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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Sven

 Sven - Chained Prisoner

Sven of Rennes, as he styles himself, is known for his cute, comic book characters and normally wouldn't qualify as a fetish artist but I didn't want to leave out these samples of more raunchy stuff. The first example of a dungeon captive is quite well known and despite the cartoony style and token representation of the bondage is nevertheless rather effective. The prominent feet detail will have it's fans, but for me it's the face that makes the picture, square jawed and handsome he looks as though he belongs in a cruisy club rather than a serious dungeon. The lightly stubbled jaw and slightly desperate look creates a sense that, however he came to be here, he's out of his depth now.
Sven - Saint Sebastian
St Sebastian is a classic fetish subject, but this isn't the best. It's a pretty enough picture but Sven has pulled back from showing the arrow piercing flesh. This man is also far too young for the part, the original was an officer in the army, but the detail of authentic looking kit, taken from him and placed on one side is quite sexy.

Sven - Ritual

My final entry is the best of the lot, a strikingly handsome young man, with hands tied in front, kneels on a table surrounded by a phalanx of masked men in identical costumes. The eerie, threatening atmosphere is augmented by the candles whose purpose is unclear. The captive's body is depicted in soft focus and sumptuous tones that somehow seem to accentuate his nudity – a rare achievement.

Sven has a website here but you may find it more productive to use an image search

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Friday, 4 October 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Stud

Stud's art dates from around 1980, a time when fetish publishing in the UK was testing the boundaries of new-found 'liberation' from censorship. In a way, though, it seems to look back to the 50's/60's and the traditional, leather biker in this first image illustrates this. This is not the civilised, leather gentry of Tom of Finland's work but a fearsome Hell's Angel, whose unkempt hair, oversized boots and lewd clothing suggest a rough and lascivious character. In startling contrast, the victim awaiting his due seems quite normal, an average guy with an attractive face, coiffured blond hair and trim physique. Only the generously-sized nipple rings give a clue that he's a signed up member, but you sense a chasm of character and lifestyles between them (class if you like) that seems very English. The drawing of the biker is a little stiff (it's the iconography that creates his menace) but for my money the rendering of the bound captive is exceptionally good.

The second drawing of a water-sports scene has a curiously naïve feel, the tough guy arches awkwardly (almost protectively!) over his captive to make a pissy connection. It's as though space has run out at the top of the picture and he's being squeezed in. The whip and other symbols of butchness (tattoo, stubble etc) are somewhat undermined by this boyish awkwardness and also his rather cute face with it's luxuriant eyelashes. The technique is sketchy but the shading technique is actually quite sophisticated. Overall, the picture seems charmingly naïve and if you have seen Thomas Waugh's collections of early gay art you'll probably remember seeing other pictures drawn in this way.

This dungeon scene also has a retro feel, recalling times when pseudo-historical settings were regularly used to provide 'cover' for S&M imagery. The detailed texturing of the background (including disturbing streaks on the walls) greatly enhances the brooding atmosphere. Stud had a fondness for hoods on both prisoners and torturers and he's also gone to town with the chain restraints here. The unadorned prisoner, hanging around in the background, awaiting his turn, makes a nice contrast and reminds us that the leather gear is here is not mere costumery, selected by the wearer, but an intimidating part of the ritual. You have to search a bit to discover the exact nature of the ordeal Stud is portraying, the hot clue is nearly out of the picture. I can't tell if this is artistic discretion or more of the clumsy 3rd party cropping you can see at the top. This picture appears to have been shaded with washes, suggesting the original was coloured but I've yet to see a coloured Stud picture, low circulation magazines at that time were predominantly black and white.

Stud's approach to S&M is pretty uncompromising, so his version of 'riding the wedge' replaces the usual chamfered, wooden beam with a fearsome sharp blade. (click on the label below for more examples). The prisoner, sympathetically portrayed once again as an average, young man, dangles above, clinging on by his fingertips to delay the inevitable ride down the sloping blade. The whole scene is lit by an 'authentic' flaming brand. Meanwhile the torturer and inquisitors look on with emotions concealed behind ceremonial hoods which have all sorts of unpleasant, historical associations. There's a kinship here with the strange dungeon imagery of Les Farnak.

The final picture seems to me to epitomise Stud's art. At first it is mildly shocking. The activities in progress - piercing, waxing, hair burning etc - are really not so terrible as fetish goes, but Stud suggests there is far worse to come. However, it is his characterisation of the bound victim that gives the picture it's edge. With slender body and luxuriant blond hair he seems to epitomise a healthy, carefree, 'normal' youth whose presence here seems quite out of place, although he is clearly aroused by the attention. The torturers suppress his cries and go about their work (corrupting the innocent? punishing the privileged?) with grim, merciless smiles.

Stud's art seems to make a point of placing ordinary men at the mercy of dark and evil captors who revel in their power over the seemingly innocent (or uninitiated perhaps) victim. Despite the limitations of his drawing technique, it's a very powerful, angry message. I have hinted that Stud may have belonged to the 1950's generation, a seriously oppressive time for gays in the UK and these pictures, coming as they do at the dawn of modern liberation may represent something of a primal scream at the injustice of it all. These days he is something of a cult figure and we can just enjoy his pictures for their raw erotic power.
I haven't found any site for Stud, his porny name makes searching pretty hard. He may be represented at gay museum sites but I can only suggest the GMBA archive (current link in sidebar).

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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Stevens (William)

Stevens - Jail Belting
In stark contrast to Steven's lollipops, the work of William Stevens shows SM scenes with powerful action and emotions. See here the concentration of the prison guard as he lashes a chained-up prisoner with his belt. Despite the static, restraint position, there's a sense of energy in the guard's exertions. Amusingly, he's standing on the prisoner's foot which shows true sadism, although this indulgence surely must impair his swing! The detailing of the face and the back of the hands, in this and the picture below, show an observant eye.

Stevens - Jail Assault
In this picture, the fear in the eyes of the prisoner is portrayed so convincingly, that I suspect it might take the subject beyond the realms of entertaining erotica for some fans. This image is beautifully composed with the guards crowding in around their naked victim, forcing him to show his backside - sensuously rounded buttocks and a tantalising glimpse of undercarriage. You can sense the guard's cigarette quivering between his lips as he savours the sight! Note the mysterious shape projecting from the his groin area and looking suspiciously like a disguised cock. A case of hidden eroticism that scarcely seems warranted, in what is already a fairly unambiguous subject. Must be British!

In fact, I don't have any information at all about this artist and would welcome any advice from my readers about him.

For other examples of 'hidden eroticism' click on the label below

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Friday, 6 September 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Steven

Steven - Forced To Watch
Steven is a mainstream, magazine artist with a cartoony, lollipop style. His pictures depict sexy and attractive young men, but are usually devoid of fetish content. However, I thought these exceptions were worth including here. Steven's confident, well developed style creates very attractive images but I particularly like the treatment of the tied up man in this first picture. He's struggling against the restraints, but getting off on it. The dishevelled, revealing clothing is a big plus point for me. A pretty boy put in his place. I haven't researched the story this belongs to, I suspect it is less exciting than the humiliation scenario the picture suggests to me. You can probably imagine your own version.

 Steven - Bondage Play

The second image is more twinky and the fetish element is superficial, but the ropework is nicely done. The inventive use of the sweaty jockstrap waistband as an improvised gag and lasso is an earthy touch that suggests this scene is less playful than it might first appear, an ambiguity reflected in the captive's doubtful expression. 
Fraternity Initiation
This frat spanking also has a strong domination-submission theme. Steven's frivolous style is not inappropriate for this scenario, but, for a non-fetish artist, he convincingly captures the abject submission of the blindfolded jocks, grovelling for the privilege of being admitted to the glamorous 'DIK' fraternity. The portrayal of the handsome, initiation committee revelling in their power and clearly contemplating further humiliations with some excitement, deftly sums up the dubious nature of this ritual behind the humorous veneer. It's interesting to compare this image with the conventional, fetish rendering of grovelling, the classic, leather, boot-licking scene (below).

Tom Of Finland - Boot Lover

Tom presents the Boot Lover as a man ecstatically worshipping superior beings - gods, who seem to be neither forcing him to do it, nor appreciating it. Pretty much like conventional religion. It's quite different to the calculating, one-off transaction of the fraternity initiation but arguably, Steven's understated, but slightly sinister scene is far more interesting.

It's easy to find Steven's work through search engines, but I haven't discovered a website for him, info from readers is welcome.

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Saturday, 31 August 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Squire

Squire - Two men
This is a real mystery man. I have just 3 pictures by him, all very fuzzy and indistinct, but so striking that I had to include him in my survey. The first is his most well-known and features a craggy jawed, boot boy having fun with a young sportsman in basketball boots. Literally swept off his feet by a big, butch, hairy man. Well, we all dream don't we? Despite the signature, it's often attributed to Palanca, presumably because of the oversized boots. (Palanca actually does bare feet rather than boots - see my A-Z article on Palanca) This picture also seems to endorse the supposed relationship between shoe size and other body parts, I wouldn't know about that but, beyond the humour, there's some nice man drawing here, both characters are appealing and there's a satisfying balance in the composition. The big boots suggest a pendulum and a sense of rocking motion, but also provide a firm base for the image.

 Squire - Military Paddling

This image employs the same theme of size and age difference, but is less playful in mood. I find the grovelling sportsman and military bully rather unappealing here, but the detailing of the boots and uniform is marvellous. That jockstrap bulge balanced on an intimidating paddle is pretty fine too. The finish is more polished in this picture, but note the odd positioning of the sportsman's left foot and right hand. 
Squire - At The Urinal

The final image is quite different in feel, somewhat reminiscent of the work of 'Big in Boots', an artist I have yet to feature in this series. The subject was dictated by a commission but Squire has certainly laid on a sleazy treatment. The maturity of the subject character forms an interesting progression from the earlier pictures.

I haven't been able to find any web address for Squire's art, he was mentioned at the Tom of Finland Foundation in 2002, but I don't know if he's still around, info from readers welcome.

For earlier articles in this series, click on the A-Z label below
or search by name in the masthead box.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Spubba

Spubba - Fetishy Boy
I've including Spubba in this survey mainly on the strength of this one drawing. The model depicted is smoothly muscular and beautifully drawn, his beefcake pose is very conventional and the warm colour palette almost makes you want to hang it on your wall. But Spubba has dressed him in a gas mask and chastity cage, relatively unusual fetish accessories, both of which are associated with external control. It somehow creates a powerful sense of an attractive individuality and masculinity being surrendered or enslaved. Beauty in chains as it were, but chains of a particularly controlling, suffocating type. 
He poses for a humiliating portrait, his masters new acquisition.

Spubba - The Experiment

My second example represents conventionality of a different sort. This open legged pose is replicated, over and over again, in countless tentacle pictures and yet it never seems to lose it's allure for artists or followers of that genre. In Spubba's version, the 'tentacles' seem to be technological in nature and draping rather than restraining the subject, whose submission seems more or less voluntary. It's nice to see a mature man (with body hair) on the receiving end for a change. The translucent, rubbery tubes are convincingly done and there's some nice, subtle colouring once again. Spubba is one of the Class Comics stable of artists and that skill level shows.

Spubba's work does not abound on the internet and much of it is pretty vanilla, 
start at the artist's own site - Spubba

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Thursday, 22 August 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Spryte

Spryte - Steam
If the current day tentacle phenomenon is intriguing, the spanking world's obsessive, fascination with a specific, ritualised form of male humiliation is no less fascinating. Humour is a key ingredient for the genre and Spryte is one of it's prime exponents. Thus, in 'Steam', four marines are hung up by their underpants and spanked by a primitive, steam-driven machine straight out of the Mickey Mouse, Steamboat Bill era. This is essentially four studies of chastised buttocks with sexy glimpses of tightly wrapped balls in between and the smooth shaved backsides enhance the erotic interest no end! 

No reason for the punishment is supplied, but then arbitrary humiliation is part and parcel of military service. The spanking machine is a wacky device (!) that just emphasises the impersonal, unstoppable nature of the punishment. Franco is famous for his machines of course and a similar, rotating, suspension device also appears in Jonathan's memorable series, 'Tourists' aka Gallipoli. 

  Spryte - Barber Shop

Spanking is regarded as a non-sexual pastime by some of it's exponents, but Spryte's victims usually present an erotic display and he is not reluctant to show spankers (or spectators) with erections. This barber shop image directly links spanking and sexual excitement, with the razor strop belt as a key ingredient. It's not clear if the the customer's long hair and beard is responsible for this assault, or the result of putting off the experience! 
The erotic potential of the traditional barber is under-exploited in fetish art – we have haircutting and shaving, both intimate personal services with fetish connections. The imposing chair is just right for bondage and the customer's body is mysteriously cloaked in a protective sheet. In the days before sexual liberation, the customary offer of 'something for the weekend, sir?' (i.e. condoms) was an excitingly sexual question.

Spryte - Builders
This image is one of a series showing macho, hairy-arsed, construction workers being ordered around and punished by a particularly effeminate, upper crust manager who seizes on any opportunity to give them spankings – for smoking, time wasting, organising strikes etc. The oppression role-reversal message is not particularly subtle, but the humiliation of beefy builders, forced to expose their assets and endure endless rear-end pain is no less enjoyable for that.

Spryte - Juice

Spryte's output is not dedicated solely to spanking. This plant attack picture might be considered as tentacle-ania, but the tightly wrapped men's bodies, about to be engulfed (and consumed?) by the carnivorous plant is closer to high bondage art, dressed up in an exotic form. The groping and probing of the 'tentacles' here is just a means of luring the victims to their fate, whereas in most tentacle pictures, the groping and probing is their fate. The background figure disappearing into the flower head is a particularly sexy idea and the device of having two buddies suffering together adds an extra erotic twist. It also allows him to elaborate on the plant's modus operandi.  

Despite the comic format, this picture is not really funny at all and has subtle depths. Most viewers will instinctively recognise and enjoy the Freudian psychology at work – man transformed into a penis and drawn into the womb, or if you prefer, man rendered helpless by his sexual excitement and hence vulnerable to being consumed by the object of his desire. What a way to go!

Spryte - Prison Scene
This prison scenario has no spanking ingredients either, but there's another striking power reversal as white prison officers perform on each other for the pleasure of a black inmate. The prisoner's characterisation is a cut above Spryte's normal cartooning and very attractive – he's streetwise, confident, muscular and well-endowed. In contrast to his power, the captive officers, deprived of their uniforms, have a hairless, fleshy, soft-skinned quality that is curiously submissive and erotic. 

Spryte - Boxer
Many of Spryte's pictures show animals and mythical creatures turning on their human tormentors and returning their abuse in like form (e.g. by branding them or springing mousetraps on tender regions). More role reversal. Sometimes, however, the motivation is pure devilment, as in this image of an entangled boxer, biting his lip in pain, as a small, malevolent spirit uses his dangling tackle for a miniature punch bag. In some pictures the devil is identified as Spryte's alter ego, enjoying similar sadistic pleasures at the expense of strapping lads.

Spryte's light hearted cartoons are justifiably popular and he shows great imagination and originality of thought in his wide ranging exploration of male humilation and revenge scenarios. Despite the simplicity of style, his depictions of muscular victims, clad only in skimpy/ripped clothing often have a genuinely sensual quality. His depictions of the most attractive and powerful of male stereotypes, inexplicably controlled and suffering at the hands of the most unlikely of tormentors, taps into deeply erotic and emotional feelings and gives hope to us all!

Thanks to SoupGoblin who has kindly provided me with some links for Spryte - see the first comment below. There's a decent collection at Jock Spank (link in sidebar), Google will throw up lots of examples too.

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