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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Cops Companion 45 – Arrested on the Board Walk

"Not such a big man now, are we Weasel!"

Early on in the campaign the cops targetted the public nuisance
posed by the numerous petty thieves who haunted the town beaches.
They would steal bags and belongings left unattended by bathers
and sneak off with them through the crowds who were enjoying the sun.

The cops knew exactly who these men were.
but in the old days, they had to catch them red-handed
or else stop them in possession of incriminating evidence.
Under the new powers, they could simply arrest on sight.

The villains had grown accustomed to the old, easy ways,
were astonished when the arresting officer ordered them to undress. 
Many refused to strip and tried to insist on their rights.
but the instruction was enforced with liberal use of the baton

Thanks to their extensive new training in detention skills
the cops were now able to bring hardened criminals to heel,
without any need for back-up or support from colleagues.

This personal power greatly enhanced their self-esteem
and many acquired a taste for humbling their prisoners
and savouring their newly-exposed shortcomings.

Go to Part 4
Picture: bootlust

Orig part 45 of ‘Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

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