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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 26 June 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Dale Hall

This post was updated in June 2023
I first encountered Dale Hall's picture of a naked man set upon by a lion quite early in my life and although I had no great interest in bearded men then, nor their relationships with animals, the daring subject matter made a big impression on me. Not least because it operates on more than one level. I have since discovered a number of others in the series chronicling this unusual friendship.
The style is conventional and visually attractive but the detailing – for example the man's boots and the lion's mane – is particularly impressive. 
The only other image I have attributed to Hall is equally unusual, a naked man caged up for shipment on a steamer ship. Possibly a slave but I suppose we can't rule out some sort of Zoo as the destination.
I like the rustic style of his cage suggesting this is a case of indigenous people turning the tables on the explorers. I imagine this image would be improved by a better scan.
I wish I could find more but either of these works qualify Dale for a honourable mention in this series.

For earlier articles in this series click on the A-Z label below.


Anonymous said...

This image was used back in the late 70s as advertising for the Lyon's Bar in San Francisco, with the tagline, "Lions Love Maneaters." I remember it well.

Mitchell said...

I think they may have commissioned it in the 1970's. Funnily enough I stumbled across a pastiche of it only this morning in one of Bill Ward's 'Drum' comic strips for Drummer, featuring a Tarzan fantasy.