To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

101 Uses for a Belt - No 21 Open Access

 An adjustable belt keeps his hands out of the way 
during inspections and recreational use.


For more Uses for Belts, click on the label below

Saturday, 24 February 2024

IFNB 3 - International Federation of Naked Bodybuilders Newsletter

A Poster For an IFNB event From 2012

The fictional, 'International Federation of Naked Body Builders' has formed the subject of two articles previously at mitchmen blog (IFNB-1 and IFNB-2). Much of the ethos and workings of the Federation have been described there. This article is by way of being a Newsletter style update on the activities of some of the members since then. 

The official measure-up for Mr Megamale contestants at The Palisades was briefly disrupted when middleweight hopeful Pete Petrovich shot his load over the two officials who were attempting to classify his dick size. According to one report he took exception to a comment he heard about it.  Afterwards Official Wayne Dickerson laughed it off, saying it was a misunderstanding. "I've had worse things happen" he joked "If you have to work close to these guys, some stuff's bound to rub off on you".

Lucky Lindhof had cause to be thankful to his fans when he seemed to have 'hit the wall' 
and dried up in the qualifying rounds for this year's Mr Alpha. Super Fan Edwin Plummer dashed to the performing rostrum and coaxed him back to life with spectacular results.

Though in retirement now, Super Star Dan Otter, treated a lucky fan to a once-in-a-lifetime training experience at a recent NBA, display event in Florida and showed he's lost none of his former prowess.

NBA hopeful Stan Kuziack couldn't contain his excitement when Cumblast talent scout, 
Don Hutchins spotted him at an Atlanta gym and promptly picked him up for his roster.

NBA champ, Pierre Douton (Mr Alpha) shown seeding Braden Cameron at Bud Wieziek's Training Centre for up and coming Pro's in West Virginia. Ingesting top quality ejaculate is crucial to achieving the highest performance levels in IFNB Competitions. Braden had cause to be grateful to Pierre who rarely gives free donations.

Rico Bandeas reacted angrily to rumours that he was running through the membership list at his home training ground in Texas. "It's training not socialising" he maintained to our reporter who caught up with him working hard with an assistant. Few of the members we spoke to wanted to comment on the reports. "We all think he's just a great guy" one said.

When popular Trainer Brian Kessenger moved to a new gym in Oklahoma, his reputation preceded him and he told us he was mobbed by the regulars, all eager to get a tip and show him what they can do as well. Brian says he loves these boys and just laps it all up, but he still finds time to service his regular clients and prepare for the Nationals.

At his training camp in Africa, the legendary Wayne Mkemba gives personal inspiration to his pupils. Here Thembaka Mbhele presses 150Kg for the first time under his guidance and encouragement. Wayne is an enormous presence in his life, he said.

Heavyweight youngster Harvey Gleeson is shown here getting a  personalised stim work out from an IFBN accredited educator at a New York semenar for prospective Champions. "It's great being picked out for this specialised course" he told us, "I've learned about things I never dreamed possible from Ed (his educator) and his patience and stamina are amazing".

As a bonus, I have consolidated into this article all the images previously used individually to illustrate IFNB in the annual mitchmen awards for the most popular posts at the blog.

Most Popular New Post 

IFNB Contest Expediters carrying out body oiling. Competitors know that any touching runs the risk of triggering a discharge from their highly charged libidos. It's regarded as a sign of successful preparation. In contest-ready condition the best studs have very short recovery times.

Most Viewed Post During The Year

A successful Mr Alpha contestant and his support assistant
 celebrate their victory with an emotional kiss and a cup of the winner's juice.

This is surely one of IFNB's sexiest images!

Most Viewed Post During The Year

A competition hopeful, well pleased with his progress, pauses for his training buddy to record the moment when his auto-ejaculation achieved competition standard for the first time. Many months of cock training still lie ahead of him before he will be able to be confident of producing them repeatedly, on stage and in the tense and highly competitive atmosphere of the IFNB contests. He's already well advanced in developing the cocky attitude that goes with that success.

Most Popular Post of All Time

IFNB contestants love the adoration of their fans and are usually good to them. A spontaneous drenching with ejaculate is appreciated even more than an autograph and the top fans know exactly how to stimulate their favourites to produce it. This one laps up his hero's generous gesture and he probably won't wash for a week - or take that T-shirt off. Where provenance exists, like this photo, garments that have been cum-stained by popular competitors can become valuable, collector's items.

Most Popular Post of All Time

 IFNB contests are physically and emotionally draining but for most competitors the effort is well worth it simply for the chance of displaying their bodies and sexual potency in front of a wildly enthusiastic audience. Of course going home with some silverware (and a few days worth of cheap protein shake) is every man's ultimate ambition and that moment when the still dripping, victorious contestants can proudly pose on stage with their enormous trophies and their cups is beyond description. 

And yet it's also something of an anti-climax. At this year's Mr West Coast competition, runner-up Leo Graballsky (left) told reporters that he usually can't wait to get back to his wife to discharge his tensions after a contest. It's rumoured that he was embarrassed when handsome, third placed Greg Knuckles (right) offered to share tips with him in the dressing room after the presentation. Apparently, the Winner, Ivor Wayovdoinu took up the offer and the two men, newly buddies, worked on it all night in the dorm.

2023 Summary of Previous Winners of Most Popular Posts

Flashback to the year when trainer Al 'Happy' Cockermouth posed proudly with 
his then protégé Pierre Douton after his first Senior IFNB title win at the Nationals.


Disclaimer: The words put to these images are not the original IFNB commentary but my own. In most cases they  are based on notes I added to the picture at the time downloading from the IFNB site, so they should match the original intent of their posts.

See also  IFNB-Part 1 and IFNB-Part 2

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Vintage Bondage - Vince Orlandini

Vince Orlandini by Kris (1957)

This image conjures up the fetish of jungle capture and prisoner of war tortures. The much maligned posing pouch fits quite well into this scenario and this is nicely compact and inoffensive example worn by a man with an appealing 'guy next door' look and an attractive physique. Kris has ingeniously used two poles to get round the practicalities of arranging tethering points but Vince is genuinely tied to them, which isn't always the case in this era.

The 'X' restraint position is very popular with fetish artists for fairly obvious reasons. Amalaric is a great fan (e.g. in Office Perks). It's not that common in solo bondage photography though. This photograph dates from 1957, when the invocation of slavery in ancient Greece and Rome was widely used by gay photographers and artists to get round repressive laws and attitudes but even so, to my knowledge, it's almost unique. Perhaps the homoerotic qualities of bondage and the way the X pose draws attention to a barely hidden groin was just too daring as a combination. Kris promoted it as part of a set, but I've not found any other examples of this model in bondage. 

See also Peter George from Royale Studio in the early sixties

Vince Orlandini by Kris (1957)

This is the best picture of Vince that I have been able to find. 
He boasts an elegant shapely physique with unusually large nipples.

Vince Orlandini by Kris (1957)

An unremarkable but stately pose
Is enlivened by shapely pecs and pouch.

Vince Orlandini by Kris (1957)

This image is quite interesting, I'm a fan of men in gym shorts 
although these are not particularly brief nor snug fitting. 

I'm not sure whether he's pulling something out of his pocket
 or has a tantalising side opening in his shorts.

For more examples of Vintage Bondage,
click on the label below

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Male Art by Fury Updated, Uncensored

 I have considerably updated and extended the old A-Z article on Ed Fury (aka Marc Ming Chan) with a number of more explicit pictures which take advantage of the more relaxed approach to nudity and sex allowable behind the sign-in barrier Blogger has imposed on this blog*. 


*I only became aware of this change a short while ago. It was triggered by my post on the Art of Cas. I had imagined that article to be pretty innocuous, but there was an image which could conceivably be seen as over-explicit or racially sensitive or legal age challenging - or all three. Who knows? Blogger doesn't say, but I wasn't sure the picture was by Cas anyway, so I removed it and the  amended post has not been queried - yet!

I don't object to Blogger putting the barrier there, although when I was a teenager access to the sort of material posted here would have been life-changing for me. However it shouldn't be viewed by younger kids and in any case the world is changing.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio - 6 Outlaw's Prisoner

The Sheriff pursThe Sheriff trapped stripped and tied up by outlaw then groped by the camp fire.uing the outlaw has fallen into a trap himself  and as night falls he finds out why the outlaw has not disposed of him.
Mitchell - The Outlaw's Prisoner

 The Sheriff pursuing the outlaw has fallen into a trap himself 
and as night falls he finds out that the outlaw's threat to 'finish him off'
didn't mean quite what he had imagined it to mean.

This is one of my earliest images as you might guess from the serial number. The narrative above is (almost word for word) what I wrote on the back of it all those years ago (don't ask!). I have refined it for this post with some small anatomical corrections plus the addition of some shrubbery and a night sky which was part of my original vision but left to the viewer's imagination in the sketch. I also wanted there to be a campfire somewhere too, but there's not really enough room for it.

Mitchell - The Outlaw's Prisoner (cartoonised variant 1)

On this occasion the AI cartooniser produced a very acceptable result, 
I was pleased with the shrubbery and outlaw's new face
although the 'Oriental wink' is not really a mitchmen thing
and he really ought to be concentrating on what he's doing!


There were a couple of other, pretty quirky results that came out of the cartooniser, 
both of them dropped the cowboy theme but produced some unexpectedly sexy imagery.

Mitchell - The Outlaw's Prisoner (fantasised variant 2)

This variant shows how randomly the cartooniser sees the imagery that is given to it. I don't roam the lands of fantasy much, but I love what it has done to the captured sheriff here, transforming him into a muscular, collared slave wearing a skimpy tattered thong, harem-like loose pants and with a decorative chain draped round his ass, assigning him a false femininity that is quite sexy. His captor has also acquired a nice, muscled physique but the sticking point with both characters is their boyish faces, the ex-outlaw's one being absurdly so. I have tweaked his eyes so he looks less feminine and more focussed on his captive but he needs to get a chin! 

Elsewhere, the horse could have had a place in the original cowboy scenario if I was that way inclined but the other two gratuitous additions don't have any place here at all. If I could get rid of them this would be a remarkable reinterpretation of my original sketch. On the face of it this image looks as if it's very little to do with my original drawing, but astonishingly, if the two are shrunk to thumbnails and placed next to each other (as in File Explorer) it's almost impossible to tell them apart.

Mitchell - The Outlaw's Prisoner (fantasised variant 3)

This variant has preserved the two character scenario and deposited the two men in a lush tropical garden rather that the arid scrubland of my original. This romantic slant is not totally absent from my drawing and it's accentuated further by the hand placed on the captive's head (not to mention the extra one under his arm pit!). 

Once again the captive is cast as a slave with similar embellishment to his physique and a slightly more masculine but still sexy thong. In variant 2 the outlaw's groping hand became disconnected from the groin of his captive but there's a sexy impression here of it fishing inside his briefs and the captive's gaze has switched from the face of his 'tormentor' in variant 2 to focus here on what his phallic arm is up to. 

The faces of both men are slightly less boyish in this version, but the treatment of the captor's eye's is quite bizarre for a supposedly 'intelligent' piece of software. I have tried to 'fix' them manually but it requires more skill that I have and anyway I'd rather have a masculine face like the first variant.

There's a more subtle alteration in this variant that makes it more than just a chocolate box reinterpretation of my drawing. The captive's left leg is doubled back and tied to the underside of his thigh, the knee area needs tidying but it's a kinky invention I didn't expect but thoroughly approve of!


Read this series from Part 1

Earlier posts can also be found in the mitchmen club at Adonis Male

find related posts by clicking on the labels below

Monday, 12 February 2024

Homoeros - Ross In Trouble

Homoeros - Ross In Trouble

This image is taken from a new Homoeros bondage series which he has turned into a slide show.

 See the full Ross In Trouble slideshow by Homoeros at Deviant Art

Homoeros - Crux 922

There's also a new blow-by-blow, new crucifixion scene
Presently it starts at page 16 of the Homoeros Gallery 
but that will increase as new material is added in front of it.

There's more fetish imagery further on in the gallery if you persevere including more crucifixions, floggings and domination scenarios. To find them you have to wade through many images of posing models and images blocked off by subscription barriers, but it's worth it. At least you can see what you will get if you decide to try the subscription.


More Homoeros at mitchmen blog

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Update on Adonis Male

 I managed to access the mitchmen club at Adonis Male this morning using my tablet.

For some reason when I try to access via my PC I can get into AM but not the mitchmen Club.

The club galleries there are still being rebuilt so there's nothing to see at the moment.

My glimpse of the membership list suggests that memberships taken out since May 2023 have been lost but we'll see if that is truly the case when it is properly back on the air.

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Shanghaid Sailor is complete

Enslaved Forever

 Posting of the new Royale Studio storyette, 'Shanghaid Sailor' is now complete at the Royale Blog

It culminates in an astonishing fetish climax, cartooned in the extracts above and below.

Stripped of his Uniform

Read Shanghaid Sailor

with 19 original images in all

Sold to the Highest Bidder

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Crime and Punishment by Roger Dusky

We all like incompetent burglars!
mitchmen presents
Extracts from Roger Dusky's comic book 'Crime and Punishment'

mitchmen presents Extracts from Roger Dusky's gay comic book 'Crime and Punishment'

In the dead of night, a man comes calling.

Looks like he's picked the wrong place to burgle

Yep, he has.

At least he hasn't been shot - yet.

Sorting the men from the boys.

He's definitely a man

In the downstairs department, anyway.

The taste of humiliation

This is the size of it

I like a man with spunk

Maybe not the best moment for it, though

I don't think this is a strip search

Nor having his collar felt

The long arm of the law will prevail

And later.....

Time to digest it all

He's got even more spunk than before now

I guess that's a 'NO' then.


It's easy to find Roger Dusky's work with search engines, 
just specify gay porn or similar

Use the labels below to find similar posts at mitchmen.

Friday, 2 February 2024

mitchmen club at Adonis Male

Joe Lynes by WPG (1950's)

Come On Jerry! (Bringing home a runaway slave)
Boy will he get it when I get him back where he belongs.


 You may know that Adonis Male is presently off the air following a catastrophic hardware failure.
Consequently the mitchmen club there is not presently accessible

They are working hard to restore the site but it looks as if recent updates (since May 2023) will be lost.
That includes memberships taken out since then as well as content.

I will restore missing content when AM returns but cannot fix lost memberships. If you are a recent joiner, try logging in first and if that doesn't work I'm afraid you will have to join again.

Obviously I am watching the situation closely.

Worst case: If the site fails to return will have to find a new home for the archive
but I am optimistic that will not happen