chunky than those in the preceding images, still attractively built but more like a real world man. The bondage he's been put in here is particularly complex with multiple criss-crossing ropes, it must have taken hours to knot up!

Now gagged and sightless, left on his own, he is free to enjoy - or at any rate, experience - the sensual pleasures assigned to him without having to worry about the person who set it all up. 

Of course if he's a plumber, waylaid while dealing with a dripping tap, 
he might feel differently about it all, but he looks pretty relaxed.

Another example of comprehensive roping featuring Eddie Brock again with an exceptionally large apple-like ball gag which he appears to be contentedly chewing on, lost in a world of his own.

The physique depicted here seems to have great muscularity and bulk and the complexity and radiating form of the ropework is clearly designed to contain that power. Even his fingers are individually bound in a clenched fist.

There's some sexy detail in the nether regions, a ball-stretching tether, slapped-pink buttock cheeks which are bulging through gaps in the net of roping plus a hidden vibrator lost in his internal recesses but apparently going flat out, in the red zone.

Gabriel Reyes, Jack Morrison Bound

This is the opening image of one of Damo Dee's incremental series. 
It's not Eddie this time but Jack Morrison, aka Soldier 76 (from Overwatch) 
another handsome cove in similar, square-jawed vein. Gabriel Reyes is his unseen captor.

I've always been a fan of musclemen bulging out of their shirts and putting them in an upper body harness with under-the-pec roping is a good way of exaggerating that characteristic. Damo has extended the trick to the arms here with tight loop just below the shoulder muscles, plus short sleeves which always enhance a man's biceps. 

He's dressed Reyes in mid-length shorts that do a similar job accepting the thighs, in combination with more loops of rope. He's also roped his victim's tackle, Zeus-style, trapping it in a bag improvised from his own shorts. A connecting rope, deep between the butt cheeks, anchors the arrangement. 

Gabriel Reyes is a Marvel character

I'm also drawn to this image because of the sexy (yellow) clothing
It's also nice to see a genuine black personality.   
His persona seems refined but quite fierce.

The unusual 'yoke' cum crucifixion restraint 
is a great way to emphasise muscularity rendered impotent.

This character depicted is Luke Cage (Marvel)  
Jailed for a crime he didn't commit (where have I heard that before?), 
he acquired a bullet-proof skin from a botched operation.
That offers little defence against this threat.


This mitchmen series continues in Damo Part 2 (link pending)

Damo images seem impossible to find on search engines using his name
but I managed to unearth these links via an image search

Thursday 12 May 2022

101 Uses F0r A Belt - No 8, Lightweight Transit Hobble

These lightweight straps used with chain links are ideal for shipment of men where weight may be problem but only moderate security is required e.g. holidays and visits to friends (yours or his). 
For more demanding applications refer to Belts No 7

For other posts in this mitchmen series click on the 'Belts' label below

Monday 9 May 2022

The Rope Art of Talisin

Talisin - Poledance (Cupid)

This striking image shows a leather guy being pressed into service as a pole dancer. 
The slight twist of his body produces a nicely crafted six-pack

It has almost the air of a performance under the big top. 
But if there's an audience there he can't see it.

I love the on-point position imposed on his right foot by the bondage,
 combined with a straight leg it re-creates the elegant form of a ballet dancer

Talisin - Poledance (Cupid)

From behind, the pose looks less controlled, 
the suspension element more apparent.
A teetering, dangerous position.
Nice ass though.

Talisin - Ginger in Leotard

Another 'beautifully bound' image. 

This ropework by The Puppeteer would grace any bondage master's handbook
It is tight, impeccably neat and symmetrical, the work of a true craftsman. 

The subject's wrists are lifted high, conveying genuine restraint, discomfort even.
His short hair and fleshy arms give a generous dose of everyday masculinity.
Definitely a man worth tying up!

Talisin - Ginger in Leotard

Here Ginger's kneeling position with bowed head is a classic submission pose.

His leotard has beautiful clinging qualities which I love.
The bold side flash highlights beautifully the sweep of his thighs and ass.  
It provides a contrasting flow that make the leg looping stand out,
somehow emphasising it's immobilising function.

The garment itself seems incongruous  in this open-air setting, it's tight fit very exposing.
The two men in the background being tied up conjure up a fantasy of mass abduction.

Talisin - Ginger in Leotard

When flown Ginger's leotard shows us a slender torso with subtle, sweet bulges.
His body weight is channelled mainly through the upper body harness,
so the single raised knee turns him towards us and opens up the view

These images of Ginger in a leotard were taken at a public fetish 'picnic'
 but Talisin's site also has artistically created images......

Talisin - Pigling and Wine

I'm dubious about the culinary implications of the title and the apple, but this is still a great image of domination and the pleasures of captivity (for the captor at any rate). It has beautiful colouring which seems intrinsically artistic somehow and is modelled by a great-looking man - @TheBlueJewels

Talisin - Meditation (model: Genanimal)

Here, an ordinary guy (at the 'fit' end of the scale) sits naked on a chair.
His tousled, long hair suggests a boyish, free spirit, but he's not free now.

He looks down as if puzzling over this predicament.
Only his ankle is tethered to the chair, but if he gets up
the raised leg bondage limits him to hobbling on one foot. 

The vast, barn-like space conjures up remoteness, isolation, abandonment.

Talisin - Purple Temptation (model: handymuffelmaus)

Gagged and blindfolded and wearing only a jock,
this captive is confined in a small shower cubicle.
A separate picture shows him deluged by water. 
I suppose it's unnecessary to wonder if it's cold. 

The upper body harness here is asymmetrical, 
it's tied over only one shoulder.

Talisin - Hung In The Attic (model: latexfuchs) 

This looks like the same attic used previously to house the lonely boy on a chair.
Now it provides a parking space for a leather boy in brief, tight, shorts.
A very different, more dangerous persona

Suspended from the ceiling, his arms are pinned by his own weight.
A raised-knee side attachment opens out his crotch and buns.
And gives an impression of angry, frantic struggle.

Talisin - Construction (model Spidey84)

This looks as though a jogger has been intercepted on his daily run.
Well, his unusual skin-tight outfit was bound to attract some attention.

His captor has arranged him in a helpless and inviting, reclining pose.
displaying a slender body and long legs, a 'flow' like Ginger's leotard.
It's a curiously alluring sight, as if he's calmly awaiting collection.

Talisin - Caught (Spidey84)

Spiderman's restraint here is clever, spread by multiple restraining ropes
it's ironically suggestive of a web without resorting to obvious cliché. 

Despite the restraint, you still get a sense of his slender agility
thanks to the (same) model's slender physique.

The desolate surroundings imply that rescue is unlikely
the blindfold and gag doubling up on his isolation.

Talisin - Crypto-Chamber (Spidey'84)

Talisin's take on bringing down Superman is equally imaginative.
A ball gag made of kryptonite, depletes his special powers.

The second crystal pinned to his chest might be considered over-kill,
but the erotic, open-legged pose suggests a use later on in the scene.

Talisin's body harness does a creditable job of bringing out
 a sense of muscularity and strength in Spidey's lean physique.

I suspect that the interest in body suits shown in this group
stems more from Spidey '84, the model than the ropemaster

Talisin - Merman Chris

Perhaps most fantastic of all Talisin's creations is an extended series
 showing a merman in bondage, half in and half out of water.
The bondage here is very complex, but completely external to his body
The merman's tail, encasing the model's legs is a secondary form of bondage itself.

 Finally, the very cute 'voodoobound' returns
(he featured previously in the mitchmen 'beautifully bound' series). 

Here he is being dominated by the ropemaster and showing a more submissive side. 
It's a stirring contrast to the spiky, street-wise persona suggested by his skinhead image. 
See him in shorts at the links below.


Talisin posts as TalisinArtWorkx on Instagram and DeviantArt

For other bondage rope masters at mitchmen, click on the label below.