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Friday, 3 January 2020

Milking Factory 4 is mitchmen Most Popular New Post of 2019

 At this time of year it is my custom to review the last year's posts to see which attracted the most visitors. This year I have changed my approach by including some posts from the previous year which were published too late to get fair recognition last time and ranking them all based on a time-averaged hit rate. The full rationale for this change is explained here.

Detail of Sarander's 'Alien Semen Farm' (from Milking Factories-4)

According to my Blogger 'view count' stats, the 20 posts listed below
 are the most-visited mitchmen articles out of the 127 published in 2019
 This total compares with 119 in 2018. The titles have links to the individual posts.

2019 Most Popular Post
Table based on average hit rate (not total hits)
2019 Rank
(total hits rank)
Hit Rate
1 (1)
2 (2)
Dec '18
3 (7)
4 (5)
5 (11)
6 (13)
7 (4)
8 (18)
9 (6)
Dec '18
10 (16)
1036 est
11 (20)
12 (10)
Nov '18
13 (14)
14 (8)
Sep '18
15 (9)
Aug '18
16 (19)
17 (22)
18 (12)
Dec '18
19 (23)
20 (15)
21 (17)
22 (21)
Stats collected on 31st December 2019

This new style ranking contains a large number (6) of 2018 posts but 4 of them (including the highest 3) were published in December or November 2018 so their inclusion is not very hard to justify. I excluded Wrestling Arsenal (also from December 2018) because it actually made the 2018 list - an exceptional occurrence. The 2 posts from earlier in 2018 are slightly more controversial, but their hit counts have been averaged over a much longer period and so demonstrate a significant sustained interest which what this exercise aims to identify. However I have also included 2 extra 2019 posts in the list to allow readers to cancel out these 'anomalies' if they wish

The rankings in brackets are based on the old-style 'total hits' method which obviously favours older articles but doesn't change the top spots as much as you might expect.

The list is dominated by the three 'Milking Factory' posts at 1, 3 and 7 which have emulated the spectacular success of their predecessors, helped a little, I suspect, by the introduction of the 'Popular Posts' sidebar at the blog which has been dominated by this series recently and channels more readers to view them. The winner this year (reproduced above) was way ahead of the second-placed article but at 2949 did not quite manage to catch the previous years scores of Wrestling Arsenal (an exceptional 9195) and IFNB (3096). Wrestling Arsenal would have also finished 5th in this years list had I included it, but enough is enough!

The success of the Milking articles was not a surprise but the appearance of Homoeros Gallery at No2 was. This article is no more than a guide to that artist's websites but there was a surge in visits in the closing weeks of the year which lifted it into this lofty position. 
It's a reflection of the level of interest in the artist.

Seeing 'Kasee's Humiliation' at No 4 did please me. This is (almost)the 'wrestling' article I have always wanted to write, ever since I saw a handsome novice being thoroughly humiliated by an old hand on late night TV many years ago. (I say 'almost' because the 'victim' in the match I remember more resembled Kasee's tormentor, Cason, and his nemesis was much bigger and older). Anyway, Kasee and his handsome tormentor followed up the previous success of wrestling articles on Wrestling Arsenal (2018) and Mitch Colby (2017). The 'Humiliation of Chace La Chance' (great body, terrible name!),  published in May, narrowly missed inclusion but has a chance(!) of making next years list.

There are 8 'Art of ...' articles in the list this year headed up by the excellent Ephorox, a long overdue arrival at this blog. Ivan Bubentkov was a notable and worthy beneficiary of the change in my ranking inclusion criteria, I recently discovered more of his work I hope to share here in 2020. The retrospective feel of his art was complemented by 2 golden oldies – Colt and Hasegawa. These two are genuinely great artists and I'm glad my followers appreciate them too. Modern artists TooBoShoo and Chuckie79 missed the hit count criteria this year but look certain to feature in next years list. Only 3 of the top 20 articles were based purely on photographs (Kasee, Get Carter! and Taken off the Street-1). It reminds me that although I like to have a varied magazine format at this blog, most visitors come for the Art.

The Hasegawa article is another minor anomaly in this years list. This was a comprehensive rewrite of my 2009 A-Z article on him but, unusually for 'upgrades', I published it completely anew this year. That's why I've included it in the 2019 list (plus the fact that I admire him so much!). I had to adjust the hit count to isolate this years figure. Unfortunately, (and astonishingly) the original article had never made it's way into my 'top articles' spreadsheet so I had no record of the opening count for 2019, I've had to rely on memory, hence the est(imate) tag in the table, but I am certain he's in the right position.

Hasegawa was part of an informal 'Asian Festival' which I instigated this year, prompted by the slightly embarrassing realisation that Chace La Chance's opponent, Jessie Lee, was probably the first model of Asian heritage to ever get decent exposure here (although I have featured Asian artists here many times, so don't shout at me!). Most of these articles were in the second half of the year and missed this year's cut. I plan to run this feature into the New Year with posts on Fundoshi and the Speedo erotica that Asian men seem to have made their own.

I've put more of myself into the blog in recent years so I'm gratified to see one of my own pictures (and it's one of my personal favourites) in the top 20 again this year - Sports Star Kidnap at No 16. I was surprised however that the colourised 'nude' version didn't attract so many viewings. Perhaps many of you share my prediliction for modest, traditional underwear wearers in fetish encounters! Even more unexpectedly, 2 of my 'War Comic cuts' squeezed in at 15 and 18 (also helped by the rule change this year). These articles don't seem to generate much excitement when they are first published but the interesting fetish content (captives staked out or tied to railway lines) seems to have been recognised more gradually over the course of the year.

The appearance of last years MPP, 'Top Post' analyses at 7 and 20 is also flattering in a way and suggests new visitors are finding them interesting and helpful but I'd have preferred these places to have been occupied by meatier articles.

These small, personal successes have been some compensation for the upheaval of Yahoo zapping my permanent gallery which had been on display at the mitchmen group since 2007. As I write the fate of the mailing list seems to be hanging in the balance too, but we all move on and the replacement 'Club' at Adonis Male is shaping up to be an even better showcase.

Remember, this comparison is only made for entertainment, since I don't really know how accurate Google's stats are, I suspect they don't even count people who just browse through the blog roll.

Thank you to all my readers for your interest in my blog,
I will publish the updated all-time list of favourites shortly.

Happy New Year!

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