To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

News of new pictures by Brick

Brick - Back To School

 After a long absence from homoerotic art, Brick has returned with two great new pictures at Metalbond. It's not the one above, I won't steal his thunder, the link below will take you there. There are now two posts with 5 pictures and others in the pipeline.

Brick - Slave Academy 2022

Metalbond is a great source of fetish inspiration and entertainment (with a dash of education). You can use his labels to find other Brick imagery there, but if you are looking, don't miss the Brick collection at mitchmen (link at bottom of post).


In the older image by Brick shown above, the writing on the door seems to mean 'milking cubicle for men' but I had difficulty translating 'satna' it so I guess it's rude or colloquial, probably both! The picture is a good example of Brick's light touch and economical way of invoking darkly erotic themes. 

The transportation of captives on bare metal trolleys has a clinical and controlling air and the hunky looking man lying on it is greeted by a great atmosphere of threat and menace as he is wheeled in. The tight, rubber garments which the captives have to wear as their uniforms cover nothing, but compress and restrict their limbs, simultaneously exposing and emphasising the erotic zones of their bodies. These particular garments have obvious feminine connections for this very purpose, which may seed additional confusion in the minds of the wearers, who are both unmistakeably masculine. 

By contrast their tormentors are clothed in anonymous military gear but with bare torsos and terrorist masks which confirm that any resemblance to a place of healing is entirely misleading. The blindfold, upside-down suspension arrangement and dangling chains make that clearer still.

If you like Brick's style be sure to read the mitchmen review of Brick's art  

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