Jayse draws pictures of impossibly muscular young men having their male organs stretched and attacked by all manner of crushing and cutting devices and plants. Jayse carries on the genital punishment tradition of Falkon (see earlier A-Z article) but with extra explicitness. The examples included here are amongst the less alarming examples!
The drawing style is very simple cartooning for the most part but cleanly done. The 'hero's' face is always the same, square jaw, blond hair, cute nose and sometimes a little stubble for extra manliness. The classic All American Jock in other words although he can take on the persona of a GI or astronaut, for example, to invoke additional fetish themes. His physique is muscleman plus, everything is enormous but roughly in proportion (by the standards of musclemen) – except for the male organs which are excessively gigantic ('Gargantuan Gonads' as Jayse terms them). This artistic device enables their punishment and destruction to be presented in graphic detail.
Jayse - Pushing the Final Inch
Sometimes the Jock is depicted as a body-builder using the gym machines to punish himself - as in 'Pushing the Final Inch'. There is sense of fond mockery of body obsessed athletes in this. This is made explicit in 'The Cruelest Cut of All' (not shown here), where a body-builder smugly preens himself in front of a mirror enhancing his erection by pulling on his own balls whilst, unnoticed behind, a hooded intruder has inserted a wicked pair of shears between his legs and is about to detach them.
More often the Jock is a captive. Jayse's favoured bondage position is 'the spread' with arms and legs stretched out as far as possible from the target area. Jayse spells out the worst nightmare consequences of that vulnerable position.
Jayse - Neuron WhipsHis suspended arching bodies are both artistic and erotic. Neuron whips is successful both as an artistic composition as well as an invocation of the eroticism of pain. Generally the assailant is unseen except for those parts (hands, tendrils, tools etc) used for carrying out the attack. Jayse leaves no stone unturned (literally!) in seeking out new and horrific techniques for emasculating his victims who nevertheless meet their fate with serene expressions on their faces. They are usually permitted one last compensatory ejaculation to reassure us that it's not as bad as it looks and they're enjoying it - really.

These drawings are whimsical but quite vicious and disturbing....and yet surprisingly erotic if you can get past the initial shock. Jayse's work isn't great art but it's simple intensity is the undistilled essence of S&M erotica.
See more at Jayse's blog (added April 2015).
For earlier articles in this series click on the label A-Z below.
Hello Mitchell! I'm "Jayse", and I just wanted to say that I'm honored that you've added some of my artwork to your website.
Thank you for your kind description of my artwork as well. I've never managed to advance beyond a cartoonish sort of artistry, which kept me from sharing my artwork online for years. I'm glad that at least a couple of my images have found a home here.
I haven't created any new drawings for about two years now, as I just don't feel the urge anymore, but it's nice to know that there are at least a few folks out there who enjoyed my work.
All the best--
I'm sorry you are no longer drawing your imaginative pictures but wish you all the best.
As a big fan of Jayse's work, I am very amazed to read here, that this is supposedly not "great art". 🤔 Not only do I not know which criterion was used to judge here (suitability for the masses?), I am generally not a friend of such categorizations. Jayse's excellent work serves exclusively the niche genre of ball busting, but his inventiveness is enormous, and his talent for drawing is impressive. 👍 Not to mention the artistic love, with which he always knows how to stage his hero. Even if the outward appearances are mostly similar, his hero always has to face new, very creative challenges, and he makes a very good picture. Particularly in the hairy and / or veiny version of the young muscleman 💪 depicted, the precision and devotion with which the drawings were made is striking. Not only is Jayse's work thematically extremely entertaining and impressively beautifully executed, he also always succeeds in the best way possible, in depicting the emotions of the respective situation in the hero's face. 👱♂️ And that is my criterion for "great art". Fortunately, Jayse was able to create a whole range of new works in early 2020, which can be admired on his blog. It is also important to refer to Jayse's second Ball Busting blog, where you can read his fantastic stories on this subject. Both drawings and texts are great fun and absolutely recommendable. ⭐⭐⭐
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