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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Milking Factories by Hijaden2

Hijaden2 - Milk Collection 1
The artist does not describe this hall as a milking factory, but it seems to be set-up for collecting the stuff on a substantial scale, albeit in individual jars, not carried away in pipes. That suggests a focus on quality and traceability. The building architecture resembles the futuristic designs of Sci-fi sagas* and one could easily visualise robots periodically emptying and taking away the contents of the collection cylinders for processing. That would account for the spacious aisles.
*I suppose this might be the crew of a giant spacecraft in some sort of stasis during an interstellar voyage, but I can't recall the authors of such stories identifying an ability to produce milk in such a state. It might be a useful function if their mission is to found a human colony on a distant world. But if that is the case, I'm thankful that we are spared the sight of eggs being harvested from their female opposite numbers.

Hijaden2 - Milk Collection 2

This, more detailed, view reveals that the conditions for the donors in this place are pretty austere. They are totally naked and vacuum-packed inside rubber sacks. They sacks have a degree of transparency, which is useful for monitoring the condition of the donors, but perhaps discomforting for them. It certainly keeps the place tidy, but severely limits their movement, and you might think that the inability to feel any sort of sensual, skin contact might inhibit a man's ability to produce. However, I have observed that mummified men do have a disturbing ability to weep without very much stimulation. I imagine the extraction device is able to render assistance to them. 

An overhead feed line provides air and, I dare say, water and essential nutrients too. You'll observe in picture 1 that the men seem to share these arrangements in pairs. It's not clear how this works, but one can imagine 'buddying up' being beneficial for the milkers The full cylinders and presence of a good, old-fashioned pump on the output tube implies that decent quantities are in fact produced. The control panel on the left even seems to have options for an external operator to make adjustments to optimise output further.


Hijaden2 - Milking Drones

In this installation, the produce is carried away by a communal pipeline, implying that output volume is what matters most. The men are clad in tight-fitting latex suits and described as drones, with no visible individual identities. The men in the first facility seem to have allowed to choose their own positions before being sealed inside the vac pack. These drones are not afforded that, they cannot even move their heads because of the rigid feeder tube to which their helmets are attached. Their kneeling positions seem to imply that they are not passively extracted, but are expected to actively promote their own output. Fortunately, their helmets look as if they have the capability to assist, with visual stimulation.


Hijaden2 - Storage Facility

 In our enthusiasm for seeing men harnessed to the thankless task of producing milk for their masters, it's easy to overlook the biological fact that they have to rest and recover sometimes. A short pause 'on the job' can enable younger milkers to come back surprisingly quickly -  given the right incentives and diet. But ultimately, even they will run out of steam and post-orgasm disinterest will take hold. I don't think there's a drug for that yet, but no doubt it will come one day.

Hijaden gives us a look behind the scenes with this storage facility for drones who need such a holiday from their endeavours. Chillingly, a rest does not mean that they can take off their suits, clean up and exercise as we would do. However, I imagine their owners have thought of that need and catered for it in some other part of the factory. This is the equivalent of bedtime for the men. We see them, still tightly packaged, being delivered by a robot transporter and stored away in an underground bunker to recover in comfort for the next shift.

Hijaden2 posts at 'X' and (it's Musk-free equivalent)

This is Milking Factor No 20, go to Milking Factor 21 (link pending)

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below 
for all other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog

or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.

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