When the Space Rangers get tough, they behave badly
Fabulous face showing sharp intake of breath!
artist Baileysea
Gay bdsm art by 'mitchmen' Mitchell and other artists featuring male erotic sexy fetish, S&M, men tied up, male bondage, domination, humiliation and spanking. Vintage photographs of men in uniform, Royale & Hussar Studios, humourous captions, gay pride articles
When the Space Rangers get tough, they behave badly
Fabulous face showing sharp intake of breath!
artist Baileysea
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Mitchell - What's He Gonna Do To Me? |
Another in my 'Night Visitor' series, a theme I'm slightly obsessed with.
Roughly awakened from a deep sleep, the newly-crowned Swimming Champion could not understand what was happening. The bed coverings had been jerked off him and he'd been suddenly engulfed by the sheer physical presence of a man who had somehow invaded his bedroom in the middle of the night. Already, he had him in a tight grip, pulling him tight into his own fleshy torso. The swimmer's bed-warm skin felt the coolness of his clothing and he smelled too of the freshness of the night air outside, a scent that was mingled with the warmer odours of sweaty exertion.
The swimmer felt his pyjama bottoms inexplicably falling away and the roughness of cold jeans brushed his thighs, the sharp chill of a belt buckle pressed against his naked abdomen. He was awake enough now to resist - or try to - but his muscular assailant was able to foil every move he made, his hands seemed to be everywhere and his unrelenting grip seemed to be draining away what meagre strength the fogginess of the swimmer's brain was able to muster.
Then suddenly he was released, but almost immediately a hand closed round the back of his head pulling him back in, the intruder's face pressed against his in a stubble-scratching intimacy. "Now listen to this" he hissed menacingly, "Do not utter a word. Turn and kneel on the bed. Put your hands behind your back. Do it!"
The grip was released. The naked swimmer stood feeling very small and weak, trying to make out the shadowy giant whose bulk loomed over him. Part of his brain was screaming "This is your chance. Shout! Fight! Run!" but he was too shocked, too mesmerised to hear it, too intimidated to act on it. He stood still for a few seconds, slightly shaking, struggling with himself, then he bowed his head and slowly he turned and knelt on the bed.
The modest cut-off of the naked victim's tackle is not intended as censorship, I think the glimpse of root is a very erotic device, suggestive of treats that lie in store for the intruder when he's got the chance to take advantage of them. You can see he's already savouring his catch.
For more 'Night Visitors' click on the label below.
For other images by Mitchell at mitchmen click on the 'mitchpix' label
You can also visit my Gallery Hub for links to other sites
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Paul - Punishment Cell |
These images by the (vintage) spanking artist 'Paul' (aka P.R.) depict Military Correction scenarios. All the participants are dressed in shorts, which used to be regulation wear for Desert Fighting and sometimes in Jungles. I've always been excited by the idea of men fighting in scanty clothing* and the shorts shown here are exceedingly scanty and very tight. What they would do to the enemy we can only imagine. The rolled-up sleeves have an equally provocative effect on me.
The two Military Policeman have a manly appearance and being dressed exactly the same as those facing punishment adds an element of skin-to-skin earthiness and intimacy to their raw brand of bare-ass discipline, which is strictly non-regulation of course, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The discarded shorts of the victim lie under the bench nearby in a crumpled heap, a sexy detail. These highly erotic elements are augmented by the spice of bondage and boot-licking submissiveness.
The condemned men waiting their turn look on, tied to posts and sweatily anticipating their own humiliation. Watching their comrade's fate has already induced impressive bulges in their shorts, one man's underwear is seen forcing it's way out into the open. Their half open shirts reveal manly chest hair, echoed on thighs and forearms, but their burgeoning manhood has not spared them from a less than manly punishment.
This image is overflowing with erotic elements from a bygone age of military service, enthusiatically exaggerated and lovingly drawn with an attention to sexy detail that will especially delight those whose who can remember it. The famous Royale Studio military photo series and later 'Guys in Uniform' tread similar ground and are contemporary.
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Paul - Military Punishment |
Paul - Raw Recruit |
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Papa-Con - Office Party |
Remember Baring's Bank? Well this is Boring's Bank
A high-powered, over-confident executive gets a lesson in humility from the founding fathers after making an expensive mistake in derivative market trades (don't ask me what they are!).
This dominance by elderly gents he wouldn't normally give a second glance is perfectly delicious. At the same time the Boring Brothers seem to have perceived that behind his veneer of tidy hair, designer specs and immaculate suits there lurks a muscular, hairy beast - one to be restrained and tamed.
A new opportunity may be opening up for him here.
Go to Papa-Con 4 - The Last Word
Read the mitchmen Papa-Con series from Part 1
Visit the mitchmen Artist Index for other stimulating artists represented here
Link: Papa-Con at Patreon
Read the First Article In This Series at mitchmen blog
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Papa-Con - Wrestling Humiliation |
Papa-Con has produced a number of images showing older men involved in erotic wrestling situations. This one shows the eldest of two fighters suffering the humiliation of having his white beard shaved off. It has the tufted look of oriental fantasy characters and I suspect it's removal might have a deeper significance in that part of the world, perhaps similar to Samson's strength being dependent on his long hair. It could also be implying something similar to the emasculating effect of shaving off pubic hair.
White Beard is old indeed by the standards of gay erotic art (and his opponent is no spring chicken either!), but he escapes my objection to 'pensioner bashing' expressed in Part One because he is well muscled and looks as if he is perfectly capable of defending himself. He has a formidable bulge in his leotard too. The ripping of his garment at neck level (revealing a nice hairy chest) suggests that lower areas might not be immune from the razor either.
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Papa-Con - Wrestling Domination |
This might be the next development in the contest but I'm not sure it's part of the same series (the wrestler on the canvas here still has facial hair) but it still connects nicely. The leotard is totally shredded and nature takes it's course. The artist creates a scene of total domination but the beaten man is enjoying it, clearly. These images illustrate not only that mature men are still sexually attractive but also that inter-generational images do not have to involve overly-young men to work.
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Papa-Con - Wrestling Rope Burn |
This is my favourite in this group, I think, because it shows a daring variation of the standard wrestling ploy of illegally using the ropes against your opponent and the artist captures it's effectiveness splendidly. The actual mechanics of the move remain obscure but it doesn't impair the impact of the image. There are some blurry effects in the lower part of the picture which I can't quite decipher, but which seem to create the sense of twanging ropes. Another nice leotard bulge.
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Papa-Con - Wrestling Role Reversal |
In this contest it's the younger man who is the loser forced to submit and take the shaving humiliation. It looks like he facing more than one opponent too who takes advantage of his predicament to tweak delicate areas, with spectacular results!
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Papa-Con - Wrestling, On The Ropes |
This image strives to identify the ultimate humiliation for a defeated wrestler - sprayed, shaved, milked and plugged whilst helplessly trapped in the corner. I'd like to see other ages in this fix too!
These two men are examples of a much younger age group and are condemned to suffer humiliation together suggesting a there's a relationship between them that I'm not aware of but which makes this predicament extremely uncomfortable for them. On a physical level the generously-sized butt plugs perform an equivalent task. The implication seems to be that the plugs alone induce orgasms and each man in turn must bend to receive his partner's spray. The identical boots with turned down socks they are wearing adds an extra erotic frisson.
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Papa-Con - Buddies and Tentacles |
Despite the collars, flying chains and paired posts these two characters don't seem to actually be restrained, but are simply borne aloft by tentacles in an impressionistic depiction of the ecstasy of shared sexual probing. Notice the eerie beach scene behind them.
The reddening of their cheeks and noses looks like a case of Japanese embarrassment which might relate the seeming disparity in their ages. Ages at which there is no excuse of youthful excitability for their obvious pleasure in being comprehensively used. I've labelled them as buddies, but they might equally be family.
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Papa-Con - Tentacle Ecstasy |
Papa-Con's 'wood-cut' style suits this image of overwhelming tentacle assault. The close up framing and black background simplifies the artist's task of explaining where tentacles come from and allows fragments to emerge from the ether without seeming too peculiar. His depiction of this man's aged anatomy is frank but not repulsive and the evidence of deep penetration is very apparent. His ecstasy is perhaps a wry reflection on the loneliness and lack of human contact that often comes with growing old.
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Papa-Con - Mature Milkers |
Growing old together need not be lacking in excitement! These two leather enthusiasts clearly still have plenty to offer and have managed to retain impressively tight physiques. There's a striking sense of intimacy here, in direct contrast to the younger, plugged captives seen earlier. I like the dribble of recycled 'milk' on their ball gags
The design of the milking kit is impressively compact compared with the grand extraction arrangements seen in the mitchmen survey of Milking Factories. I could imagine these devices being replicated rather easily and cheaply and set in more formal arrays to create a sort of 'artisan' Milking Factory. The thought of older men still being able to contribute to the Milking Industry is rather comforting.
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Papa Con - Tight Bondage |
This hand-milking arrangement by contrast is positively pastoral, but the tight bondage on offer might be a great incentive to some. Quite where you would source disembodied hands to upscale the process I'm not sure, but I imagine plenty of oldsters would give it a go. This Tagame-like character suffers from the surfeit of anger we expect from that man's hand but I must admit that giant ball-gag gives cause and those (attached) nip-nippers look fearsomely tight. Not enough to impair his performance though. Men always make such a fuss!
Go to Part 3 - Papa-Con Postscript
Read Part 1 of This Article at mitchmen blog
Link: Papa-Con at Patreon
(The tumblr link shown in the last picture may still be accessible via tumbex I haven't tried yet)![]() |
Papa-Con - WrongAnswer |
Papa-Con specialises in mature men and their mistreatment and this group of images features a middle-aged character who's fallen into the hands of some monks with unorthodox attitudes. I've often imagined a series of images in which an intrepid 'Indiana Jones' sort of explorer stumbles on the hidden treasure of a Monastry only to discover it's not abandoned, lost nor unattended. These images fit that storyline nicely. Beginning with the head monk showing his displeasure at the intruder's answers to his questions. Copious quantities of sweat indicate his ordeal has been in progress for some time.
The artist shows great panache in depicting the slap being delivered to the helplessly bound and naked victim with the judicious embellishment of a cartoon-style 'sweep' and 'impact star' . I imagine the captives arousal might be considered sacreligeous in context, but you never know with monks.
The 'wood-cut' style with extreme, contrasting shadowing recalls the 'Devils' series by Olaf and other 80's artists. It's skillfully blended here with more sensitive detailing.
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Papa-Con - The Dungeon |
A birching seems an entirely appropriate method of chastisement for any unfortunate intruder. Monks use this on themselves so why would anyone else found lacking be exempt? Nevertheless, it's not a light option unless the perpetrators so choose and the double-barrelled line up suggests they won't on this occasion. Hands to feet bondage adds humiliation of an awkward posture to the victim's pain.
There's a touch of the Oriental about the poses of the monks here.
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Papa-Con - On The Horse |
The interrogation continues with a ride on the horse, a crude torment but delivered via a sophisticated, well-built device, which suggests there's much need of correction in this facility (or frequent intrusions by unwelcome visitors). The arched, restraint position is highly erotic with roping detail that gives a great impression of a strong man made helpless. I like the tied toe
The captive is being coaxed into an erection with slaps administered to the back of his head to encourage the desired response. This probably isn't intended to provide sexual gratification to either party (well not only that) but is perhaps a further interrogation or an attempt to draw a confession from him. The intended climax, I suspect, is indicated by the incense sticks burning in the foreground, possibly about to find a new 'niche'.
I've featured a whole series of images at mitchmen in the past showing a device like this in use (see 'Riding the Wedge' label below) but without the luxury of seating. The captive is forced to straddle the 'wedge' which can be as sharp as the interrogators deem fit. That wide block is not the most comfortable of saddles to straddle either but the provision of a flat seat also provides a platform for the captive's balls which would otherwise dangle down at one side and be hard to get at. In this fiendish design there is also a projection of some sort at the rear which might be a pivoting wedge (or a blade like an inverted version of the office, paper guillotine). In addition, the pegs constraining the captive's thighs can lowered, it seems, pulling him down more firmly.
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Papa-Con - Pagan Ritual |
I noted an oriental influence before, but this image might easily be mistaken for Tagame's work in both content and style. I always think this candle torment looks worse than it really is. The total immobilisation of the captive and odd orientaion dilutes the drama too, compared with images 1 and 3 above. Surprisingly, the rendering of the monk is probably the main point of interest here and I'm glad he keeps his clothes on, thus preserving the sense of a dispassionate and remorseless, cruel torturer.
Papa-Con (aka Akinokina aka OkiBearz) specialises in mature men and their mistreatment. They sometimes seem to verge on the senile, with white flowing locks and wispy beards. Pensioner-bashing is unattractive to me as the beating of children but his less extreme visions of aging such as those above are very welcome.
Link: Papa-Con at Patreon
(No other link yet)