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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Brosfate - Recent Highlights

BrosFate - Dungeon Scene

 This remarkable picture is a recent post at BrosFate's 'X' account. It's labelled simply as 'misc' but it's to be hoped that it's the forerunner of a whole series. Compared with earlier BrosFate work, there's a striking increase in the realism in the figure of the captive in this picture. It contrasts with the captor's face which is more reminiscent of his previous style. His images have become more explicit too and in this one it has produced a tighter composition than we used to seeing from him. The long distance torments of the whip and electro-torture have been replaced by a more psychological form of intimidation. 

BrosFate - The Adventurers Get A Shock (Undercastle) 

The enhanced, character realism is evident in this amazing image too, from his 'Undercastle' series. 
These two 'adventurers' have foolishly attempted to infiltrate the Dark Elves' castle.
They arrived dressed as medieval knights but look much better with their clothes off.
The 'buddy effect' works well in this image, perfect synchronisation.

It's a shame magic is required for this method of inducing milk, the milking factories would love it. 
Brosfate has also posted an animation of this drama on 'X' (sorry, I didn't save the link).

BrosFate - Frank Failed To Escape (Captive Soldier 6)

The 'Captive Soldier' epic has always been a cornerstone of BrosFate's work. Frank, the military hero, is sent on multiple missions and always gets captured and maltreated. This scene showing him in trouble with an unsavoury gang of mercenaries is (I think) from series 6 but the tally has now reached series 8. The most interesting character in this picture is the principal villain, seen heating his knife over a candle while studying Frank's, animated, rear view.  

BrosFate - Frank Sold into Slavery (Captive Soldier 4)

In Series 4 Frank is sold into slavery by his captors and shipped to a distant part of the world in a skin tight latex suit. Shades of Leo Ravenwood's - Great Game Hunter comic strip! Brosfate continues on from where Leo left off bringing the full power of render to bear on Frank's shiny holiday outfit and suggesting how his experience of enslavement continues. 

Frank is always depicted by Brosfate as a decisive leader of his squad of soldiers, but he has an uncanny talent for submissiveness when his men are not around. His military background and the obedience to orders that goes with it seems to be a double edged sword in that respect. Admittedly BrosFate has put him through a lot of physical persuasion at this point in the story. Cock depictions feature more prominently in recent works, but Brosfate's rear views have always been a source of erotic pleasure. The simple harness Frank has been given to wear here highlights it well.

BrosFate - Frank In Isolation (Captive Soldier 7)

Frank's still a captive in series 7 and is put in isolation for bullying his fellow prisoners and fighting with the Guards. This underground cage recalls POW punishments in WW2 but the crisp, clean steel is no jungle improvisation. The ominous, ugly, old pipe nearby looks as though it's designed to carry unpleasant waste so it's proximity to Frank's cell is concerning. In turn it also confers doubts on the nature of the proffered drink. It looks like Frank's already suspicious. 

The unusual perspective essential to making this scene work has produced an interesting result in the figure of the guard standing on the right.

BrosFate - Frank Electro-Interrogation (Captive Soldier 7)

This electro-interrogation is more familiar territory for Frank but it's far more comprehensive, sophisticated and powerful than the simple wands used for his earliest torments. His cock is pixilated in this copy, not an electrical effect I guess, but it doesn't seem to diminish the impact of the image. It's not inappropriate for it to appear to be quivering. 

BrosFate - Frank Forced to Jerk Off (Captive Soldier 8)

In Series 8, after a failed hostage rescue attempt (witness the downed soldier in the far corner), his captors force him to graphically demonstrate his ineptitude. They make him strip and jerk off before the hostages, who are as embarrassed as he is about it. This is not just a random abuse, but a highly original, crude and fiendishly witty forfeit. A graphic, literal admission that he is a wanker. 

Frank's muscularity has always been plush (see Part 1) but it seems to have ripened here into magnificent bulk. Sadly that only underlines the enormity of his failure in this mission. 

BrosFate - Frank Brainwashed (Captive Soldier 8)

A captive, once again, Frank's physical charms (if not his soldiering) work their usual magic on the head captor (Prince Adrian no less). Perfectly understandably, he wants the handsome soldier all for himself. Shakespeare did it with love potions but not a lot of good came of that. BrosFate resorts to electronic brain-washing. 

Details of his technology are sparse, all we see is a couple of curving bars either side of Frank's head plus a suggestion of radio-activity in the device behind him (which looks as if it came from a laundry). His spread-eagled position and the hose-like accessories on the trolley (with matching coupling just behind his bicep) suggest that it isn't just his wits that are about to be extracted.

BrosFate - Frank Brainwashed into Slavery (Captive Soldier 8)

Somehow the unlikely contraption works, Frank loses his memory and  history repeats itself as he once again submits to enslavement. Perhaps the brain clear-out has allowed his true nature to surface.

BrosFate - Frank Performs (Captive Soldier 8)

His slave experience might not seem all that unpleasant, in view of the fact that he is a gay man.
He has forgotten all that of course, but there's no much evidence in his history to show that he was familiar with dildos, nor the human alternative, so he may be physically unprepared for the full enormity of this experience.


There's more to Brosfate than Frank the Captive Soldier and I will review the rest of his recent work in a separate post. As a taster I recommend the Dungeon Keeper video:- 

Brosfate - Dungeon Keeper

Brosfate has devised an entertaining piece that puts the viewer into the role of a dungeon keeper, 
it feels interactive although it isn't in reality. Worth a view.
See the full Dungeon Keeper video on X.

This is the fifth Brosfate post at mitchmen, read Part 1-3 (linked), Part 4

BrosFate also labels his work as 'Heroic Band', my understanding is that this is a grouping that also embraces Leo_Art and other contributors. He sometimes posts Leo's work on his own site, usually, but not always, supplying the attribution. I'm planning a Leo_Art post soon

Links:-  BrosFate @Tumbler (now an archive)
BrosFate @pixiv (still current, best presentation, but censored)

BrosFate @'X' is the place to go for explicit imagery but it's random pieces.

BrosFate @Patreon of course is the principal source (requires subscription)

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