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Friday, 6 September 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Steven

Steven - Forced To Watch
Steven is a mainstream, magazine artist with a cartoony, lollipop style. His pictures depict sexy and attractive young men, but are usually devoid of fetish content. However, I thought these exceptions were worth including here. Steven's confident, well developed style creates very attractive images but I particularly like the treatment of the tied up man in this first picture. He's struggling against the restraints, but getting off on it. The dishevelled, revealing clothing is a big plus point for me. A pretty boy put in his place. I haven't researched the story this belongs to, I suspect it is less exciting than the humiliation scenario the picture suggests to me. You can probably imagine your own version.

 Steven - Bondage Play

The second image is more twinky and the fetish element is superficial, but the ropework is nicely done. The inventive use of the sweaty jockstrap waistband as an improvised gag and lasso is an earthy touch that suggests this scene is less playful than it might first appear, an ambiguity reflected in the captive's doubtful expression. 
Fraternity Initiation
This frat spanking also has a strong domination-submission theme. Steven's frivolous style is not inappropriate for this scenario, but, for a non-fetish artist, he convincingly captures the abject submission of the blindfolded jocks, grovelling for the privilege of being admitted to the glamorous 'DIK' fraternity. The portrayal of the handsome, initiation committee revelling in their power and clearly contemplating further humiliations with some excitement, deftly sums up the dubious nature of this ritual behind the humorous veneer. It's interesting to compare this image with the conventional, fetish rendering of grovelling, the classic, leather, boot-licking scene (below).

Tom Of Finland - Boot Lover

Tom presents the Boot Lover as a man ecstatically worshipping superior beings - gods, who seem to be neither forcing him to do it, nor appreciating it. Pretty much like conventional religion. It's quite different to the calculating, one-off transaction of the fraternity initiation but arguably, Steven's understated, but slightly sinister scene is far more interesting.

It's easy to find Steven's work through search engines, but I haven't discovered a website for him, info from readers is welcome.

For earlier articles in this series, click on the A-Z label below
or search by name in the masthead box.

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