another selection of other work by this artist, some vanilla, some not
I don't know whether you'd call this vanilla or not, but it must be one of the best images ever of the tentacle genre, not so much for what it shows but for what it doesn't show, and what you think it should show in a few minutes time. A hero in trouble, having his already skimpy clothes pulled off, but he is not quite in an inescapable predicament, not just yet. There's only one tentacle, not the usual, multi-pronged attack, so it's more focussed and to my mind, more effective.
But there are other delights. The wet, 'fundoshi' loin cloth with it's gleaming rounded contents. It's twisted, rope-like under-strap is vaguely suggestive of a string of pleasure balls. And those ass cheeks look distinctly rosy. Is this an 8-armed spanker? There's even a cute foot being proffered if you like to partake of such delicacies.
There's a similar sense of vulnerability about the man in this image, upside down, semi-suspended, and unclad from the shoulders down. His exposed cheeks are spattered with something, but the close proximity of a beer bottle and the respectably clad state of the adjacent captor means there's an element of uncertainty about the exact nature of the fluid. There's also a question about what he is going to do with the empty bottle. To the right a second captor is up to more mischief, it's left to the viewer to imagine whether it's painful or just plain rude.
There's no such mystery in this reworking of the same suspension idea, but the nature of the threat posed by this hero's fantasy attacker is much more dependant on the viewer's imagination.
The dense detail and styling makes this image harder to take in, it reminds me of old engravings where devilish creatures were set upon sinners. Non-Western cultures don't have the same, extreme viewpoint about such beasts and dragons get a better press these days.
Nevertheless, the bird-like claws and beaks of these creatures do look scary and the depiction of the bony, hammerlock grip on the hero's arm (at the left) is very powerful. The advantage of fantasy creatures is that everything can be exaggerated and the artist has taken full advantage of that with the creature's tongues which are not only very long but prehensile too. They don't seem to be using them for the usual pleasuring and intrusion, but to plant two egg-shaped objects in the captive's rectum. (The second one is being held by the one on the left, next to it's beak). I'm not sure how the hero is prevented from ejecting them, but his angry expression at the violation seems quite justified.

Tonguing is this creature's game too and it uses it's many, multicoloured tentacles to restrain it's captive in a most imaginative and accessible way. It places a degree of physical stress on him and he's already sweating. His earphone-mike combo suggests he is a Chris Redford-style, enforcement agent of some sort, which lends an acute irony and pathos to his restraint and to the exploitation of his nudity - nudity which couldn't look more complete. This dynamic pose is much better than the stereotypical sitting down/open legged, floating posture of the tentacle genre.
I have doctored this image to tone down the censorship squiggle
and it has fortuitously turned into a secondary tentacle envelopment.
A strong sense of vulnerability and exposure is created here by a pseudo-medical machine which comprehensively restrains the patient from the front, while presenting his rear end to a variety of probing devices (which also seem to have a fluid injection capability). This is a much more elegant way of gaining access than the birthing leg-lifter so beloved of video makers.
There's a second layer of restraint down below, linked to a milking feature - or a draining device, to be more precise. The milking is actually precipitated by the action of the probes.
, This image repurposes the suspension pose seen in Part 1 of this article. The bondage itself is economical but it's a fairly challenging restraint position with doubled back limbs and asymmetrical rigging stretching and stressing the captive, whose arched torso is sweating profusely. It's this that makes the image so striking.
There's a wealth of supplementary detail. A cock sheath performs unseen manipulations on his pride and joy (and keeps the censor at bay). Thin lines attached to nipple pads provide further stimulation and another is pulling open his mouth to receive a fluid dripping from above (a tricky alignment I would have thought, it's hard to imagine him remaining still). He seems to be wearing virtual reality goggles and is therefore unaware that he is surrounded by a lustful audience observing the effects of all these attachments on him, but ultimately unable to participate in his adventure.

This image of a man reclining on a beach (or beside a pool) also has layers of interest. His cigar and cocktail suggest maturity and sophistication. Also wealth. He has a chunky, well-built figure and is clad in sexy form-fitting briefs so you wouldn't have imagined that he'd be short of admirers and yet he's brazenly holding a fan of banknotes in his hand as if wanting to attract service of the paid-for kind.
That detail seems to transform him. The voluminous smoke starts to suggest an element of arrogance and selfishness, the cocktail ('with all the trimmings') becomes showy and tacky, the youthful haircut seems terribly inappropriate and sad and even those alluring briefs a little too much.
Most of this artist's images seem to avoid sensualising the male body but this image makes you wonder why. It's a classic, stretching, male model pose with the face and luxurious tresses suggesting a man of sensitivity and delicacy. A touch of femininity perhaps, which the side-tied G-string also contributes to.
His body conveys the opposite message, it gets bigger and more muscular the lower your eyes drop with the bikini pouch nestling between tree trunk thighs befitting the butchest of rugby players. On a woman the G-string conceals, on a man it contains and here it seems to hook underneath and bring his tackle forward in a tantalisingly graspable, rounded bulge, offered up for closer inspection. The model's stance suggests he won't impede a closer look, but I can't resist imagining chains on his wrists, just to make sure. After all, men like this only exist in fantasy, catch them while you can.

The appeal of lithe muscularity is an easy win but I applaud any artist who can see the attractions of older and chunkier men and this charming, domestic sketch succeeds in making this man exactly that. On him the rounded muscle shapes are amplified and exaggerated without losing their essential shapeliness or proportions. The model seems suspicious of the enterprise as if sensitised to negative comments about his figure, but he need not have worried, the artist has done him proud.
This young man sits (nervously) at the opposite end of the scale, rather like a model in the early years of beefcake photography, persuaded to pose naked but suddenly feeling rather uncomfortable about it, especially after placing his bare flesh on the cold surface of a wooden (milking!) stool in a pose that opens him wide. He has a rather large posterior for a young man and if you look back you'll see this is a recurring feature in this artist's work.
It also seems as if this might be a punishment scenario, 'the naughty stool', for there seems to be a tear trickling down his cheek or maybe it's anticipatory sweat. His backward glance suggests there's more to come. The coquettish flash of spiky hair spells bravado, but it's about to be tested.
Just another day at the Office!
Pure fantasy but a nice image. I like the open shirt.
Getting on doesn't always require hard work, just application.
This picture shows bearhugs as they should be - a truly muscular embrace from a villainous-looking heel and a squashed victim, arms and all, lifted off his feet and howling in misery. Well, I say misery but he has ejected copious quantities of cum over his opponents torso, which suggests it's not all bad for him. The cock between his legs may have caused this over-excitement but his submission will not be the end of the matter.
The background seems like a spooky cave-like setting with gelatinous fluid dripping from the ceiling, so I suppose the young man is an adventurer on a mission, probably not expecting to stumble on the lair of a superannuated
luchador during his quest.
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