but his chauvinist attempts to go straight irk his more enlightened work colleaugues.
It looks like just the excuse to put Brock's gleaming torso on display. Enjoy.
Hard hats teeter on the brink of 'Silly' at times but Brock gets away with it here.
Too late Brock discovers it's his old friend from Kink, Sebastian Keys,who naturally makes straight for Brock's alluring nipples (with suction caps he always carries about his person).
I'm sure it's those inflated pecs that they can't resist.
Cock slapping? Punishment or not?
Brock tries getting into uniform as a cop, but his dominant side is no match for
Jordan A,
a parolee he supervises, who reacts badly to the threat of being returned to jail for smoking weed.
He forces Brock to eat his words (or something) in the time honoured way
Looks like Brock might find it pays to keep Jordan in circulation a while longer!
In desperation Brock tries the less stressful occupation of Woodland Security Guard,
But wouldn't you know it? Trouble follows him here too.
He discovers and rescues a kidnap victim (Brock is such a good guy really!)
only to be siezed himself by the gang of rednecks responsible.
They drag him off to their Woodland lair and mercilessly torment him with dicks and whips
- oh and a zapper borrowed from Bound Gods.
Brock still manages to look good in this rather testing folded-legs position.
After all these exertions a relaxing massage ought to be just the job,
but Rob Yaeger has other ideas, manpulating Brock into turning over
Not again! Brock must be thinking.
It's almost as if he's haunted by some sort of strange deity
who dances for joy whenever he sucumbs to another man.
(We've got a wallpaper-pasting table just like that,
but I don't think it would support two men going at it like this!)
Even when he's out for a walk with his hunky boyfriend (Jason Maddox in '
Spark-Plugged' ),
Brock ends up finding himself the object of comparison with Gustavo Brock (top right)
for who is best performer in a synchronised, bottoming competition.
Little wonder, then, that when Brock runs into Rocco Steele and sees his equipment,
he feels a little anxiety about what's about to happen.
Is this love at last or just another way of suffering?
My fantasies about Brock Avery, as recounted in these articles, are not in any meant to reflect his presonality or anything else about him in any way. It's all fiction apart from the imagery.
Nor is this little potted history of some of Brock Avery's work meant to be comprehensive or balanced and it's not presented in chronological sequence either. It's intended to be a genuine but highly selective letter of appreciation for a man who suffers for our pleasure gallantly and sexily and who works hard at looking great! More power to him.
Just as I was putting this article to bed I stumbled across more, very interesting stuff starring Brock
from independent producer '
Pervout' which has hit on the idea of promoting their films with extended GIF's including the splendid encounters reproduced below. I think it's a format which works really well, succinctly encapsulating the action but leaving you wanting to see more
(which 2 minute video trailers sometimes fail to do).
Brock (as Officer Avery) goes back to his suffering ways in this encounter with Jessie Colter in which he is also forced to don a 'Piggy' head. Jessie's hat lends a military, authoritarian air which works rather well. The way he almost embraces Brock, even while he is tormenting him is spookily erotic.
This scene with Pito Savage seems to sums up my fictional 'Suffering Brock'. It shows him undergoing a protracted 'wedging', a humiliation whose effectiveness stems not so much from the physical pain inflicted but from the absurdity of being punished by your own pants in undignified positions and the inability of the wearer to prevent it happening. That's graphically illustrated here with Pito's hulking muscle convincingly trumping Brock's gym-honed strength.

Lance Hart (seen here in cerise trunks) is another serial sufferer and his proclivities in this direction provide a rare opportunity for Brock to be the top for a change, an opportunity he seizes with relish as you can see. The slightly bizarre clothing works quite well for me. Brock's black tights and peaked cap make a half-decent master's outfit (lacking only a belt perhaps). It's erotic, tasteful and not excessively complicated which makes it highly practical for physical exertion. Lance's day-glo trunks seem to suggest a man with a confident personality, maybe a model, an aspiring super-hero perhaps, but whatever the case he's been painfully brought to heel by Brock. Nice
These four actors combine together for this scene which is crowded with visual S&M ingredients.
Some clever editing has injected a frenzied pace, which makes it look an incredibly exciting film.
A classic case of 'Less is More'. Would that all gay porn producers heeded this message!
where you will find all manner of surprises like this.