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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Bareass Blog No 75

Bareass Bahnhof

At this time of year, gays, like other boys, dream of fantastic presents. 
Only to be let down by Daddy Santa with cheap aftershave and socks. 
Christmas Eve pick-ups flee home for Mother's festive food.  

However, if they have been very good that year (by gay standards)
A different Daddy will deliver an extra, special present to them:
A trip on his train to the land where the men of dreams roam.

Unlike some other festive trains, the secret express for gays 
does not stop in the street directly outside their home.
It's a daft place for a train to stop anyway and far too public.

The last thing anybody wants is for gangs of kids (even incipient gay ones)
to rush out and clamber on board for a second bite at Santa's cherry.
Our lucky Gay boys have riper cherries on their mind on this special night.

The entrance to a secret underground station simply appears to them,
but only on this night and only to those who have been favoured.
Being underground, there's no snow of course, in fact it's quite hot.

It's not unknown for men who didn't even know they were gay 
to stumble unwittingly onto the platform, a very special gift for them
They will find plenty of boys down willy-ing to show them their ropes 

And so, come midnight, it's dig into your trousers/jeans/pants
and get out your tickets for inspection by the conductor.
Then it's All Aboard the "Boner Express"!

(with apologies to Tom Hanks)


For other Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

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