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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Cops Companion 40 - Double restitution

Other concerned citizens with a sense of civic responsibility
were also allowed to help these misguided boys pay their debt to society

Some were even willing to take on more than one at a time,
believing criminal associates could profit greatly
by sharing the retribution and restitution process together.
Some had ingenious ideas about punishmnent and restitution.
and naturally these encounters were rarely pain-free for the offenders
and they did not look forward to them.
But if they were transferred to the special 'wet cell' for the encounter
knew they were probably in for a particularly rough ride.

They would lie and sweat on the black plastic lining,
anxiously waiting to discover who their 'mentor' was to be.

Go to Part 42

Picture courtesy of

Orig pub in ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

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