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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 31 March 2008

Mitchell's Rugby Story with Pictures - Taken in Skimpy Briefs

Rugby Players are one of Mitchell's favourite subjects for pictures, big strong and manly - these days they seem to be getting more handsome too like Ben Cohen (left) and Phil Vickery (right). And they are definitely fitter.

Rugby players have always had a more 'laddish' image than other sportsmen thanks to their team drinking exploits and boisterous behaviour. So they are naturals for Mitchell's bondage and CP fantasies. Mitchell published a series of 15 drawings of rugby players in November last year (now at 'mitchmen' Club). There pictures were linked by a mystery story about a coach who arrived at the club and turned it upside down with his bizarre training methods.

The story was called 'The Strange Case of Manley RFC'

Mitchell - Brief Kidnap 

The 15 players in the team go through a series of individual ordeals as the club struggles for success but it turns out that all is not what it seemed. Now thanks to 'Carabalda' the story is available as a PDF combining the drawings and text together as an illustrated book. 
To get the full story visit ''mitchmen' Club'.

Mitchell's latest series 'Inspired by Tom' also has some rugby themed pictures

  for other gay art by Mitchell at mitchmen blog click on the 'mitchpix' label below

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