Jero - Chase at the Spank Clinic |
These images by Jero give the world created by the great, gay artist
Franco a fresh new look. 'Chase' here experiences a rotating paddle spanking machine, similar to
Dr Bottomthrob's Spanking Machine and the Spankinator (below). The mad Professor too is straight out of the Franco playbook of cruel professional spankers. However, Jero's muscular victim, indisputably adult and clad in a delightful white jock strap, is entirely his own invention. He squirms in his restraints, gleaming with a mix of nervous perspiration and sheer sweat induced by the energetic battering his buns are suffering
The 'patient's' restraint arrangement is also original and testing in itself. It involves suspension and straddling of a platform that only allows his toes to touch the floor while a lock bar attached to his balls inhibits any attempt to arch forwards out of the range of the whizzing paddles. I imagine their rotation can be reversed to better punish the opposite buttock. Their blurred motion is hard to make out at first but leaves little doubt that the bite bar in the jock's mouth is an essential, humane accessory. The jock's clothes discarded onto a chair at the side are a great detail that prompts us to imagine his discomfort as he strips in the opening scenes of this painful encounter.
Franco - Spankinator Machine |
Franco's clinician has a more business-like appearance almost debonair.
Behind him an array of alternative treatments for men's ailments.
I must say, Jero's concept of a 'Spank Clinic' intrigues me.
Is it a place where spanking is a therapy?
A place where hopefuls learn the art of being spanked?
A place where spankers learn to spank effectively?
Or simply a place where a spanking punishment is carried out
in a clinical fashion, professionally and dispassionately?
Jero - Stepbrother's troubles |
Franco is equally renowned for conventional hand-spanking imagery, but once again Jero brings his own unique touches to this scenario with another victim of enviable, sweat-soaked muscularity, striking a balletic pose and desperately reaching toward us in a feat of perspective that Franco would never have used.
Jero graphically brings out the young man's shock and anguish at the intensity and humiliation of his OTK punishment. The anger and venom of the ghoulish, weedy, parent figure who is dispensing the chastisement is also vividly captured. Jero's exaggerated facial expressions sometimes move his images out of sexy into grotesque comic caricature, but this one is nicely balanced.
The stepbrother looking gleefully in at the window to witness the big jock's come-uppance looks like a nod to Jonathan who had a bit of a thing about public humiliation. The jock's untidy room, littered with sporty items, weights and discarded clothing is full of interesting detail. It is perhaps the reason for his punishment.
Jero - Creepy Doctor's Strange Examination
This jock has yet to discover what awaits him. His referral to this Doctor was for a reason unknown to us but it appears to involve his nether regions. A sporting injury perhaps, an unexpected lump or simply not feeling himself for a while. Being asked to strip naked for his examination might have seemed unusual, doing so without the benefit of a curtain screen might have been a surprise, but then he was accustomed to undressing in front of his mates in the locker room and the Doctor was a senior professional man, so he instinctively did as he was told.
Now he's wondering how he came to be so comprehensively restrained. The strange examination chair was entirely new to him and he was mystified to discover that the seat was barely big enough to perch on, but it made more sense when the Doctor lifted his legs into the thigh supports. It felt less precarious and more comfortable that way, just a little awkward and embarrassing.
The Doctor's explanation of why his thighs had to be strapped into the supports seemed perfectly reasonable at the time. When he started to do the same with his left wrist the jock felt more alarmed and questioned why, but the Doctor's grip was strong and his matter of fact explanation confused the young man. In the short time it took to wrap his wrist with the leather strap and secure the buckle, he couldn't summon up the courage to oppose the Doctor's intimidating professional manner.
The right wrist was a different matter and he whined anxiously and resisted at first in a panic, but by that time he was already three-quarters spread-eagled and the Doctor's show of irritation and firm grip overcame his last ditch objections without very much difficulty. The Doctor's final step was to open out the thigh supports, spreading the jock's legs wide, there was a click on each side as the locking device on each one activated. It left the jock in an uncomfortable position and he felt highly vulnerable but once the Doctor left him, he soon confirmed that even his highly trained thigh muscles were able to close the leg supports again.
Behind him he heard the Doctor murmuring over his notes and sorting out his equipment. He craned his neck round but in his recumbent position couldn't see what he was doing. He felt a rising tide of panic creeping up through his body.
"Doctor, what are you going to do to me?" he moaned.
Jero - Testing The New Milker
This image is not connected to the one above but suggests a possible outcome. In Jero's title it's described as a test although it's not entirely clear whether it's the machine or just the student that's being tested. There's an element of Sci-Fi mind control going on via the blue-lit arms enclosing the subject's head and he believes he is obliged to cum over and over again in order to earn an extra credit from the professor.
His personal sperm production equipment looks hugely impressive, but after 8 loads his body is flagging and his demanding mentor is about to bring the prostate stimulator into action. We might suppose that will be a new experience for him, a ride to remember, but whether it will induce the desired production is another matter.
Jero - Creamerie |
Mandatory Milking was another Franco speciality but this image by Jero owes little to him. Rather this image of a muscle man gagged strapped to chair and being milked by vacuum tube seems to share the inspiration (or vice versa) of the Jakarta clip featured in last years
Milking Parlour post. The captive's muffled appeal for help and the circumstances of his discovery set out in the accompanying narrative are cast in similar vein.
Jero, however, has chosen to focus on the fate of this single man, rather than a whole roomful, isolating him for good measure in an empty space that barely qualifies as a room. It creates a terrific atmosphere for the piece and a scary one for the unfortunate man being milked. One can imagine hidden spectators able to watch through the opaque walls.
Jero - Prostate Stimulator |
This scene has a similar erotic theme and might be more aptly titled as 'Decontamination Protocol' for these black suited men are not aliens or space pirates but members of the spaceship's medical team. In in a delicious reversal of the normal hierarchy they are carrying out their decontamination procedure on the ship's Commander.
Apparently it's his huge balls that give him away and though he protests he is not contaminated they are determined to drain him and that requires the him to lie on his back legs in the air, not very dignified for a man in his position, especially if it is all a mistake. The purpose of course is to permit ease of access for the 'prostate stimulator' which is being called into action (we are told) after 3 discharges have been deemed insufficient. The device is surprisingly low-tech considering the setting, although we are told it has an amazing ability to burrow into the tightest hole. Manually controlled by a member of his crew, it's another layer of embarrassment for the Captain whose masculine self-image is eloquently expressed by his carefully shaped beard.
The aerial viewpoint here (a particularly useful feature of rendering) makes for an attractive image with the three medics flanking the decontamination table in a neatly balanced compostion.
Jero - Test Subject |
In this final variant of the milking theme Jero goes a bit crazy with a fully automated milking machine that strips and processes volunteers without the need for human intervention. These flexible robotic arms also feature in
Ehrlik's Test Subject. His is a contrasting, calmer treatment, not funny but sexy.
It looks as if the strip phase still needs a little refinement and though the jock's dance on the table is entertaining, it might be advisable to try and to stabilise him better if you want to use needles and plugs to enhance his responses. Studs being recruited from a nearby gym by the promise of $50 seems plausible but there won't be too many more takers if they end up with ripped underwear and bruised butts.
Platoon 69 for onwards links to all Jero art at mitchmen