To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Brosfate 5 - The Art of Control

Brosfate - Slave Market

The marketing of slaves is usually portrayed as a Middle Eastern vice but this array of captives for sale seem to have been put up for auction by a pirate. There's a curious blending of historical imagery in this standalone piece with ancient columns and modern planters adding a surreal touch to a medieval market place. 

BrosFate almost veers towards political comment with the range of goods on offer, but there's something for everyone. That serves to make the prize specimen gracing the rostrum at this point stand out as exceptional. The tattered state of his pouch contrasts with those of his fellow captives, almost as if his captors have been fighting over him. He won't thank the auctioneer for pointing it out. The teasing pointer is liable to make the worn material rip from internal pressure and the bidders are already excited enough about him. 

Brosfate - Simon Captured

There's a medieval slant on this image too with Conquistadores carrying off a group of locals as captives. They are dragged away having been stripped of their clothes as well as their weapons. For Simon, their celebrated leader this is like a terrible nightmare. Everyone has the same rank in a loincloth, aristocrats and commoners alike, enslaved together, they all become equals.

Brosfate - Weak Point 1

A character named Simon is also the star of 'Weak Point', an interesting new story from Brosfate's fertile imagination that illustrates a more subtle Art of Control. Simon is described as a boxer and you can see from his exotic clothing that it's one the modern, media-savvy offshoots of the ancient sport of kings. He revels in the razzmatazz, but what matters is that he's a top fighter. Like Simon the King, he has the world at his feet.

Brosfate - Weak Point 2

He's also a ladies man who plays the field when the fight is over,
 but don't turn off yet, there's a twist in this tale.

This image is tantalisingly sexy with an invisible magnetism that it seems will irresistibly draw that wandering hand downwards. Bizarrely this seems to work better with a woman as supplicant than it would with a man, whom we wouldn't expect to have any inhibitions about exploring down below.

Brosfate - Weak Point 3

This romantic romp is interrupted by a text message. An unknown caller is summoning Simon to a hotel room and the photographs attached to the message convince him that he has to obey. It's graphic evidence of him taking drugs and making other indiscretions.

Notice the strange container behind him. It could almost be a stool, were it not for the curious knob on the lid. 

Brosfate - Weak Point 4

At the Hotel, Simon immediately confronts his accuser, a half-remembered acquaintance from earlier days before he was famous. He soon learns that the violence that has put him on top of the world and earned great riches will not solve this problem. He demands to know the price of silence.

Brosfate - Weak Point 5

It's almost a relief when he's told to undress to be photographed. 
"If it's sex you want, why didn't you just say so, queer boy" he scoffs contemptuously.
But this is just the beginning of his ordeal.

Brosfate - Weak Point 6

In the weeks that follow he has to consent to physical torments.

Brosfate - Weak Point 7

His self-appointed master parades him in front of his friends
and makes him perform humiliating tasks.

Brosfate - Weak Point 8

His training schedule intensifies, but no longer to maintain match fitness,
now he is striving to meet his master's demands for body perfection.

Brosfate - Weak Point 9

Gradually the hero-worshipping fans he used to love as a boxing star
are replaced by men who revel in exploiting his weak point. 
His nightmare of enslavement by the Conquistadores comes true.

Find out more about the full story of 'Weak Point'  via pixiv

More Brosfate to follow

Monday, 29 July 2024

Recent additions to the Royale Studio Archive

A Scene From Royale Studio's 'Whip Duel' (AI-Idealised)

The dramatic 'Whip Duel' storyette by Royale Studio has now been added to the Archive.
There's an interesting background to this set which is described at the Whip Duel index page
It was inspired by a whip fight in the 1948 film 'Song of Scheherazade'.

Also new at the Royale Studio Gallery, a curio featuring the German Army helmet seen earlier modelled by Brian Lamprill, it looks somewhat less flattering on Ray Bridges head.

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Beautifully Bound

 Well, almost bound, but that takes nothing away from this beauty. 
The splayed leg variant of the hog-tie has a sexiness all it's own
and the red thong he's wearing complements it perfectly. 
It's the perfect going away outfit.

There's a man standing guard over him 
while he's waiting to be collected.
He will no doubt correct the wrestler's ropes
so he's secure and comfortable for his trip
Photo of Ethan Sinns courtesy of Wrestler4Hire blog

For more 'beautifully bound men' and/or wrestlers
click on the labels at the foot of the post

Most Popular Beautifully Bound Men 
at mitchmen blog

Clay Hughes               11,298
 Hang Around!              2,193
Shades of Grey             1,392
Colby Jansen                   977
A Selection                       927
Trey Turner                      883
Tryp Bates                       840
Patrick Rouge                  772
Chase Hostler                   698

out of a total of 42

My own favourite is an unknown chair-bound hunk (576)

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Brosfate - Recent Highlights

BrosFate - Dungeon Scene

 This remarkable picture is a recent post at BrosFate's 'X' account. It's labelled simply as 'misc' but it's to be hoped that it's the forerunner of a whole series. Compared with earlier BrosFate work, there's a striking increase in the realism in the figure of the captive in this picture. It contrasts with the captor's face which is more reminiscent of his previous style. His images have become more explicit too and in this one it has produced a tighter composition than we used to seeing from him. The long distance torments of the whip and electro-torture have been replaced by a more psychological form of intimidation. 

BrosFate - The Adventurers Get A Shock (Undercastle) 

The enhanced, character realism is evident in this amazing image too, from his 'Undercastle' series. 
These two 'adventurers' have foolishly attempted to infiltrate the Dark Elves' castle.
They arrived dressed as medieval knights but look much better with their clothes off.
The 'buddy effect' works well in this image, perfect synchronisation.

It's a shame magic is required for this method of inducing milk, the milking factories would love it. 
Brosfate has also posted an animation of this drama on 'X' (sorry, I didn't save the link).

BrosFate - Frank Failed To Escape (Captive Soldier 6)

The 'Captive Soldier' epic has always been a cornerstone of BrosFate's work. Frank, the military hero, is sent on multiple missions and always gets captured and maltreated. This scene showing him in trouble with an unsavoury gang of mercenaries is (I think) from series 6 but the tally has now reached series 8. The most interesting character in this picture is the principal villain, seen heating his knife over a candle while studying Frank's, animated, rear view.  

BrosFate - Frank Sold into Slavery (Captive Soldier 4)

In Series 4 Frank is sold into slavery by his captors and shipped to a distant part of the world in a skin tight latex suit. Shades of Leo Ravenwood's - Great Game Hunter comic strip! Brosfate continues on from where Leo left off bringing the full power of render to bear on Frank's shiny holiday outfit and suggesting how his experience of enslavement continues. 

Frank is always depicted by Brosfate as a decisive leader of his squad of soldiers, but he has an uncanny talent for submissiveness when his men are not around. His military background and the obedience to orders that goes with it seems to be a double edged sword in that respect. Admittedly BrosFate has put him through a lot of physical persuasion at this point in the story. Cock depictions feature more prominently in recent works, but Brosfate's rear views have always been a source of erotic pleasure. The simple harness Frank has been given to wear here highlights it well.

BrosFate - Frank In Isolation (Captive Soldier 7)

Frank's still a captive in series 7 and is put in isolation for bullying his fellow prisoners and fighting with the Guards. This underground cage recalls POW punishments in WW2 but the crisp, clean steel is no jungle improvisation. The ominous, ugly, old pipe nearby looks as though it's designed to carry unpleasant waste so it's proximity to Frank's cell is concerning. In turn it also confers doubts on the nature of the proffered drink. It looks like Frank's already suspicious. 

The unusual perspective essential to making this scene work has produced an interesting result in the figure of the guard standing on the right.

BrosFate - Frank Electro-Interrogation (Captive Soldier 7)

This electro-interrogation is more familiar territory for Frank but it's far more comprehensive, sophisticated and powerful than the simple wands used for his earliest torments. His cock is pixilated in this copy, not an electrical effect I guess, but it doesn't seem to diminish the impact of the image. It's not inappropriate for it to appear to be quivering. 

BrosFate - Frank Forced to Jerk Off (Captive Soldier 8)

In Series 8, after a failed hostage rescue attempt (witness the downed soldier in the far corner), his captors force him to graphically demonstrate his ineptitude. They make him strip and jerk off before the hostages, who are as embarrassed as he is about it. This is not just a random abuse, but a highly original, crude and fiendishly witty forfeit. A graphic, literal admission that he is a wanker. 

Frank's muscularity has always been plush (see Part 1) but it seems to have ripened here into magnificent bulk. Sadly that only underlines the enormity of his failure in this mission. 

BrosFate - Frank Brainwashed (Captive Soldier 8)

A captive, once again, Frank's physical charms (if not his soldiering) work their usual magic on the head captor (Prince Adrian no less). Perfectly understandably, he wants the handsome soldier all for himself. Shakespeare did it with love potions but not a lot of good came of that. BrosFate resorts to electronic brain-washing. 

Details of his technology are sparse, all we see is a couple of curving bars either side of Frank's head plus a suggestion of radio-activity in the device behind him (which looks as if it came from a laundry). His spread-eagled position and the hose-like accessories on the trolley (with matching coupling just behind his bicep) suggest that it isn't just his wits that are about to be extracted.

BrosFate - Frank Brainwashed into Slavery (Captive Soldier 8)

Somehow the unlikely contraption works, Frank loses his memory and  history repeats itself as he once again submits to enslavement. Perhaps the brain clear-out has allowed his true nature to surface.

BrosFate - Frank Performs (Captive Soldier 8)

His slave experience might not seem all that unpleasant, in view of the fact that he is a gay man.
He has forgotten all that of course, but there's no much evidence in his history to show that he was familiar with dildos, nor the human alternative, so he may be physically unprepared for the full enormity of this experience.


There's more to Brosfate than Frank the Captive Soldier and I will review the rest of his recent work in a separate post. As a taster I recommend the Dungeon Keeper video:- 

Brosfate - Dungeon Keeper

Brosfate has devised an entertaining piece that puts the viewer into the role of a dungeon keeper, 
it feels interactive although it isn't in reality. Worth a view.
See the full Dungeon Keeper video on X.

This is the fifth Brosfate post at mitchmen, read Part 1-3 (linked), Part 4

BrosFate also labels his work as 'Heroic Band', my understanding is that this is a grouping that also embraces Leo_Art and other contributors. He sometimes posts Leo's work on his own site, usually, but not always, supplying the attribution. I'm planning a Leo_Art post soon

Links:-  BrosFate @Tumbler (now an archive)
BrosFate @pixiv (still current, best presentation, but censored)

BrosFate @'X' is the place to go for explicit imagery but it's random pieces.

BrosFate @Patreon of course is the principal source (requires subscription)

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Milking Factory R&D

Buzzter - Milked for Science

 It's not clear what exactly is the 'Science' being investigated in this image. The Science of Mechanical Milking perhaps or the Science of a man's ability to repeatedly produce endless amounts of it. Both branches are of great interest for the milk production industry and the man who can find the key to optimising output and taste stands to become very rich indeed. 

The milk provider here is being forced to sustain a very uncomfortable position for a prolonged period. Perhaps the scientist is investigating whether that improves the taste. The backwards arching stance, with hands kept well away from the machinery is probably beneficial to purity anyway. It's equally possible that the Scientist, preoccupied with his experiment, simply hasn't given the matter of producer comfort any thought. He seems more interested in his test schedule than the erotic sight being acted out before him which would cause most of us to ditch our clipboards. His hint of a repeat performance being required does at least acknowledge that the subject has biological limitations. It also seems to imply he has some hold over him or else that he is actually holding him captive.

This is a very original interpretation of the mechanical milking brief, notable for it's simplicity and unusual, upward looking viewpoint. The caricaturing of the scientist contrasts with the realistic treatment of the subject of the experiment, but some clever arty styling blends them together. Technically, it's very accomplished but I can't find any other examples of his current work (see foot of post)

 There's a certain similarity of mood to Franco's classic - 'Milking The Bull' picture, shown below. 

Franco - Milk The Bull
I have put Franco's original through simple AI enhancement 

Franco's imagining is very different, with a monolithic stimulation and milking machine 
and a Scientist who has a distinct air of sadistic pleasure.

This image has always seemed to me to be not so much about extracting milk,
 but rather as an elaborate, sexy way to manipulate a hunky, young sportsman. 

Interestingly, neither of these set ups rely on anal stimulation to promote milk flow which seems a refreshing realism considering both boffins seem to be using inexperienced men who might struggle to respond to such an invasive technique. Franco's machine does include a sliding, blunt 'wedge' between the Bull's legs, which strokes the Bull's crotch, his inner thighs and his balls as it moves in and out. Buzzter's approach seems to rely entirely on (unseen) dick manipulation and stimulation.


I have come across the name Buzzter before, on a group of renders from 20 years ago. 
Stylistically it's completely different but then 20 years is a long time!
I can't find a current location for the artist.


This is Milking Factor 18, view Milking Factor 19 (link pending)

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below 
for all other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog

or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 10

Mitchell's Spanking Tales

No 3 – Incident At Blue Jay Creek

Cattle ranching is a lonely job sometimes. After a few weeks on the trail with no female companionship, them inner tensions start to build up - if you know what I mean. It don't help either, that the boys constantly talk about what they're missing. I've heard some folks think we cowboys turn to comforting each other so's to get by, but I can tell you, mister, that natural inclinations and reserve are more than enough to keep us cattle men on the 'straight and narrow'. The mere mention of affection would like as not result in ostracism, bullying or worse. Even self-pleasuring is best concealed unless you want a dose of ridicule and teasing. And so the tensions build up and up. But they have to be released sometime.......

Hansen was a loner. He didn't really fit in with the rest of the gang. We reckoned he was a failed 49-er. A bit of a dreamer. He said he had a wife and kids back East and was sweating to get a spread of his own for them. On Big 'M' wages there was little enough chance of that. He didn't like the vulgar, salacious talk of the other cowboys, and kept himself apart. But he worked hard and was pretty, damn strong. He could wrestle a cow to the ground for branding single handed. The sight of his glistening, muscular torso as he silently marched away afterwards always had the other boys gaping in awe – and envy. They all respected him for the most part.

It's a long, long drive from the 'Big 'M'' spread into Jonesville and we was pitched up for the night in Blue Jay Creek. The boys were sat round the camp fire cackling about some nonsense when it all kicked off. They could have upset him by talking about his pretty wife, teasing him about his awesome body, ragging him about him being Norwegian not Swedish, or just for being plain different to everyone else. But no – it was sheep. They got to arguing about sheep.

Now we ain't got no sheep round The Big 'M' but we'd heard the tales about range wars further North. Some of the boys were saying how they'd make sure no Sheep Herder was gonna put them out of a job. I don't know if that's the truth of the matter but anyway Hansen decided to argue with em. Turned out his family back in Europe farmed sheep so he knew what he was talkin' 'bout.

Well, afore long they was all at it hammer and tongs. I reckon mebbe they'd got a secret bottle of whiskey to fuel the passions. Hansen might be quiet most of the time but mister, he could certainly argue a point. But he wasn't much of a diplomat. The boys didn't like it and eventually all them stoked up frustrations and jealousy boiled over 'n they decided they'd show him what they thought of his Shepherd talk.

They ripped Hansen's shirt off and strung him up by his wrists from a tree with his trousers dropped round his ankles. Like I said Hansen was a real good looking man and I reckon the sight of him stretching up and naked must have took the minds of some of them right off the sheep. They stood around laughing and joking as Hansen struggled and shouted at them to set him free. But they hadn't finished with him yet. No sir.

It's comical how creative men can get when they want to humiliate someone. Seeing as they was arguing about sheep they decided they'd treat him like one - and shear him. Of course there weren't any shears in the camp so off they went to dig out their razors, some of them fresh out their wrappers from the last trip to the big city. There was plenty of stropping to get them blades real sharp and shiny, it was quite a ceremony I can tell you.

Finally a couple of men went up to Hansen and started to shave his chest hair off, no soap, no water, just cold steel. Poor Hansen didn't really know what they intended and his face was a real picture as he worked out the possibilities. They gradually worked their way down his body and, I gotta say this, they treated him like a baby, so careful there wasn't a single nick or cut. The worst of the anger had gone out of them you see and Hansen had sensibly decided to shut up and take the punishment. Mind you he looked pretty worried when they knelt down to start on his tackle, but it was just the same, they gently lifted and turned it and removed every last hair, before finishing off with the cleft of his backside.

I don't think anyone could take all that scraping in private places and not react to it. The trouble was, Hansen hadn't seen his wife for months and he weren't a player either, if you know what I mean. By the time they'd finished with him, he was sporting the biggest boner you ever saw.

Some of the boys thought it comical, others I reckon, found it a little more interesting than that, but they couldn't say so or they'd probably have been strung up there with him, so they all just hooted and hollered together. As soon as the thing started to droop, one of them would go up and just give him the gentlest touch on the sensitive shaved skin and up it went again. This game went on for some time. They all wanted to have a go although you could see that some were terrified in case they might be seen showing too much interest so they weren't so gentle with him - but it all had the same effect on Hansen's tool.

Eventually the boys started to get bored and remembered that they were supposed to be punishing him. Jake was the ringleader and he had it all worked out. He undid the buckle on his belt and drew it out of the loops of his trousers. Then he went behind Hansen and gave him the most almighty thwack across them pretty little ass cheeks. Hansen howled but it dain't help him none. Jake gave him another. And another. And another. He wasn't playing games now and the boys weren't laughing any more. Their eyes were riveted on Hansen's dancing, twisting, shiny body – and his bobbing rigid cock.

Looking around me I could see one or two of the onlookers had a film of perspiration on their faces. Plenty more had their jeans more filled out than normal and there was some involuntary stroking and adjusting going on.

The smack of the leather echoed off the canyon walls but there weren't any other sound 'cept the occasional gasp or groan from Hansen. That boner of his stayed rock hard like you wouldn't believe......and then, eventually, it began to ooze and drip. Most of the guys didn't notice at first but then a extra strong whupp from Jake sent the stuff flying in the air, landing on the shirts of the two boys right in front. They inspected the wet stains and looked at each other not really knowing what to do.

The next three strokes were enough to pump Hansen out completely, but Jake didn't see what had happened and he still kept going............ thwack............ thwack.............. thwack..........

Eventually one cowboy stepped up to Jake and gently told him he should stop. They untied Hansen and gave him back his shirt, consoling him with shoulder squeezes and congratulating him for enduring the punishment. Even Jake went over and shook his hand and nodded with respect. No one mentioned the fluid that lay spattered on the sand.

But Hansen's humiliation hadn't ended yet. The next day he had to ride his horse all day with a raw backside knowing all them cowboys would be eagerly watching out for any sign that he was in pain. The day after that, the itchy, sweaty re-growth of his hair down below must have been equally unpleasant and every time he scratched or rubbed himself he knew someone was laughing at him.

In time it all passed. None of them ever laid hands on him again. Some of the boys took the Scandinavian under their protective wings, I guess they felt guilty about what they'd been involved in. Hansen went back to being a loner and when the drive ended in Jonesville, he was paid off and we never saw him again.

But we still remember that night like it was yesterday. Occasionally the subject comes up when we're sitting round the camp fire. Jake talks almost fondly of Hansen as though the guy had done him a favour. Maybe he had. Maybe not. We make sure not to argue about it though, you never know where it might lead.

Originally published in 'Summer of Spanking'
which can be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male*

Read Part 11 of Mitchell's Cowboy Folio

or see all at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below.

The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male*
*You can also find The Cactus Kid story there in full or Images only

Monday, 15 July 2024


Thanks for original image are due to Cybertied


Friday, 12 July 2024

Ain Postolos - Recruiting Workers for the Milking Factory

AIN POSTOLOS - Enhancing Milk Production Efficiency

Adding young men to the Milking Factory production line is always likely to boost output. They have usually have few problems with repeated draining, often achieving high rates of ejaculation without the need for anal encouragement. Just the idea of it is enough, as this image from a recruitment open day demonstrates. 

As a result, applications to join the milking workforce from this age group are often processed on the spot and if successful, which they generally are, the boys find themselves harnessed to the production line on a 12 months contract without even having the chance to celebrate their success with their loved ones.

The vivid art of Ain Postolos doesn't pretend to be anything but AI but it's undeniably sexy, often graphicly so and too much for this humble blog. The men in this image have come out of the AI mincer with a delicious 'puppy fat' character which I imagine is fortuitous.

AIN POSTOLOS - Milk Production (test)

The testing of new donors is stringently conducted. It simulates the intensity of the production line so as to leave the men in no doubt of what is required of them. The novelty of serial, induced orgasms under restraint is an eye watering baptism to your average jock. Not that they have much chance of changing their minds and withdrawing (as it were) at this stage. Not if the recruitment staff have decided they want them, as many a prankster on a dare from his team-mates has discovered to his dismay. 

Cross-eyed men is one of the recurring features of the present generation of AI, showing the software's inability to assess it's own output as a rational image. Interestingly, traditional artists also find it hard to look at their work with 'new' eyes and spot flaws like this. Luckily it suits my narrative in this case and is quite cute if you appreciate inexperience in a man. Or two men for that matter, the 'buddy' ingredient here amplifies the effect.

AIN POSTOLOS - Test Subject's Responding

The milk of young men does not have the same intense body as that of older donors, it has a light, subtle, freshness that is much sought after by connoisseurs. Promising applicants are therefore sent into a store room to give a test sample which will determine their suitability to join the famous 'Nouveau Milk' production line, which gave rise to the famous Nouveau Milk Race. 

The privacy of the cubicle helps men who experience hesitation, but they are also provided with a one-size-fits-all anal post. This which has caused many a virgin tear to be shed. Interesting responses such as these are captured by hidden cameras and suitable images may be used for that year's bottle label. This young man became the face of the highly successful 'Babe's Tears' milk brand.

AIN POSTOLOS - Cumtrubute

It's not unknown for men from the same family to come forward to give milk and these present the opportunity for producing special family editions if the taste is right. The two Edwards twins were sent to the Factory by the local Job Centre last year. They despaired of getting them into useful work placement but to everyone's surprise they produced a best-selling youth blend. 

Sadly, youth is fleeting. The products are constantly monitored to  make sure they are worthy of 'Nouveau' status. A man's milk tells no lies. The Edwards now serve on the main production line alongside the old hands.

AIN POSTOLOS - Super Soldier Serum

The prestige of being selected for a special edition can also be offered to some older men whose milk has unusual qualities or simply because they have celebrity status. Super Soldier's milk (dubbed as Serum by the marketing bods) enjoyed a certain vogue a few years back.  Now he's just a regular guy pumping it out on the shop floor. But who knows? There's always scope for a special retro edition.

AIN POSTOLOS - Bound Gagged and Milked

Strange as it may seem, there are men who turn up at Open Days expecting to be able to jerk off a load or two and collect a wad of money to fund their gym habit or pay off their debts. It's quite a shock when they learn they have signed up for a full time job. However, they usually change their tune when told that they first  have to prove that they can produce milk of the requisite quality  Their indignation at being conscripted is suddenly replaced by an overwhelming need to not be found wanting. 

The rigours of providing a test sample under clinical conditions can also strain their egos.  Restraint is the norm of course since all men are incapable of keeping their hands off their dicks during arousal and this could contaminate the sample. A good many fidget and have to be fitted with cages to keep the nozzle in place throughout the extraction process. Highly strung individuals and those who have overdone their Dutch Courage may warrant a gag too.

The gag and cage design depicted in this image are brilliant. 
Ideally suited the butch, muscular character of the subject.


More Ain Postolos: 'The Season of Chastity' on mitchmen blog

also at Blue Sky Social (no, me neither!) and AP on Instagram.
There's some adult stuff at AP on 'X'
Of course, all the latest raunchy stuff is at AP on Patreon (subscription).


This is Milking Factory 17, view Milking Factory 18

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below for other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog
or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.


Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Enslaved Sailors by Planet Gay

PlanetGay - Enslaved Buddies

This image may look familiar to you, it's part of a select group showing desert kidnaps in distant lands where we fondly imagine enslavement of white men still flourishes. Examples at this blog are by BowenTacitusIskan156, Gilgamesh and most notably perhaps by Chirenon

In fact this picture is an AI reinvention of the slave delivery scene from Etienne's classic tale of Middle-Eastern misfortune 'Sailors Beware'. This particular story has had a lot of coverage at mitchmen blog recently thanks to the discovery of a little-known early draft of the story and a long-forgotten Royale storyette which probably inspired it: 'Shanghaied Sailor'. 

AI gets a bad press in some quarters but there's no question of 'stealing' pictures here and the artist - PlanetGay- gives full credit to Etienne as it's inspiration. The new version is distinctly different from Etienne's original but it gives it a new lease of life. It's even preserved the distinctive, balletic stance of the brunet captive - a very Etienne-ian detail. The sexy, new characterisation of the kidnapped sailors makes one wish for some of the other scenes to be given the same treatment. If you compare the clothing of the evil abductor with Etienne's original, you might be surprised at what is revealed.

As ever with AI, some of the detailing is wide of the mark, like the unmilitary haircuts and goatees of the conscripts and the slanting oasis water (with surf?). That big city mosque parachuted into the middle of the desert to add atmosphere is clichéd as well as daft. Having said that, Etienne might easily have done the same thing in his time.

More PlanetGay at mitchmen blog

Monday, 8 July 2024

James Seely Naked

In this series of articles featuring James Seely (see foot of post), I've posted numerous images of him in which he is genuinely naked (despite the restrictions of the 1960's) , but none of them are frontal nudes, which were considered to be indecent. The 'shower post' illustrated how clumsy and contrived some of the cover-ups were to comply with this ban. 

This picture of James Seely totally nude is attributed to Denny Denfield by Tim in Vermont. Apparently he photographed models as a hobby but did not sell the pictures. He lived in San Francisco and knew Bob Mizer which is perhaps how he came into contact with James. However, I confess I know very little else about him or any other images of James taken by him.


Looking at this image of James today it's hard to comprehend what all the fuss was about. It shows a beautiful physique and although he looks very attractive 'out of pouch' it barely qualifies as erotic. Very close to the ideal of ancient Greek statues. I suppose the oily sheen on his physique might be thought dubious, but it was then, and still is, a standard device used by body builders to highlight their muscle development to contest judges. 

Later on, in the 70's, Mike Arlen would anoint his model's cocks with oil as well as their bodies
and produced spectacularly sexy results never seen before.


This photographer has taken pains to ensure that Seely does not look aroused, which would have made the picture not just indecent, but pornographic. Similarly James' facial expression, which is often entertainingly animated in other images, is sober and serious here allowing a claim to be made that the image is purely artistic (which is what the column is there for of course).

It's not surprising to discover that, faced with a naked model, photographers took frontal nude shots of them (which was not of itself illegal). However, the photos could not legally be sold or sent through the postal system. Photographers had to resort to coded advertisements and catalogues and post the pictures to buyers in plain envelopes, hoping that the postal authorities would not intercept them. Unfortunately, photographs require stiffened envelopes and were quite often spotted, inspected and the contents confiscated. It's clear though that much of the material did get through, the Post Office couldn't open every envelope and no doubt there were plenty of postal workers who ignored them.


Here James poses with another lusciously muscled man who I have not yet identified (info welcome)

Any gay man would see the eroticism simmering in this coupling, but the photographer has pre-empted accusations of smut by placing the models either side of the same pseudo-classical column seen in 1 above. It's effect is rather like the pillow down the centre of the bed, supposedly used by Hollywood film makers to legitimise putting movie stars in bed together. 

Nevertheless, the models' hands are tantalisingly close together on top of the column, and the fingers of James' partner (both hands) look as if they are itching to get up to mischief. In fact, you might have taken the model's facial expressions to indicate that they just have. Fortunately all is calm down below. 

Purveyors of nude images presumably took precautions to prevent intercepted images being traced back to them and recipients sometimes took elaborate precautions like using Post Office boxes and Post Restante to prevent their addresses being discovered by the authorities on envelopes and mailing lists (and also to hide the material from their wives and other people they lived with). Police in the UK went out of their way to expose gay men to their relatives and employers, ruining many lives. Not all gay men lived in fear though, if you lived your life openly the risk of fines was worth running.  


 With the models down on one knee the separating effect of the column is increased, allowing the models to face each other, but not look at each other. To the knowing eye, though, the phallic connotations of the column itself are clear enough.


In this image, a low, tin box has replaced the column but the raised knees of the models continue to shield their nether regions from each other. However, they also open up their stances and it almost seems like there is a 'musical chairs' style race to clamber on top of the box. Both men seem to be struggling to keep a straight face


Apart from Denfield, James Seely only seems to have posed for Kris of Chicago and Bob Mizer and I believe the photographer who took these black and white images was Kris. Kris didn't go in for Greek Columns very much but a very similar object can be seen in the catalogue page shown below (in No 7). A drum-sized version, painted black, also appears in several of his images.

In addition to this match, the original of one of the nude images above (No 2) has the inscription 'R-27' on it and you can see above that this is how Kris numbered his sets in his catalogue.


 The James Seely series: