To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

The Humour of Bazz

Bazz - Computer 01
The wicked humour of Bazz is featured regularly at GMBA 
(current link in sidebar, Google zaps it occasionally)

Be aware that some of his work is not for the squeamish
 or those averse to political incorrectness.

See also Dream 06The Job

Bazz also has a Google group 'Best of Bazz'

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

The Looks that say 'Christmas Came Early This Year'

For anyone who is alone, or feels alone this Christmas

Santa seems to occupy a  parallel, elastic, time continuum on Christmas Eve
giving him enough time to deliver presents to all the boys and girls in the world.
But it's still a pretty hectic schedule, so he must feel a bit rushed sometimes.
A bit like an NHS Doctor I suppose.

He likes to give all the deserving, gay boys exactly what they ask for.
(partly to dispell those nasty rumours about him and Rudolph)
But the trouble is they all want the same thing, every year,
so it's understandable if it doesn't always come out quite as intended.
Particularly when the 'wish list' is a tattoo and it's presented like this.

There's a get out clause though.
The recipient is not really supposed to be awake when Santa cums.
So that makes him a bad boy really, not a good boy. 
But at least he got something for staying up.
The last lad on Santa's list may find there's nothing left in the sack.
Well, Santa's only human!

This is 'Look' No 15, for others click on the label below.
It's also an addendum to 'Silly Hat' No 10
Actually, the jaunty angle almost rescues it from being silly.
It's floppy tip is particularly poignant in this sad scene.
(click on 'Hats' label below for more Silly Hats)

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Life imitates Art

 Brenn Wyson (right) is a bit of a 'jobber' for Bound Gods and easily overlooked in porn star terms, but as this picture shows he has an enviable physique. He's seen here trying out his boy scout knots on Adam Port, a luckless hiker who picked the wrong day to go down to the woods.
Should have gone to the tattoo parlour, Adam.

This aerial, outdoor spreadeagled stretch looks most impressive and must feel pretty exposed and scary for the naked Adam Port. Behind him Wyson has given himself unrestricted space for wielding the leather flail that is essential equipment for every lurker-in-the-woods. That cute little ass makes a perfect target but he must be puzzling how to reach higher up when he gets bored with tattoed buns.

This bondage scenario is almost certainly inspired by the Cavelo image of captive cowboys being tortured by 'Native Americans' (btw why is 'native' more OK than 'indian'?)

which in turn was inspired by this pulp fiction illustration

See more on this connection in my A-Z article on Cavelo

Back in the woods....
The Bound Gods scene cleverly utilises a natural tree shape to create a restraining frame that allows the captive to rest his weight on his feet, but his legs are in a fairly stretched position that must have gotten pretty uncomfortable after a while. A longer stay (overnight for example) in a true captivity situation would exhaust the toughest man and if your tormentors returned in the morning equipped with staves, spears or just long, whippy branches cut from nearby trees, well.......look out Adam!

Adam Port's nudity makes him looks majestic from this direction, perfectly in tune with his surroundings but  the prospect of a frontal assault soon wipes out any complacency he may have developed about being out of reach.

A below-the-belt, very ouch! moment seems in prospect if Wyson's strike misses his mark. 

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Mitchell's Fetish Art for December - Feeding Time

Feeding Time
In the 'Long Gallery' of a luxurious, stately home,
a naked man sits, restrained, inside a slowly-filling aquarium tank.
Now that the water has risen above his head, he is reliant on a flimsy tube for air.
or else must make strenuous, awkward movements to lift his head above water.
Meanwhile his fellow occupants circle ominously, watching him tire.

Previously published as part of my 'Neighbourhood Police' Story,
but I thought it made a nice sequel to the October picture of the month .
The two pictures are contemporary with one another
and the formative influences discussed in October apply equally to this picture.
It would also fit in with the story outline presented in that article,
although I didn't plan to use it that way when I drew it.

For those who collect my pictures, this is a new copy  with less obtrusive watermarks

for other mitchmen pictures by Mitchell, click on the 'mitchpix' label below
or visit my Gallery Hub (using the tab at the top of the page) 

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

The Art of Ivan Bubentcov


Ivan Bubentcov is a Russian artist whose work caught my eye because of the stylistic likeness to the work of Tom of Finland. For example in this image you can see it in the faces/torso, the quirky poses, cheeky humour and simple background with winding path and trees. In fact this artist has a distinctive technique (evident in the foreground engine detail) which is retro in feel but quite different to ToF. However Bubentcov's reinvention of Kake-like, playful, highly masculine men is a relatively unusual and profound way to acknowledge the Finnish Master in the modern era.

These images come from a group of Tractor Driver pictures. Bubentcov's use of Farm worker imagery seems to echo Tom's fascination with Lumberjacks rather neatly, but if you look at the styling of this image you can see it's much influenced by 1930's design (e.g. the clouds) and Soviet 'Heroic Worker' art in the subject matter (albeit used subversively). Obviously there are less welcome comparisons between gay oppression in Russia now and in Tom's era which no doubt drives the use of sexual innuendo, but I don't think Tom was ever as obviously oblique as this.

Whilst this sauna scene might suggest more Tom connections it's really the closeness of Scandinavian and Russian culture that's responsible here and you'd never confuse this with a Tom picture. He's even emulated a steamy atmosphere. The faces here are recognisably Russian, which is to be applauded. The use of nettles for stimulating the skin is part of the sauna treatment but once again there's an interesting use of heavy innuendo, linking it to the younger man's bottom.

This sauna is depicted in more comic style and gets quite close to being explicit. The man in the foreground is delightfully drawn, long-legged and craggily handsome. He's not quite succeeding in covering his assets, but you have to look close, click to enlarge if required.

The two men inside the hut, ostensibly getting in some nettle thrashing practice, are obviously simulating a sexual position and the one on the bench seems to be signalling a preference with his dangling hand. But there's a curious twist to both bodies which shows balls resting on buttock if you look closely.

As hidden eroticism goes, this is pretty challenging. 

This image also flouts the existing order with man touching man's bottom in public and also in front of a (nosey) woman who's not outraged it seems but dismayed or even frightened. (Cue more Tom comparisons). I'm not quite sure what to make of the phallic cactus on her windowsill (balls and all, note). Perhaps it's a comment on female perceptions of men and their equipment, .

Presumably these are workmen but it might equally be an elopement scene with the ladder. I've seen a similar image based on the Rapunzel story, except that the rescuing hero is climbing past the window of the long haired maiden to reach the long haired man on the floor above. The political symbolism of ladders as escape devices needs no explanation. (Tom had his fences of course symbolising the opposite, entrapment and secrecy).


Bubentcov has a polished, more academic style as well. 
The faces he draws are infused with the same sense of masculinity and relaxed playfulness.

In the context of his Russian background, this image is a remarkable affirmation of homosexuality as a normal form of relationship and something beautiful, not just a method of sexual release. The combination of highly masculine stubble with delicate, almost feminine eyelashes and eyebrows goes further, making a provocative challenge to gender stereotyping. 
The style here is remarkably similar to that of RW Richards (below).

RW Richards - Amorous Cowboys
Artists often thrive in difficult circumstances, and it's good to see Bubentcov isn't surrendering to his.
I hope we will see much more art from this exciting new arrival on the scene.

For more visit the Bubentcov spread in 'Advocate'

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Mitchell's Fetish Art - Paul's Loco Peril

Mitchell - Paul's Loco Peril

This image may look familiar to you and yet different.

It's my reinterpretation of the War Comic cover art I posted  a couple of days ago as Bizarre Brutality No 2. In that article I fantasised about the sadistic captor forcing his captive to undress before tying him to the tracks. This is my visualisation of that alternative.

As I hoped, the melodramatic, winding bondage works quite well on bare skin, suggesting truly inescapable restraints (although this method isn't usually - if you have the time). But while the original captive raged at his predicament, this man shows his hardness as he calmly contemplates his fate. It's almost dreamlike in fact. 
I tried to give him a degree of maturity fitting for the sabotage role.

I originally planned to have him dressed in underpants of a more contemporary style, i.e. white, high-waisted and with prominent seams at the front where the opening is. Underwear which shouts out it's functionality in other words and would therefore be humiliating to be shown to the enemy. However, the sinuous shaping of his naked body (which resulted quite naturally from filling-in the outline of the original, clothed captive) seemed to warrant something skimpier. Since this man is supposed to be a French Resistance worker, I thought it perfectly possible that he might wear slinky, possibly silk, Parisian briefs under his trousers. Equally fertile ground for an enemies ridicule but in a different way. 

An alternative story line might see the sabotage of a coastal railway line attempted by members of the Special Boat Squadron (SBS, a sort of Navy Commando unit). When his wet suit is removed his sexy, swimming trunks are revealed. Or perhaps he didn't wear a wet suit.....

view Bizarre Brutality No 3

For other pictures by Mitchell, click on the mitchpix label 
or go to the Gallery Hub Tab (at the top of the page)

Friday, 14 December 2018

Homoeros Galleries Guide

Homoeros - 257d_tyler_the_blacksmiths_son_36

Homoeros has been in touch and tells me his primary site for new work now is at Patreon.
It has some free-to-view images, but a small subscription is required to view everything.
(Jul 2019)

The Homoeros Gallery at Deviant Art is back on the air.
The artist tells me it has been censored but there still seems to be plenty of S&M stuff there
It's a good place to view his pre-2019 work - see footnote*.

He also has a page at Renderotica
and there's a fansite at Daddy's Here with an extensive selection of his work.

Read my 7-part review of Homoeros art starting from Part 1

  Homoeros Gallery at Deviant Art is presently configured as one giant, continuous page and the sheer volume of images there makes it very difficult to access older parts of the archive. If you want to explore the other pictures in the series I have showcased here, try using Deviant Art Search with the reference number I have quoted in the picture captions (or the title if it doesn't have a ref number). In some cases you may have to use the full title including '_' symbols to find the image but should then be able to access connected images by changing the number. You can also narrow the field of search using the tags attached to each picture.