Doodlefish - Ready for Play |
I'm not usually a fan of long hair but Doodlefish's shaggy haired hunks have an individualistic, earthy appeal that's enhanced here by manual work clothes and muscles bulging under tight restraint. The squared-off design of the rope harness displays the captive's upper-body bulk, but eliminates any chance of him using it to escape. He's coaxed into a humiliating, public display of milk production.
Doodlefish - Art Model |
Many a student has scratched some beer money by posing for an Art 'Life' class.
Quentin Crisp, Britain's famous queer, made a career of it. It often means going nude (hence the Naked Civil Servant) but I imagine posing in shibari bondage is relatively rare. Our student here displays an interesting combination of post-adolescent nonchalance and bemusement about this requirement. I suppose the ciggy he is smoking may be contributing to that detachment (r whatever else he took last night).
My guess is the class resorted to restraint as the only way to make the unruly man keep still, but the art-work on the wall suggests they have employed this measure before. Such muscularity on one so young certainly deserves appreciation and there's no finer tribute than wrapping it in ropes as if it were too dangerous to be allowed freedom in a confined space. The leg suspension is a little unkind since it will become more than a little uncomfortable if the length of the class period stretches into multiple hours, but the rugby-style long socks he's wearing imply he's fitter and tougher than most.
Doodlefish - Not Again |
There's similar sporting background to this image with shorts, undershorts and long socks in evidence. It's clearly a locker-room ritual and I imagined it at first to be a private 'man of the match' ceremony enacted on the player adjudged to have put in the worst performance. If you think about it, over the course of a season of 30 or so matches, every man in the team would be liable to find himself in the bottom spot once, at least. Bottom seems to be the operative word here, judging by the condoms lying ready on the bench.
But no, it turns out that this is the team captain rewarding his team with a treat of their own choosing. It looks like every one of them is going to take full advantage of the offer. It must work as an incentive, though, because the title tells us that this has happened before. I suppose he doesn't want to change a winning formula so he takes the team's parts in good humour, offering half-hearted resistance and a request for them to be less rough. That seems to imply that he enjoys it as much as they do.
Doodlefish - Do Me A Favour |
There's an unintended embarrassment here with a parcel delivery man making an unfortunate discovery when a damaged box sheds it's contents on the customer's doorstep. He's terrified of being held responsible for the damage and also, I imagine, for discovering something that most men would prefer their delivery men not to know about. Luckily this customer is not at all worried about it, but sneakily takes advantage of the poor man's confusion by asking for a favour. It's not the obvious one suggested by this image, instead he invites him in to establish that the articles have not been damaged.
Most of these images have an explicit sequel and you can imagine what form this one takes. You should be able to track it down by visiting
Doodlefish75 at 'X'. This image stands up on it's own, however, as a vivid illustration of frightened submissiveness by a very cute-looking guy. I'm a sucker for uniforms and shorts anyway, they seem to imply a certain level of 'amenability' to giving service. Name tags also contribute to that impression and I particularly like the way this one dangles in front of his crotch.
Doodlefish - Make Me Cum |
We've all had a go on those machines at fairgrounds where you manipulate a crane with a claw grabber to drop down onto a prize and retrieve it. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get a prize out from one so I'm all in favour of this alternative idea. The captive, relaxing on his cushion, seems to be unaware that he's on public display (free of charge) with strangers paying (small) sums of money for the chance to tease him into wetting his pants. The picture is about his looming, public embarrassment which can be a powerful thing in some parts of the world.
Other than enjoying his plight, there's limited reward for the on-lookers. There's a cup at the front of the case which suggests a (probably small) liquid prize for beating the challenge and they can have fun manoeuvring the vibrator (no it's not a microphone) into position and chasing him with it if he moves. However, I suspect it would be just as frustrating as the conventional fairground game. Why dispense with the claw, you might ask and I would agree. As far as I know the artist hasn't depicted that variant but there are other images in the series with the captive minus briefs but plus plug. This being a fantasy, he ultimately manages to fill the cup (via the rectangular drainage funnel just beyond the control buttons) and whitewash the inside of the cabinet.
Doodlefish also put a different captive into a glass case to be a commercial milk dispenser rather than a fairground entertainment (in Milk Outlets by Doodlefish).
Doodlefish - The Next Number |
This idea would certainly liven up bingo nights, which let's face it are a bit of a bore unless you have an engaging companion. The artist has made it even more interesting by portraying the balls as if they were like pool balls (i.e big and hard). Accommodating ninety of them would be a bit of a challenge for most men, a would-be 'shooter' would have to practice for months. Perhaps they start with ball-bearings and work up. At this level though he ought to be able to command an extra fee for pure entertainment value, perhaps selling tickets to the audience so they can kiss their lucky number and pop it in themselves.
Doodlefish - Room-mate's Noise 2 |
Anal experiences come high up this artist's pecking order and here's another rebellious young man getting his as a punishment for making too much noise with his music deck, disturbing his housemates and aggressively rejecting their complaints. I suppose it's debateable whether this is necessarily a punishment for him, there's hard evidence to the contrary, but being able to subdue and override an objectionable jerk is reward in itself for most of us. When the batteries run down and the music stops he may sing a different tune. And if he does like it? Well, why not do it to him again?
The timeless fashions of youth are nicely depicted here
and like most of this artist's images, it's very pleasing to the eye.
Doodlefish - Put It In |
Gay Asian artists seem to have a particular interest in exposing the foibles of their office superiors. This image shows such a boss who summons his employees to give him ritual humiliation. They arrive to find him undressed and in a receptive position for his preferred devices - animal ears and a bushy tail with handy butt plug for secure attachment.
Animal references also crop up in this artist's fantasy pictures which don't qualify for this blog, but the interest for me here is the deliciously snug-fitting underwear the boss is wearing. Needless to say, the pants soon vanish, as the laws of porn demand and as the title suggests it must!
Doodlefish - Time To Do You 2 |
This chap starts out in sports shorts but the naked version is relatively uncontroversial and another nice view of a pleasant, innocent fantasy. This artist's titles are rather uninformative and no use at all for search indexing but have the virtue of inviting you to imagine. As to what 'do you' means exactly, older visitors may recall a vintage, radio,
comic association with this phrase, which shows humour hasn't changed very much over the years, it's just become less subtle.
Doodlefish - Loosen Up |
If you are going to self-censor work (which all bloggers have to do sometime) this is a marvellously clever way to do it and it probably ends up being more provocative (and more interesting) than the undisguised image would be. It's a subterfuge that is not easy for censoring computers to spot since it just implies, especially when the apparently bland title is added in. The image itself incorporates an element of the locker-room bondage ritual shown earlier but doesn't seem to be directly related to it subject-wise.
Doodlefish - Who's The Idiot Now? |
This seems to be a variation of the humiliated boss meme, but in an educational context. However, the man being taught his manners seems to be a sports coach rather than a conventional teacher. They used to double up roles when I was in that stage of my life, with sports or art master usually being a second string, but I don't know if it works like that now. The guys tormenting him don't seem to be sporting types, however, and the exam paper doesn't seem to have that connection either so it's all a bit puzzling.
None of this detracts from the splendid depiction of a handsome, chunky-thighed, games man, sexily stripped of his shorts and (soiled) underwear, but not his top or socks (I must admit, I share this artist's predilection for sports socks). The man at the centre of attention gazes up stoically, vacantly almost. as a very large vibrating plug is inserted into him from behind. The only preparation for this demanding test seems to have been a string of much smaller balls. This sub-dom imagery is superb but the reason why he is so acquiescent is a bit of a cheat. The idiocy referred to in the title is a student's interest in hypnosis which his mentor has ridiculed. Now the tables are turned and he is in it's grip, totally compliant (and hopefully, more accommodating of invasive devices).
Doodlefish - Tentacle Revenge 1 |
Octopii have become a regular feature at this blog of late (
search 'octopus') and it's not surprising to find them groping their way into the work of an Asian artist. This invocation of a fisherman discovering an unusual species in his net is like something out of the 1001 Arabian nights but the traditional influences don't stop it having a subtle sexiness, possibly because we arrive at it forewarned about the rapacious tendencies of these creatures, which the strange appendages on their tentacles in this case do nothing to dispel. Doodlefish works his usual magic with the fisherman's appearance, conjuring up an intensely interesting, youthful masculinity.
Doodlefish - Tentacle Revenge 2 |
There is something very satisfying and sophisticated in the way this artist does not direct his tentacles to strip the unfortunate young fisherman naked, but merely to lift his apron and bare one leg so that the way is clear for him to be plugged at both ends. There's a sinister intelligence in the way the octopus has clamped his hands together to accomplish this.
At this point he seems to be teetering on the edge of his boat and is probably more worried about being pulled into the water and drowned, than the minor inconvenience of perfectly good food making it's own way into his intestines. It's even inducing a pleasurable response in the process, probably fuelled by his fear.
This is a great little series.
Doodlefish - Locker Room Reveal |
Back in the locker room, another player strips off to wash away the sweat and grime of the match and in the process reveals the weals left by shibari ropework (and possibly, punishment implements too). Already the other users have noticed the marks and are exclaiming in surprise and probably registering other emotions ranging from horror to arousal (as suggested by the basketball player's exploding drink).
Little do they know that when the player turns round an even more unexpected sight will confront them, a chastity cage. It's already dripping with his sexual excitement at being 'found out' as a man who likes to be dominated and controlled in the crudest fashion. There is no way of knowing how the other men will respond. Some will be appalled, some amused, but there may be others who take advantage.....
Doodlefish - Let's See How Deep |
This isn't the official sequel but it fits that chain of thought. Some senior players have decided to exploit the opportunity to satisfy their own sadistic impulses. They've even brought toys of their own to the locker room. With a willing victim who knows where it will end?
For more visit Doodlefish75 at 'X' (with links to his Patreon pay site)
Also on Blue Sky
and Instagram