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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Jotto - Jungle Boy Excerpts

The popularity of Jotto's gay fetish art never seems to wane and these excerpts from his recent 'Jungle Boy' series demonstrate that his powers to excite are as strong as ever.

Jotto - Jungleboy Trashed

Jungleboy's captors treat him with contempt.
But they cannot diminish his aura of masculinity.

Jotto - Jungleboy Power-Washed

His physical attributes seem to win him a reprieve.

Jotto - Jungleboy slung

But only so that they can use him.

Jotto - Jungleboy Face Down

Jungleboy is cast aside and  left for dead
But the jungle is his friend, he lives to fight another day.

Jotto - Jungleboy Vengeful

But his spirit is far from extinguished.

Jotto - Jungleboy To The Rescue

Jungleboy is not alone in being abused.
He rescues another victim from the gang, Thiago.
They fall in love.

Jotto - Jungleboy Arrow Shot

But the gang pursue the escapers and corner them.
The reclaim Thiago and punish Jungleboy 'Sebastian style'.

In the historical story St Sebastian is not killed by the soldier's arrows
and so it proves here. 

Jotto - Jungleboy Walking Away

Once again Jungleboy is able to return to the shelter of the jungle.
But it's not necessarily the end.


I have tweaked Jotto's story here for presentation purposes, he gives it a surprisingly romantic ending with Jungleboy and Thiago sailing off into the wild blue yonder. In this series he dabbles with some extreme and difficult subject matter in places which I have discreetly tiptoed round in this selection although I have drawn the line at blood. You can find the omissions at the Telemachus gallery link below. However his artistry with the male physique and depictions of 'the hero in peril' are outstanding and even win over my normal aversion to long hair. Super erotic art.


 Other Jotto articles at mitchmen blog: 

There's a vast collection of gay art at Telemachus 12
see Jotto's Gallery there

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