To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Harald

Harald is a spanking specialist. He belongs in the camp (like me) that treat the subject as serious stuff - punishment and humiliation rather than the light-hearted approach of Spryte and Jonathan for example. His style is economical and sketchy and looks a bit spare, but the drama of his compositions is striking (sorry about the pun). You can sense the pain and humiliation. 
In my sample, the treatment of clothing also demonstrates considerable technical skill. In most of the pictures the victims are grown men (sometimes quite mature) which I like. The example attached shows this well. This could be a double spanking or a double sketch of the same one. I prefer the former interpretation. 'Buddies getting it together' is a favourite theme of mine. The details shown - clothing, restraining stools - are ambiguous and suggest a scenario for the viewer to complete, it's an exciting one!

Harald pictures turn up on sites like GMBA (link at foot of sidebar) and spanking sites from time to time.

For earlier articles in this series click on the A-Z label.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Hammer

Hammer is one of a group of artists who celebrate the fetish of crucificion and mutilation – others include Mahoney and Cyrano.
The style seems unschooled and direct but the bold lines and reasonable anatomy make for a striking image. My readers will know that images of actual mutilation are not my thing but Hammer usually does not go beyond the threat – although piercing proliferates and the speech balloons leave no room for doubt.
The detail attached shows that the compositions are not without skill and although, personally, I prefer a more sophisticated drawing style, his images successfully convey the fear and cruelty of his subjects and the simple lines capture detail like ropes and stubble here which might get lost in a more delicate drawing.
To see more visit GMBA archives - link in sidebar

Friday, 26 June 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Dale Hall

This post was updated in June 2023
I first encountered Dale Hall's picture of a naked man set upon by a lion quite early in my life and although I had no great interest in bearded men then, nor their relationships with animals, the daring subject matter made a big impression on me. Not least because it operates on more than one level. I have since discovered a number of others in the series chronicling this unusual friendship.
The style is conventional and visually attractive but the detailing – for example the man's boots and the lion's mane – is particularly impressive. 
The only other image I have attributed to Hall is equally unusual, a naked man caged up for shipment on a steamer ship. Possibly a slave but I suppose we can't rule out some sort of Zoo as the destination.
I like the rustic style of his cage suggesting this is a case of indigenous people turning the tables on the explorers. I imagine this image would be improved by a better scan.
I wish I could find more but either of these works qualify Dale for a honourable mention in this series.

For earlier articles in this series click on the A-Z label below.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - The letter H

After the drought of the letter 'G' (Greg Garcia being the only contender), I am spoilt for choice with the H's. Hasegawa, Heredia and The Hun stand out. But we also have Hammer, Harald, Hector, Heerdink and Humbug to consider.

I wanted to include Hirano whose stunning work manages to out do photographs in depicting male copulation. Sadly he doesn't seem to have ventured into the fetish arena. But I sneaked in this picture of a sportsman in the guise of a clothing/rope fetish.

For earlier articles in this series click on the A-Z label below.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Cops Companion 46 - Night Reception at the Jail

"Come on Fogarty, get your clothes off"

The new, aggressive policing style went down so well with the town
that many citizens joined in, picking out criminals and handing them over to the cops.
Some even ferried the bad guys to the jail themselves

It was less common for these vigilantes to strip the felons of their clothes
Family men didn't want naked lowlives soiling the back seats of their cars.
There were exceptions though. Like volunteers at charity shops who
liked to keep an eye out for designer clothes they could commandeer for stock.  

Most of these criminals arrived at the jail still fully clothed
 and the first thing the jail officers had to do was to force them to undress.
The night shift staff were particularly glad to get a piece of this rewarding action
It could be a hard job but someone had to do it. Anyway it relieved their boredom.

 Go to Part 7

orig Part45 of Cops Companion

Friday, 19 June 2009

Greasetank Villains

As Mitchell's Neighbourhood Police tale reaches a shocking climax, the protagonists have been compared with Greasetank's callous villains. Final episodes now running at mitchmen on Yahoo!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Cops Companion 45 – Arrested on the Board Walk

"Not such a big man now, are we Weasel!"

Early on in the campaign the cops targetted the public nuisance
posed by the numerous petty thieves who haunted the town beaches.
They would steal bags and belongings left unattended by bathers
and sneak off with them through the crowds who were enjoying the sun.

The cops knew exactly who these men were.
but in the old days, they had to catch them red-handed
or else stop them in possession of incriminating evidence.
Under the new powers, they could simply arrest on sight.

The villains had grown accustomed to the old, easy ways,
were astonished when the arresting officer ordered them to undress. 
Many refused to strip and tried to insist on their rights.
but the instruction was enforced with liberal use of the baton

Thanks to their extensive new training in detention skills
the cops were now able to bring hardened criminals to heel,
without any need for back-up or support from colleagues.

This personal power greatly enhanced their self-esteem
and many acquired a taste for humbling their prisoners
and savouring their newly-exposed shortcomings.

Go to Part 4
Picture: bootlust

Orig part 45 of ‘Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Cops Companion 44 – Fiery Punishments

But even the most hardened of criminals found the fiery punishments of the Annex testing.
These were conducted with elaborate preparation rituals.
which culminated in the uncovering of the 'target' area.


‘Cops Companion’ is a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Cops Companion 43 – Secured for attention

In the Annex cellars there were sterner challenges for the men who were kept in
Restraint and punishment was a perverse kindness for those who valued their masculinity.
For them sufferering this way was preferable to the kindness of those who wanted their bodies. 

Go to Part 44

‘Cops Companion’ is a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Neighbourhood Police - The Final Stretch - OutBound in Y-fronts

A prisoner awaiting his turn to be loaded into an unmarked van

catches the Commissioner's eye in his nice clean Y-Fronts.

 The 'Neighbourhood Cops' story by Mitchell reaches a shocking conclusion
as the Police Commissioner discovers that an undercover group
is transferring prisoners to a secret Annex of the prison
where they use abuse and punish them in a deplorable way.

Join Mitchell's yahoo! group to see the full set of pictures (link in sidebar)

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Cops Companion 42 - The Unknown

Perhaps the most demanding form of restitution
involved inmates being loaned out to victims or their relatives,
to do with as they wanted.

Naturally these individuals were carefully vetted
 and sworn to return the offenders in good physical condition.
But it was a handy way of alleviating overcrowding

Picked out, delivered and restrained in their overnight location
they could only imagine what unpleasantness awaited them
and contemplate the misdeeds that had got them here.

picture courtesy of bondageman

Cops companion is a series of photos designed to complement the Neighbourhood Police Story at mitchmen Yahoo! Group (link in sidebar)

Friday, 12 June 2009

Cops Companion 41- Water Therapy

If 'concerned Citizens could be tough on inmates,
some of the interesting judicial treatments being trialled at the Annex were worse.
Underwater bondage therapy (pioneered by the US Navy Seals)
demonstrated to argumentative prisoners that
deprivation and desperation could be enlightening experiences.

Early results suggested the approach was promising
 but needed a little work on the health and safety front.

Go to Part 43

Picture by MAL whose work can be seen at GMBA(latest link at foot of sidebar)

‘Cops Companion’ is a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ which is now running at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Cops Companion 40 - Double restitution

Other concerned citizens with a sense of civic responsibility
were also allowed to help these misguided boys pay their debt to society

Some were even willing to take on more than one at a time,
believing criminal associates could profit greatly
by sharing the retribution and restitution process together.
Some had ingenious ideas about punishmnent and restitution.
and naturally these encounters were rarely pain-free for the offenders
and they did not look forward to them.
But if they were transferred to the special 'wet cell' for the encounter
knew they were probably in for a particularly rough ride.

They would lie and sweat on the black plastic lining,
anxiously waiting to discover who their 'mentor' was to be.

Go to Part 42

Picture courtesy of

Orig pub in ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Cops Companion 39 - Prisoners make restitution

During the day prisoners were made to make restitution for their crimes.
Former victims and other interested parties could book to see them by the hour.
The prisoners were restrained in their underpants and gagged for the meetings.

The lucky ones got nothing worse than a good dressing down
or a tearful reproach from their aggrieved victim
For others the outcome could be more painful and messy,
especially if relatives and friends turned up.

Go to Part 40

Orig pub as‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Cops Companion 38 - Abuse at the Annex

Many prisoners were furtively transferred to the secret annex of the prison
disguised as prison maintenance staff in green overalls.
But as soon as they arrived they were stripped to their underwear
 and their overalls recycled for the next batch of prisoners to use.

They soon learned that the unofficial nature of the Annex,
meant Officers were free to indulge their sadistic urges on them
and they generally lost no time in getting started.

Go to Part 41

Picture from Smoking Hunks

Orig pub as‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Cops Companion 37 - Shipped out

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Friday, 5 June 2009

Cops Companion 36 - On Parade

The prisoners were subject to unannounced,snap searches and inspections to find contraband
The list of banned items now went beyond such things as phones, drugs and files.
Prisoner overalls were banned in most parts of the prison under the new regime.
Any inmate found wearing them in public areas could expect severe chastisement.

Instead they had to wear snug-fitting underpants everywhere,
Fresh pairs to wear were supplied to them every day
their old soiled ones were whisked away and offered
for sale under the Prisoner Restitution Programme

Go to part 37
I just had to get this picture in somewhere! It’s from a 'C-in2' underwear advertising campaign. This memorable photo is by Steven Klein. (His website is absurdly over engineered but quite interesting)
Orig published in ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Cops Companion 35 - Prisoner Review Time

Prisoner reviews were part of the Commissioner’s efforts to reform inmates.
But they soon learned to fear a summons to the Prison Office

which usually involved severe interrogation about their alleged misdeeds prior to arrest

If they failed to acknowledge or show remorse for their actions,
the officers were empowered to  correct them using any technique
they thought appropriate to improve the prisoners attitude.

Unfortunately the Officer's Training Programme had been suspended
as the cops purge had led to the detention of several of the trainers.
So many Officer's ideas on correction were a little old-fashioned.

Go to Part 36

Image is based on a scene from the film 'The Big Bounce' with Owen Wilson (left)

Orig pub in ‘The Cops Companion’ aseries of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Cops Companion 34 - Stag Night Blues

Stag night locations were heaven-sent opportunities for the cops
 as the bridegroom-to-be could usually be relied upon to end up
naked on the streets, sometimes accompanied by the best man.

If they staked out drinking joints favoured for these celebrations
 they could usually pick up the rest of the party too
Pulling them in for disorderly behaviour was a certainty
but incitement, conspiracy and even kidnap could also be cited
if they felt the group promising enough to warrant longer detention.

The chances of any of them attending the wedding
 were seriously reduced once the cops latched onto them.

Go to Part 18

Orig pu as ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’  at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Cops Companion 33 - Community Arrests

In less frequented, wooded areas the cops unearthed more delinquents.
Groups of young men sniffing solvents and sharing spliffs.
and on a good day, other minor infringements might be uncovered
 such as camping without a permit......

Wake up Boy! It's the Police! You're coming with us!"

Go to Part 34

Orig pub in ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen Yahoo! See sidebar for link.