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Wednesday, 3 February 2021

The Art of Luxuris - 2

Luxuris - O.C. (2018)
In Part 1 I introduced the 'OC' of Luxuris and his sprouting, rabbit-like ears (presumably indicating when he's feeling randy). He has muscles, a variety of tattoos which come and go and, as you might expect, a generous endowment seen here straining at the leash. Luxuris usually portrays him as a mischievous, 'cheeky chappie' personality.

Luxuris and Redgart
This image shows a more intense side in a vigorous, romantic encounter with the O.C. of the artist 'Redgart'. The base drawing is largely the work of the latter, but he picks up the Luxuris' style by way of tribute. Tongues are intimate, bulbous buttocks contend with skimpy swimwear and there's a hint of rip as well in this brush on muscle beach.
A collaboration between Luxuris and Red_Gart
The idea of an O.C. originates from the world of digital games, where a player can adopt a persona and equip him with a selection of powers and attributes. His choices might well reflect the player's own personality and aspirations allowing him to identify more closely with his 'representative' in the game. Applying this idea of 'character tailoring' to the ancient, artistic tradition of self portraiture greatly extends the possibilities for self expression in that genre. It allows the artist to communicate something of his 'inner self' which is limited in a conventional painting to devices like clothing the subject appropriately and including symbolic objects - for example, a Bible, a sword, a flower, a skull. 

Luxuris - O.C. and Beast (2016)

I don't know if it is possible to port O.C's between computer games yet, but in his own imaginings an artist like Luxuris can transplant his O.C. into any game environment he chooses. Thus this image shows a charmingly cute O.C. removing his underpants/briefs in the presence of an ox-like beast with an overpowering presence (whose identity I've not been able to establish yet). O.C.'s expression looks angry but determined, as though he's complying with an order, scared perhaps, but still defiant. Bara characters often have this angry expression, but it infuses a tremendous tension into this particular scene. The contrasting sizes of the two characters also helps. 
(You might also read this scene as an explorer trying to keep his pants on despite interference from behind, but I'm not sure that would be in O.C.'s character!)
I really like this picture.

Luxuris - O.C. and Beast (2016)
In this sexy sequel the contrasting sizes are necessarily less extravagant for practical reasons. O.C. has acquired a harder, more muscular appearance as though drawing on inner reserves to steel himself. But  but the challenge facing him (or should I say probing?) is no less daunting. His bunny ears are wilting, his face flushed and that determined grimace looks very strained. Still, the beast's intentions seem very loving and at least one part of O.C.s body is responding positively and rising to the occasion! Great image.
 There's a touch of Absolut Bleu about the characterisation here, a slightly more plastic style.

Luxuris - O.C. as MEKA
MEKA is the acronym of a Korean defence force from the game 'Overwatch'. This picture shows O.C. trying on the outfit of one of the female characters thereby producing a gender blurring image, although this kit looks completely different on the lithe figure of the original wearer. The pec cups are interesting (if improbably skin-like) and O.C.'s bulge seems to have found unexpected stretching capability in the female-width gusset!
In Part 1, I included an image, Tracer and Zarya which also drew on gender cross referencing. I'm glad to say that the characters Luxuris ends up with are unambiguously male but have some of the artifice of female allure added to their portfolio of attractions. It's not drag but tokenistic cross-dressing, a fetish area which is as old as time, remember the vintage comedy of panty theft from washing lines? More recently it's been acknowledged as an ingredient of mainstream male erotica, notably in the work of Gentlemen's Closet and Men at Play
Luxuris - Superman
Costume stretching is also the essence of this image of Superman and clearly a cause of great consternation to him. It's not exactly appropriate behaviour for his family friendly image nor for his popularity with the press. Thank heavens those old red over-briefs got the heave-ho! They always looked absurdly big in the original incarnation of this character but would have still been no match for this monster. The picture captures rather well the idea of a handsome hero with very human (very male!) vulnerabilities.
Needless to say, perhaps, Lux has produced a series of variations on this image in which Supe's kit gets shredded and he is goaded into a MO (messy outcome) by an unseen assailant.

Luxuris - Little Mac and Captain Falcon

'Little Mac' is one of the most endearing of the game characters adopted by Luxuris. He's inspired by a boxer in the "Punch Out" video game who always dresses in a black tank and green shorts (with matching green boxing gloves). At the hands of Luxuris he has to contend with opponents with bigger, non-boxing capabilities. This image sees him pitted against Captain Falcon (from the F-Zero racing game) and still managing to look particularly cute. Having lost his shorts he can't be in much doubt about where Captain Falcon is heading and it shows in his face.
Two other artists have picked up this pairing: See the sequel by XhromeR and sequel by Heading South

Luxuris - Little Mac and Ganondorf

Luxuris presents Little Mac as fair game for exotic species that have wandered in from other game universes, in this case Ganandorf from the Legend of Zelda. I love Mac's look of bewildered dismay and the glimpse of his boxing boot and pumped calf is an unexpectedly sexy detail. Little Mac's boxing gloves may be useful in the ring but in non-conventional fighting against punch-resistant opposition they are a positive hindrance, bestowing a degree of helplessness on him that is unique and distinctly erotic. This may be why he is often characterised in gay fanart as a passive receiver.
In these two images Luxuris explores a similar theme to that of 'O.C. and The Beast' above. Both men are cute, sexy, out gunned and intensely desirable. Both are ultimately overwhelmed.

Luxuris - Little Mac and Ike

Little Mac is given a well-earned reward here in the form of a romantic (human!) date with Ike from Fire Emblem. Luckily his gloves seem to prove no hindrance to him enjoying himself in this situation. The 'crossed swords' imagery here seems to owe something to Tom of Finland's iconic pair of biker lovers. That connection adds romantic depth to a memorable validation of gay love.

Numerous other gay (and straight) artists have been inspired  to produce Little Mac Imagery but Lux's images are probably the best of the bunch.

Luxuris - GladiolusAmitica and Terrified Partner

Gladiolus Amicita with the eagle shoulder tattoo is a character from Final Fantasy but I haven't an ID on his partner here who apart from his obvious endowment almost seems like a regular guy at the gym or club. He's as cute as Little Mac but has a more developed, more manly look that makes him a obvious target for marauding super studs. One of the delicious ironies of the art of Luxuris is that massive members abound but few of their owners seem to relish a taste of their invasive sensations. This one looks positively terrified although it looks like he's been a willing partner up until now. 

The figure drawing here is very good but the exaggerated assets a little OTT for my taste. You wouldn't normally be able to see both cocks and it's not a very convincing deception. I'd settle for a glimpse between the receiver's legs indicative of his size in exchange for a better sight of his ass. Talking of which, are those cane bruises on his cheeks?

Luxuris - Barbarian and Warrior

It's the dominant figure who is cutest in this refreshingly human combination with the defeated(?) Warrior picking up the mantle of 'yeah, whatever', angelic do-gooder, previously seen in Part 1. Not quite blond though and he's hanging on gamely! The Barbarian's furry cloak and boots frame and emphasise his nudity rather nicely and their animal associations imply qualities in him which seem to have risen to the surface (for good or ill depending on your point of view). Luxuris has managed to create a sense of his bulk 'enveloping' his leaner-framed partner. That's a warmly erotic element, one that he also seemed to be aiming at in 'O.C. and the Beast' and 'Little Max & Captain Falcon' above. 

This image featuring Joe Higashi (left) a Thai Boxing fighter from 'Fatal Fury' has a more earthy focus on gay sexuality. Joe has a goofy, playful persona alongside his fighting capabilities and this scene captures that, clearly fun to be with! He features in a number of Lux images but I confess I included this one mainly because I like the rolled-down swimming trunks!

Luxuris - Baird in Trouble
The character of Damon Baird from 'Gears of War' has a distinctive and rather butch appearance
 which Luxuris has nicely captured here. He usually portrayed clad in overalls and chunky armour with trademark goggles, which makes his naked muscles (etc.) here a thrilling discovery, leaving him to follow in the footsteps of that other, much-lusted-after hunk, Chris Redfield (see Luxuris Part 1). You'll gather I have a liking for seeing mature-looking men on the receiving end in this type of situation. 
The game characters used by Luxuris in these images come with their own colourful backgrounds and CV's, contributing extra depth of interest for games aficonado's in the know (which I confess I am not). Thus the 'real' Baird is noted for his technical, problem solving skills rather than his combat capabilities which makes this predicament a rather apt choice. The bulky plug challenging his anal orifice is similar to that on which Guile was posted in Part 1 but Baird does not seem to be restrained like him, giving him the chance to put his problem solving to good use (if he can bring himself to concentrate). 


More Luxuris in Part 3, site links in Part 1

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