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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Mitchell’s A-Z of Fetish Artists - Fillion

Patrick Fillion is a professional comic illustrator of considerable standing and has produced a large amount of uncompromisingly gay and intensely sexy artwork.
Fillion - Unzipping

His work often features restraint, bondage or domination. But you will also find spanking, (as in the early example here) golden showers, cbt and a number of less common interests - electro, piercing and catheters for example. All are excellently depicted.

Fillion - Chased and Spanked

A good deal of his work is fantastical in nature and his trademark could said to be the morphing of humans with animal characteristics notably Camili Cat who is constantly being captured and assaulted by tactile aliens.

Fillion - Camili-Cat
These mixed breeds of human and animal flirt with animal fetishes which are a whole different realm to mere torture and bondage. I’m sure many guys will find it exciting but I find the animalised faces something of a turn-off. Fortunately their bodies have all the important male characteristics in ample proportions. I will admit that the sexual contact between man-like creatures and aliens (or plants) can be erotic providing it is convincingly drawn. I have a weakness for ‘tentacle pictures’ myself. But for me, the erotic charge in ‘Poor Kitty Cat’ comes from the muscular hero being contorted into a painful position by the stronger creature, helpless to resist the probing examination of the contents of his pants.

The apparently fanciful fairy and snake picture is another rather clever take on this theme and gets more erotic the more you study it.

The snake is the epitome of strength and evil lust from his dripping mouth to his phallic shaped tail. The boy fairy is cute - but perhaps not entirely innocent, judging by his tattoos and his erection as he contemplates the snakes next move. This picture stands in a long tradition of ’good guys’ in danger and at the mercy of animals representing the sexual beast.

It is unnecessary to comment on Patrick’s technical skills - just look at the hands and feet in these pictures. The background work, in the last picture for example, oozes style.

Fillion - Fox

Sometimes you do have to look quite hard as the cartoons are often packed with detail and the scenes may feature multiple, intertwining participants. The hard edged cartoon style with intensely dark shadowing can sometimes be unhelpful in complex situations like this as the black tends to ‘grab the eye’ and come forward when you want it to recede. I think the eye becomes accustomed to this in the context of a comic and since there is a whole generation of cartoonists successfully using identical techniques, who am I to quibble? Patrick’s ability to pour sensuous sex into the frame makes every one worth a look and his suspension and stretching bondage images are first class.

For more visit his website -

If you want to read the earlier articles in this series, click on the A-Z label below

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Mitchell’s A-Z of Fetish Artists - Facchini

Facchini is a relatively new arrival and his style is still developing but his pictures have made a great impact on me. He shows men in bondage being chastised by authority. They are not pretty boys but adult men with attractive physiques. They are often hairy but their hair (including head hair) is depicted as though it is growing back after having been shaved off.

 Facchini - Prison 2 Transfer to Medics

Facchini depicts tortures and medical treatments but he also does scenes like the prisoner being prepared for his punishment (above). The guards are unattractive and casual creating a sense of an uncaring, unstoppable bureaucratic process. The prisoner has no hope.

Facchini - On Your Knees
The prisoner kneeling before the judge is a particular favourite of mine. It is not unusual for prisoners to wear restraints for court appearances but this degree of immobilisation and bondage suggests that the prisoner is violent and unpredictable. This enables us to enjoy his humiliation with a clear conscience. The authorities are demonstrating firmness and resolve forcing him to bow before a judge whose theatrical garb he would no doubt ridicule if he were free.That wedge under his shins is a nice, nasty touch!
Facchini’s technique could fairly be described as unpolished, but the mixture of sketchy backgrounds and more detailed primary figures is actually quite effective.
Facchini doesn’t have a website but publishes pictures from time to time at the GMBA Google group which I can recommend as a constant source of fetish art of all sorts. Current link in sidebar.

There is also an exhibition of his work attached to this blog
Visit Facchini Exhibition.
(Original Facchini Exhibition Announcement)

If you want to read the earlier articles in this series, click on the A-Z label below

Monday, 12 January 2009

Mitchell’s A-Z of Fetish Artists - Falkon

Falkon (aka Graewolf) was a contemporary of Tom and Etienne and some of his work drew heavily on Etienne images (a source of controversy in some quarters). The picture shown illustrates his style which is slightly naïve - but the graceful anatomy is very pleasant.
Falkon - Stewpot

 Notice the 'locals' here are white, I'm not sure whether this makes it non-racist
 or whether it's adding insult to injury.

Despite the Etienne influences, much of his work is totally original featuring highly adventurous subjects like cannibalism (as in ‘stew pot’ here), burning and electrocution of genitals and suspension by same. This dramatic subject matter almost goes off the far end of the scale of fetishism but it is usually presented in a disarming, comic fashion that it is unlikely to cause offence. 

Falkon should also be commended for his ground breaking book - “Gay Art - a historic collection” first published in 1972 and recently reissued by Arsenal Pulp Press. It contains fascinating information on the ‘pioneers’ of gay art.
If you want to read the earlier articles click on the A-Z label below

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Mitchell’s A-Z of Fetish Artists - Fluide Glacial - Solé

Today’s picture is by an artist I originally labelled as 'Fluide Glacial' (hence it's inclusion under the letter 'F') but really that's just the name of a french magazine that published these pictures under the headline 'Son of Tom of Finland'.

My thanks to 'JF', the french artist who did some detective work and discovered the artist's real name is Jean Solé (Updated June 2011)
.Solé - Gilbert and Jerome go shopping at Auchan

They are not really fetish pictures at all although they are sprinkled with fetishistic imagery. I thought the quality of the work deserved a ‘mention in despatches‘ and I would be very surprised if more fetishist examples do not exist.

The style is highly reminiscent of Tom of Finland not only in technique but in the humour and in the characterisation of the black security guard.

If you want to read the earlier articles click on the A-Z label below

Saturday, 10 January 2009

A New Look - and a new series for mitchmen

We have a slightly new look at 'mitchmen' from today. I've introduced a bit of colour into the banner to make it more interesting. I'm keeping the 'tied up gardener' image as it always seems to excite newcomers and represents my interests quite well.
The next set of articles posted here will feature a new letter in the A-Z of fetish artists - the letter 'F'. Here to whet the appetite is a picture by Futoshi which expresses quite a lot of what fetish art is all about without even resorting to nudity - nice!
I have lots of artists to choose from for 'F' - Faccini, Frey, Fillion, Franco, Fury, Fujimoto, Fuwa, Funayama and more besides. This could be interesting! As usual I will sift through the contenders and discard those that do not really qualify as 'fetish artists'. In other words those artists who only 'dabble' occasionally in uniforms, bondage, S and M, torture and all the myriad other little obsessions that colour our world. This is a purely subjective judgement on my part but I won't exclude any artist whose contribution has been memorable even if it has been small in quantity. CGI artists are also excluded to keep the list manageable. I hope to review them at a later date but at our present speed it won't be this year! If you want to read the earlier A-E articles click on the A-Z label below

Friday, 9 January 2009

Mitchell's 'In Praise of Sailors' - 20 - Seamen Spanked and Cuffed

Today’s sailors come from my latest, 'Drunken Sailor' series
where they are put through various humiliations and punishments after reporting drunk (74).


In most of the pictures they have lost their trousers at the least - so no Tom-like bulges I’m afraid. No awed respect for the uniform either. The sailors get a good going over as these two examples show. Well, mitchmen is about putting men in their place after all.

No 75 has quite an interesting background. The cross legged cuffing is based on a newspaper photograph printed some years ago showing the actor Sean Penn after he had been arrested for brawling. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it and just had to incorporate the image in my portfolio.

You can view the complete set of drawings for ‘ThePress Gang’ and ’The Drunken Sailor’ at my Google Group (link in side bar)

I hope you have enjoyed my cruise round the world of sailor-dom. I know many mitchmen members also love the genre and there will be more pictures to come from my own hand and no doubt other artists too.

To round off here’s another sailor in bondage from Etienne (76). The series is called ‘Sailor Beware’ but this is from the first picture in it, so it’s a bit late for the warning!


The End

Read this series from episode 1

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Mitchell's 'In Praise of Sailors' -19 Building Site Workmen Press-Ganged

If you have been following my ‘sailor blogs’ you won’t need me to explain my fascination with these men, triggered by war movies in my formative years and the drawings of Tom of Finland. Sailors featured in my very earliest pictures and since I started showing my work on the web they have elbowed their way to the front in a couple of series:- ‘The Press Gang’ and ‘The Drunken Sailor’.

The Press Gang setting is in the British Royal Navy and the sailors here are agents of authority, acting under orders to abduct and subjugate a group of muscular builders so they can be forced to serve as seamen (72).


In these pictures it was the builders rather than the sailors who were the erotic objects
 - although I tried to make the Navy boys as cute as possible (73).

This picture gives a rare outing for forced haircut fetish. We all know how much gay men like short haircuts and shaving, but how rare it is to see these interests in picture form. There is also a shaving picture in the Drunken Sailor series (see next post).

The Sailor's role in the story was to represent the power of authority in uniform to dominate raw masculinity. The fact that the builders were mature men while the sailors were distinctly youthful gave a nice extra twist of humiliation to their plight.

Read this series from episode 1