To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Friday 24 May 2024

Matt's New Humiliation Art

I featured Matt's ear tweaking and spanking cartoons here in 2021. Like many artists he has begun to experiment with AI recently. Unlike many other artists he has managed to make an astonishing leap in picture quality with it, it's comparable to Franco's amazing  rebirth some years ago.
I've featured some examples below.

Matt - Paddle 002

The second bit of good news is that Matt's victims have grown up into splendid young men,
but still subject to old-style discipline and still clad in the briefest of school-issue grey shorts which are so tight the braces (suspenders) are scarcely needed to keep them up.

The familiar torments wielded by Matt are still in evidence. And if ear-pegging is painful and humiliating for a college-aged youngster, how much more crushing it must be for a man of mature years like this. As if being paraded in skimpy shorts, tight shirt and crazy dickie bow were not embarrassing enough. It even looks as his hands are restrained behind his back here, which Matt is not usually noted for.

Removed from the schooling context, this heroically muscular, adult figure tied up and subjected to bizarre punishment in outlandish clothes by an old man works even better for me. 

But I'll concede that young men do have special charms of their own.
The sense of movement in this picture makes it very effective.


Basil Clavering of Royale Studio, made his name in the 1950's producing  pictures similar to this with bullying and tight shorts* a speciality, except that he featured military personnel as authority figures. I think he would be amazed, as am I, by these images and green with envy at the freedom we have to view them. Oh that he could return and work this magic on his own marvellous images.
(*from The Cheat)

Thanks to JockSpank for introducing these images,
you can view the full collection there, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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