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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Scene setting for the new 'mitchmen' story - S&M clinic

I have now found a bit of space to get properly started on S&M Clinic - the opening picture is virtually complete and joins half a dozen others forming the core scenes. I've still not settled on the exact format of the story yet - it will essentially be open ended and there are lots of ways to assemble the scenes together.

The background to the story is as follows:-

The town fathers have decided in their wisdom that some menfolk are not looking after their health properly. A pilot project has been approved for selected men who live in the town to undergo a medical screening. Checks will be made on various aspects of the men's health and lifestyle and remedial action identified. If the pilot project is successful the process will be extended and repeated annually.

In order not to place a strain on public health resources the screening process has been contracted out to a private clinic. The successful bid was made by the Sporting and Military Clinic (known in the trade as 'The S&M Clinic'). This Clinic has specialised for many years in dealing with men from organisations who rely on high levels of fitness and health - they have health maintenance contracts with Rugby and Soccer clubs and local Army and Naval units for example. Naturally with this sort of clientele they are noted for their 'no-nonsense' approach. This appealed to the town authorities who are anxious to focus the new initiative on the sort of men who are normally reluctant to deal with these matters. The Clinic clinched the contract by offering to supplement the health checks with on-the-spot remedial actions.

Any day now letters will start arriving in 'male rich' households setting appointment times for their attendance for examinations the like of which they probably will not have experienced before...................

Watch this space for further announcements about Mitchell's 'S&M Clinic'

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