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Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Homosexuality in the Ukraine

Freedom is important

mitchmen supports the struggle against oppression of the Ukrainian people


 Homosexuality is legal in the Ukraine with protection against discrimination in important areas.
(Equaldex summary of gay rights in Ukraine)

However the social attitudes of many are antagonistic towards gay people.
(ref Wikipedia)

President Zelenskyy's credentials as a patriot and leader are beyond reproach. He has a track record as being a liberal reformer, but his government's commitment to gay rights have been questioned.

Equaldex ranks Ukraine significantly below the UK and USA in terms of gay rights, 
but it is better than Russia


Freedom is important

Use it wisely

Monday, 14 March 2022

Art by Ridley 3

Ridley - Truckstop (2010)

 These images by the gay artist Ridley could not be more different to the milking subject matter of previous posts about him at mitchmen and yet common threads can be perceived. I'm drawn to 'Truckstop' by the compelling depiction of the trucker's face enjoying the warmth of sexual bliss. 

Astride him sits a naked, younger man who is gagged, has his hands tied behind his back and tears are rolling down his cheek but despite these alarming clues, he seems to be nestling contentedly in the consolation of the trucker's, unmistakeably tender, embrace.

The diner in the background seems to suggest a casual midnight pick-up, but it's clearly too public for this to be an abduction scenario or if it is, there's a severe case of Stockhausen syndrome going on. In the context of other images by this artist in this mitchmen selection there's a common thread of experiencing sex without control, which is the essence of the bondage role-play depicted here. This image differs from the others in that it's given a tricky, real-life context but there's no sense that this is a selfish, cruel predator - quite the reverse, the tenderness is touching. There's a hint that it's a first time experience for the naked man. In truth, first time, passive sex always involves a scary surrender of control, whether it involves bondage or not.

The video recording effects are another example of an arty device by this artist. It's one that I don't quite understand, perhaps signifying that this is a momentous occasion or more cynically, that there is a watching audience, like the dummies in Part 2.

Ridley - Scream If You Can Feel Me

There's not much doubt about the circumstances here as another young man has a sexual experience which is the stuff of nightmares. In fact it obviously is a nightmare as you can tell from his mouth which refuses to open to allow him to scream, his lips seem to be stuck together as if by gum. This is a compelling visualisation which seems highly original to me. There's a superficial similarity to the Hannibal Lector mask which isn't really relevant, but allows the image to borrow an extra dose of horror.

This image is actually not so very different in nature to the inhuman, robotic milking in the previous mitchmen post, but this time the feelings of the victim, though once again suppressed, are made very plain, not hidden behind a mask. The two pictures in this group share this characteristic and it elevates them to a higher level of artistic quality. 

The rendering of the man's physique is notably more successful here than the other examples in this series. That's not so true of the rendering of the hellish setting which is relatively crude (and understandably vague!). However, by a fortuitous circumstance that actually heightens the sense of confusing, unreality.


I don't have a site or a gallery link for Ridley. These images are quite old, but it's possible he's working under another name now.

Read this mitchmen series from Ridley Part 1

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Art by Ridley 2

Ridley - Mechanised Torture 1

 This group of images by Ridley are collectively named 'Mechanised Torture' on the copies I have, but 'mechanised' doesn't seem quite the right word for this sci-fi, robotic milking fantasy. This is quite an early example of rendering, I can trace it back to 2005, but it's pretty convincing. All 4 images are derived from the same basic composition.


Ridley - Mechanised Torture 2

The basic fetish ingredients here are much the same as 'Hospital' in the last post, except that the mask has been transferred to the 'patient'. I don't know if it's purpose is to anaesthetise him, drug him, silence him or subject him to the additional torment of breath control. 

From this angle you can see there's a noticeable separation between the milked man and the milking device, in fact the chair and the robot are not physically connected at all. It creates an acute sense of  cold, inhuman purpose which is underlined by the crudity of the claw-like attachment and the jumbo sized, anal plug (although the smoothly-knobbed surface of the plunger seems to imply sensual intentions). Other than that, the helpless subject is offered no secondary stimulation other than raw fear to help him produce the goods.

Ridley - Mechanised Torture 3

In this viewpoint Ridley makes the inhumanity of the scenario clear by showing an row of faceless, sexless humanoids seemingly witnessing the proceedings in some way. Terms like 'audience' and 'observers' scarcely seem appropriate for these mannikin-like figures. They show no signs of emotion or sentience which we can recognise. By contrast, we glimpse the human personality of the captive for the first time in a cascade of youthful hair seeming to sprout from the mask itself. 

The dummies seem to be an attempt to create an artistic statement about male sexuality. There's the sense of a public judicial or military punishment in some ways, but I suspect this is simply a demonstration being conducted in an Alien lecture on human biology. But I don't claim to fully understand the significance of the imagery other than it's weirdness.

Ridley - Mechanised Torture 4

This image differs from the first only in the addition of a smoking cigar in the captive's mouth. I can't say for certain if this is an original ingredient or an adaptation by someone else. It seems inconsistent with the clinical context of the other images. However, it does fit with the idea of the mask being used to control what the subject breathes, but I confess that I have never smoked and don't really have a feel for how the smoking fetish 'works' in general, let alone in a context like this. I'd welcome enlightenment from readers who do!

Read this mitchmen series from Ridley Part 1

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Art by Ridley 1


Ridley - Hospital

This improbably-named piece by Ridley follows a well-trodden path at mitchmen, depicting a man strapped in a chair and being subjected to what looks like mechanical milking. 

e.g. see Ehrlik - Test Subject,  Ron-9 - Medical Research ,  Sardax - Milk Machine,   A man named N - Alien Conversion,   Arsch - Stress Test

This example of the genre differentiates itself immediately by the distinctive quality of the render which is crisp and vividly coloured. That effect doesn't quite match the run-down, seedy appearance of this 'Hospital' but creates a heightened sense of the unreal, matching no doubt the intensity of the patient's experience.

The hunky, rubber-clad attendant, poised to press the start button. is an even more original element. He's definitely not wearing regulation PPI, but it looks like top quality, specialist equipment and is intimidating purely on that account, even if it's practical purpose is not exactly clear. 

I don't claim great familiarity with rubber fetish although I do enjoy the tight clingy fit of rubber clothing. For some it's about the smell and feel of the substance. At more intense levels of usage, the water resistant qualities come into play and masks move the pleasure of a tight-fit into the eerie realms of breath control.  These sensations primarily benefit the wearer, but rubber ensembles, particularly with masks, create a sense of differentness, strangeness and anonymity for on-lookers that feels both threatening and exciting at the same time. 

If this patient saw this 'carer' before he was blindfolded he would have good reason to feel intimidated, terrified even. As it is, he knows he is stark naked and trapped in an open, defenceless position, gagged and unable to see (or even hear, I think). He felt them strapping electro pads on his biceps and abdomen and must be praying they are only there to take readings. He's also conscious that a plug of considerable size has been introduced into his ass hole and that a sleeve has been slid over his dick (which I suppose was given a comforting massage beforehand to ensure a snug fit). However, he has little idea of the complex and powerful electro-pneumatic systems that are about to agitate both these attachments and subject him to a 'push and pull' extraction cycle of considerable vigour.

It's clear that this man's milk is going to be collected, not just spilt on the floor, but a single chair doesn't qualify as a milking factory in the mitchmen book and this set-up seems too complex and labour intensive to be replicated on a large scale in adjacent cubicles. This looks more like a lab rat scenario, poor man!

For other mitchmen milking images, click on the label just below the post

Monday, 7 March 2022

101 Uses for a Belt - No 7, Hobbling Feet

Keeping your captives on their toes is always sensible in a metaphorical sense. 
As a practical exercise it is also a handy way of maintaining their calf muscles.  
For special occasions it makes a memorable reprimand of adjustable length.
Hobbling, combined with semi-suspension also makes a compact, storage method,
with no risk of falling over or flailing legs! 

This is another picture whose simplicity and implied stress I just love.
Feet can be surprisingly expressive!

The man in control, smugly taking a picture of the captive for posterity (and Instagram I suppose) looks suitably unprepossessing and seedy. This is probably not the sort of opportunity which normally comes his way. It looks like he has stripped his acquisition naked and what we can see suggests he has a decent figure. The unconventional brown straps he has used to detain his victim hint at unusual interests or plain improvisation. They all look very new. 

What has this man gotten himself into? 


For other posts in this mitchmen series click on the 'Belts' label below

Friday, 4 March 2022

Vintage Bondage - Dean Spencer

Dean Spencer tormented by Andrew Lennox

 This is the stunning cover photo for the 2000 video, 'Fetish Sex Fights -3' made by Zeus in collaboration with CanAm (the early, erotic wrestling site). In this video, Dean Spencer (left) has volunteered to be trained by a Master and Andrew Lennox duly obliges. This crucifixion image comes from the final scene which only lasts two and a half minutes, but is superbly erotic.


 The scene opens with Dean Spencer  standing before a T-post mounted on a small plinth. He is naked apart from his boots and we can see he has a trim muscular body, a severely trimmed groin and long, legs with thick thighs.

At this point he's already been stripped, physically tormented and sexually used by Lennox but has remained defiant throughout. Now he waits patiently for his next ordeal. His head is bowed submissively, his eyes downcast.

Sadly, good quality stills for this scene seem to be non-existent apart from the cover image, the images reproduced here are screenshots from the film, blown up and somewhat foggy!


The Master returns. He too wears nothing but his boots and you can immediately see that he is a big man. No doubt he's pleased to see Dean has remained exactly where he left him and still keeps his eyes respectfully averted as he has been told he must do.


He places his hand on Dean's chest as though he can't quite believe this exceptionally attractive man has become his plaything and has to check he's real. Dean's raised nipples are a magnet for Lennox in this video. 

In this shot you get more sense of Lennox the Master's bulk.


He runs his hand over Dean's torso, dropping down to stroke his nearly hairless abdomen but stops short of touching his tightly-strapped cock, instead moving behind him. 

Slow, sensual contacts like this are a feature of this and other Zeus films, it pauses the action and shows off the physiques of the models generating a sexual tension between them. And between them and us! It's a feast for edgers and I personally enjoy it but action seekers may find it frustrating.


Lennox takes Dean's wrist and attaches it to the arm of the T-bar (using the clips provided!).

Dean does not resist.

We realise at this point that Dean's wrists have not actually been restrained up until now, although his ankles are, they are shackled to eyelets fixed to the platform to prevent escape (see 1). 


Lennox attaches Dean's other wrist to the opposite end of the T-bar, placing him in full restraint with his chest stretched wide. We get a nice view of the Master's rather succulent torso and a glimpse of his cock ring which is tantalisingly erotic.


With his sub safely restrained, Lennox quickly homes in on those nipples. Dean averts his eyes as though he finds it distasteful. Possibly that's because they've already received a great deal of attention in earlier scenes. His cock shows little sign of arousal stubbornly flaccid. There's another nice shot here of the master's chunky body.


For me, this shot is gloriously erotic. Deans undulating torso is beautifully highlighted, also the incongruous absence of hair and shaping on his deep abdomen which seems to make him seem more than simply naked. Doubly undressed you might say and the hint of grow-back serves to somehow emphasise that. Lennox's hands, placed flat on either side of it demonstrate his control. 

The tiny glimpse of Dean's cock-strap, not quite hidden by the Master's head, tells us exactly what is going on and is surely much more sexy than an explicit, graphic shot. It's as if Dean's entire body is channelling downwards towards his Master and being sucked in, devoured.


This is almost a comic moment. Dean's equipment still shows little sign of responding and Lennox sits back as though he can't quite believe it. Dean seems to be frowning too, but his spread arms seem to be saying, "What can I do? It's got a mind of it's own!' 

Personally I don't find this state unattractive, it seems to cry out for comfort. 

Beyond this focus of attention this is a nice shot of the restrained man with arms pulled back. It shows off his thick thighs a treat, I'd love to see them clad in tight shorts (in the manner of Scott of London).  


Lennox gamely has another go, his hands gliding up across Dean's torso to encourage him. His crouching figure looks good but there's a submissive element in it. As ever in these scenarios, one starts to wonder who is really the Master here? 

However, Dean's restraint in this image looks more severe than it first appeared. We realise that the post he's tied to leans backwards and since his feet are shackled astride it, he's pinned in a continuously off-balance position which he can't recover from. The relatively loose restraint doesn't help, it amplifies his vulnerability.


It's only fair to point out that Dean has been wrestled, screwed and produced a generous ejaculation just before this scene, so this state of affairs is not remarkable, let alone a reflection on his prowess. 

Strangely enough his physique does seem diminished and awkward in this shot, whereas Lennox grows in stature.


This is supposed to be an S&M movie so Lennox responds by slapping Dean's torso.
It's another great shot of them both with Dean recoiling from the assault.


 Dean looks suitably chastised and bewildered here, but he certainly hasn't lost any of his sexiness. The V-shape of his faintly haired groin arrowing down and framing his root here is extraordinarily erotic. Lennox seems to be brushing the bush with his thumb.


Being able to respond to pain in a sexual manner is the ultimate test of a sub.
Lennox continues to encourage him with clawing .......


.... and also by pinching, he just can't resist those tits!

Dean's agonised responses perhaps compensate his Master for his lack of response lower down, especially as there's not just pain in his facial expression, but resentment too. It's a demonstration of Dean's natural aptitude for this type of scenario.


Lennox stands, assuming even more intimidating bulk and raising his hand threateningly.
Pinned and helpless, Dean shrinks (no irony intended!)

It's a great confrontation image. 

At about this point, the photo at the top of this post would fit nicely, but the ball tweaking shown there doesn't actually happen in the final movie, possibly it was thought too risky.


As Dean recoils from another slap his body seems to grow again , the equal of his attacker. His head turns away but he is not cowed. In fact it's almost disdainful. Lennox ends up touching him gently as though regretting his violence. 

You get an impression in this movie that Lennox is greatly attracted to Dean. Dean has a gift for looking petulant and resentful all the time, but there are moments in the wrestling sequence where he's clearly having fun too.

No actors were harmed in the making of this movie. In fact, the violence is very mild, slaps and punches are held back and indicative rather than authentic. The stills exaggerate the effect.

It's a marvel to me how the Zeus photographer regularly manages to crop these live shots so that a tiny bit of cock ring shows, reminding us that this man is nude and something interesting is just out of the picture. Showing his cock is not a legal issue when you have frontals elsewhere, but it's a sexy 'signature'.


Lennox, frustrated, raps Dean on the chest with his fist.

Both models look great here. We get the best view yet of Lennox's chunky physique, nicely sheened from their exertions (and another glimpse of cock-ring!). Dean's stretched out body is no less impressive with the restraint obvious even though it's all out of shot. His body is defenceless and we are treated to his stand-out nipples, thick thighs and even a touch of buttock shaping in the shadow.


Lennox seems to be saluting him here as he prepares to go,

 "I'll be back" is his ominous parting shot.

The pose gives us an even better shot of his competition-standard physique. His mannish face is a great pairing with Dean's 'pretty boy' appeal.


Dean watches him go looking tired and dejected.


Dean is battered, bruised and now rejected, but his inner fire has clearly not been extinguished. He looks serious, as he digests in Lennox's last remark with the implication that he will not be released just. He has to stay and suffer more tests. For how long has not been revealed to him.


 A shift in the lighting reveals a trickle of body fluid down his torso. It seems an apt echo of the sorrow and weariness that shows in his face. You don't need to be an expert to spot that it's not sweat, it's too thick. 

Lennox isn't shown spitting on him in the film, although it's a logical reaction. It might have been edited out. The only other explanation is that it's the cum that Lennox deposited on him during their sexual interlude. If so it wasn't very obvious prior to this shot but you can decide for yourselves what it is. At one time either of these would have spelled out his humiliation and contempt for Dean, but such rituals are now so commonplace that they barely register.


The light fades and Dean is left in his increasingly uncomfortable, leaning position to contemplate his situation, trapped as the sub to the mighty Lennox, who seems increasingly besotted with him. He's got time to think about his real life, the things he's supposed to be doing and when if ever he will be able to get back to them.


There's an essential simplicity about this brief scene - just two men and a cunningly-designed post - that I find extremely satisfying. It barely qualifies as S&M and yet it is the essence of that genre, the absence of intense punishment means that we see better the two men and the relationship between them.

'Fetish Sex Fights 3' has a bland rather uninformative title and the Lennox-Dean segment  (1 of 3) has an equally mystifying label 'London vs Sydney, Rubber Rumble' (reflecting the wrestling content). However, this tiny glimpse of the action should tell you that the full movie is a lot more interesting than the title suggests. The  You can view it at Can-Am.

The mitchmen, 'Vintage Bondage' Series:

There's also some retro stuff in my Muscles and Rope series, notably No 11 (Steve Landless by Zeus), No 15 (Robert Black at CanAm & Beau Hopkins at Zeus), No 19 (Can-Am) and No 20 (Rocco De Vega, Zeus). 

This group highlights the issue at what point does a picture become vintage?

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Tips For Your Holiday - No 7

Kyle was hoping that the men in this beautiful country would be as exotic as everything else.
A barman tipped him off about a cruising area and he went looking for it without telling his friends.
And he just disappeared, they never even found his speedos.


Holiday Tip:  Don't assume that the resort environment is the same as at home.

When seeking out the gay cruising areas in foreign lands,
Make sure you know which routes are best to avoid.
Don't wander off the beaten track


This is Holiday Tip No 7, for others click on the label at the foot of this post