To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Be Careful What You Wish For - 11

 Sigfried & Hans Latschkowski by Bruce of LA ca 1961

Muscle buddies hanging out together in the local cruising area

For more mitchmen captions or wishes click on the mitchmods label below

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio - 1 Bunkhouse Bondage

Cowboy, naked bar boots, tied up and blindfold, partner brandishes an erect cock as his ass
Mitchell - Blind Man's Buff in the Bunkhouse

Also known as 'poking a tongue'.
Cowboys know to expect a 'settling in' period at a new ranch.
Every bunkhouse has it's 'characters' and peculiar rites of passage.
If he's not familiar with this one, I expect he'll soon learn the ropes.
But he might be a bit saddle sore tomorrow morning 


This is one of my earliest images and it was inspired by the 'tongue' image which featured in the recent, Classic Homoerotic Images post. If I remember rightly the tied up and blindfolded buckaroo was also based on a Colt image of around the same period, but I suppose the musculature tells you that. 

More of Mitchell's 'Cowboy Portfolio'

click on the 'mitchpix' label below for more drawings by Mitchell

Monday, 24 July 2023

Classic Homoerotic Images 8

This joyous image by Colt of a leather man joyfully celebrating his sexuality and the freedom to express it marked the high point of 'liberation' around 1980 when anything seemed possible. Men who didn't subscribe to this magazine probably saw the cover advertised. It couldn't have failed to warm the cockles of their heart. Despite the leather referencing, it seems to embrace the whole gay community, what gay men shared rather than what differentiated them. It was an assertion that gay men were masculine, happy and balanced as individuals.

Colt - Gene Winchester

The full image, seen in this slightly different variant, was rather more racy, more assertively gay you might say. Gene Winchester clutching his crotch and failing to hide a generous bush of pubic hair. You might see PlayGuy's 1978 cover adaptation as a cop-out, but it's actually rather effective at implying what you don't see and they did have a full-frontal, centre page spread of this model inside. 

This magazine, by aping the title of the famously 'acceptable' heterosexual publication, represented a stab at equalisation, an attempt to secure a permanent place for gay magazines on the 'normal' bookshelves, away from the sleazy top shelf. Consequently the contents rarely lived up to the promise of the cover. It did managed to survive, however, without further compromise  until 2009 by which time the boys of Bel Ami had elbowed Colt musclemen out of the way.

I adapted this imagery myself in one of my early pictures - see next post.

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Recent Posts at the Royale Studio blog

 Recent additions to the Royale Studio Open Archive:

Naked wrestling vintage British homoerotic gay photos by Basil Clavering
Brian Lamprill and Tibor Urgay in a sexy stalemate for Royale

I've now completed the full post of Royale Studio's set from 1959 showing Brian Lamprill and Tibor Urgay wrestling in the nude. Well, sort of wrestling, but it's sexy stuff. The men are genuinely nude and the contortions required to avoid frontal exposure are sexy in themselves.  To the best of my knowledge this group has never been assembled since Royale folded.

There's also a slightly controversial set showing Lamprill posing solo in a WW2 German helmet. You can locate it by clicking on Lamprill's 'model index' link in the right sidebar of the Royale Studio blog.

The old Royale Studio favourite, 'Unapproved School', is the latest upgrade to articles previously posted at the mitchmen blog. It's No 8 in the storyette list. Again it's an interim post covering Part 1 only. The rest to follow shortly.

If you are interested in the history and background of Royale Studio, there have also been updates to the 'Royale Studio Timeline' post at the blog which charts how it all started, how Hussar studio was spun off and when it all ended after a short but spectacular career. There's a new article about 110 Denbigh St which is where Royale was based for it's whole existence and a discussion of the location of the garden used for shots in 'Unapproved School' and other early Royale sets.

Visit the Royale Studio Open Archive blog

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Jordan James Beautifully Bound

Handcuffs, ball-gag and chastity cage
for a stud who's cute, muscular and fully shaved
and knows how to look submissive.

There's a perverse pleasure in seeing a pro blogger silenced!

A boyfriend's appreciation

Better take no chances on an escape.

Ready for bed?

Maybe that racy, chastity blog wasn't such a good idea.

to overcome his fear of cocks (I jest!)

 More Jordan James at Twitter

Click the labels below for more bondage, chastity and crotch-shaving fetish at mitchmen 

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Slave Training 11 - Overcoming Cockaphobia (Updated link)

We all know, it's like riding a bicycle, not as scary as you think once you get the hang of it.
But this simple conditioning technique will resolve severe cases of suckaphobia.

Equipment required:- Handcuffs (or equivalent), Mouth Spreader, Cock (preferably erect)

Also useful for training biters and scrapers.


This clip is from MuscleDestroyer at Deviant Art
see also 'Rude Awakening'

Jordan James & Harvey Bridgestone

Thanks to Crazy Soldier for providing the names (see Comment below)
See the rest of the video @JBridgestoneXXX

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Domination Art by Paragon Illusions

Paragon Illusions - Acquiescence

A young man prepares for his first fetish experience. His hands are clasped behind his back, submissively anticipating restraint, but his teacher has decided that first he must learn unquestioning obedience and so, symbolically, he gags him. No questioning now, no answering back.

Great image!

Paragon Illusions - Weekend Play Toy

On a lonely road at night an expensive car draws up. A man gets out and stands, looking around. Then he begins to take off his expensive clothes - his jacket and tie, his trousers and shirt, carefully folding them all and storing them in the boot of the car (the trunk). After a second or two of hesitation, he takes off his underpants too and drops them on top of the pile. 

Next he opens the box that was delivered to him that morning. He takes from it a length of chain, winds it tightly round his ankles, as instructed, and secures it with a padlock, making very sure that the chains are tight, because he doesn't have the key to release them for a second attempt. He takes a second length of chain from the box and winds it round his wrists, which is more difficult, he has to use his mouth as well for this, but he practiced it (as instructed) before he left home. This time though he has to finish by closing the padlock, After that there will be no going back.

His decision made, he closes the boot-lid and hobbles round to the front of the car to wait, standing between the headlights. It's a cold, cloudless night and he shivers. He arrived a little early, wanting to be sure he had time to do everything just right. The man who is collecting him is probably watching him right now, but he won't show himself before the pre-arranged time. He may even turn up late, that is his prerogative. They have the whole weekend in front of them.

Paragon Illusions - Fantasy Fulfilled

In the first two fantasies, the subs offered themselves up completely naked. Clubland pick-ups usually come ready-packed in leather gear so it's a rare luxury for the top to be able to clothe a new acolyte to suit himself, in his own taste. For the newcomer, spread naked and waiting in the dungeon chains for the scene to begin, the buckling of someone else's harness tight across his chest, entrusting him to wear it, is an exciting expression of acceptance. The securing of the top's chastity device between nervous legs is an unsubtle assertion of his total control. These introductions complete, he is free to assess the man at his disposal for what is about to unfold. 

There's an inter-generational element to this image which changes a conventional 'training' scenario into something more interesting, with genuine mentorship and learning. 

Paragon Illusions - Board Bound

The training of mature men is no less exciting than instructing the uninitiated young. In fact, maturity and bulk in a sub add a suggestion of humbled pride to his act of unforced submission. This top seems to be making the most of it, pausing to observe the sub's reactions before securing the fourth and final limb in the fetters. He's clad his student in a bulky steel collar and mounted him on an uncomfortable, crude but strong open frame in symbolic containment of his superior, physical size. 
Now he can start to assess his inner strength and devise his training strategy.

 Beards on young and older men have become more favoured in recent years and this artists work reflects that with a pleasing spread of ages and nice balance between realism and ideals in body types. His participants all look different and, in their own way, desirable.

Paragon Illusions - Dare Taken

A strikingly attractive man bends his partner over a leather horse to make him pay a hot bottom forfeit. Somehow the artist has managed to capture a good sense of his forcefulness and their struggle.

The playful title here implies an equality of status that isn't evident in the imagery, with the shaving of a man's head being a classic degradation technique. Some subs do it for themselves which seems to miss the point and undermines a top's control. Perhaps that is the 'dare' at the heart of this piece.

Paragon Illusions - Disappointment

This misty image is a beautiful statement of forced submission. It owes a great deal of course to the imagery of captured agents and interrogation chairs in spy thrillers where the audience is split between those who fear their hunky hero is about to experience unpleasantness and those who desperately hope he will. That source does not detract from this artist's interpretation, the muscular captive's bowed head here is particularly expressive. However, it does make the adaptation to a leather/biker scenario a little confusing. 

You can interpret this as a biker gang boss rebuking an underling for a mission failure, but a studded paddle would be an unlikely interrogation tool for such a man, particularly when faced with a seated captive. In the fetish world, folding chairs like this are more likely to be found in the wrestling ring than a dungeon.

The artist's title is typical of his work, suggesting a deeply involved, consensual but strictly hierarchical power relationship between these two men. It seems to have gone off-script here with the dominant partner left nursing a bruised lip having been obliged to reassert his control. The remedy seems to be to sit the cowed offender down for a dose of Daddy talk (laced with emotional blackmail) after which he will agree to lower his thick leather pants for a spanking he'll never forget.

Whether you buy that or not, it's still a great picture.

Paragon Illusions - Factory Fantasy

The mysterious imagery of abandoned factories has a special place in the world of fetish where the vast, enclosed but neglected spaces and their trappings of chains, machines, furnaces and mobile cranes provide a wealth of intimidating atmosphere and kit for any would-be dominator. The setting was memorably featured in the Zeus 'Steel Dungeon' videos (1995) while 'Shooting the Past' by Priapus (2017) provides a gentler, more recent example. 

Paragon's take on the theme captures the spooky essence of the setting rather well, with the dark, misty lighting and invading undergrowth creating up a great sense of remoteness and isolation, that guarantees privacy for the protagonists or, if you prefer, eliminates any chance of rescue. His title cleverly damps down any suggestion of impropriety in what is about to happen whilst leaving the story of how this man came to be here naked and chained and his relationship (if any) with his 'captor' cloaked in ambiguity.

Paragon Illusions - Lesson in the Rain

The natural world in this piece becomes an even more active participant in the fetish experience, with a sub forced to stand outside, naked in (sleety-looking) rain. His top watches him from the warmth of their sitting room, able to enjoy his discomfort but also the embellishing effect of the gleaming water on his skin tones. It's very reminiscent of the work of Okawa and other Japanese fetish artists who put their subs out in the snow. I'm glad to say Paragon's victim looks a a good deal older and more than able to look after himself. This is one of my favourite images by this artist.

The artist's commentaries visualise a consensual contract that permits this sort of humiliation as a honourable, character-enhancing experience for the sub, much as Military Training does. Amalaric by contrast is rather good at thinking up other, thoroughly disreputable ways to persuade strong men to do want they wouldn't do otherwise.


More Paragon next time


Thursday, 13 July 2023

Art by Bazz

Bazz - Tanning

Bazz - Teacher's Pet

Mature Students only!


More art by Bazz at mitchmen

'Best of Bazz' website (try the flipcard option, top left)

Monday, 10 July 2023

Art by Shenguanlin

Shenguanling - Milk Farm 1

This striking image offers a harrowing glimpse into the depths of this artist's nightmarish world of abductions and crushing captivity. Men who are taken are doomed, it seems, to an existence of perpetual, suffocating, bondage, punctuated by participation in humiliating rituals involving bodily functions. This includes milking of course, but strictly speaking this particular set-up wouldn't qualify as a mitchmen Milking Factory because of the 'artisan' extraction arrangements and low volumes involved. 

The human storage cages seen in the background were also featured in the recent 'Milking Factory' contribution by this artist. They seem like a praise-worthy, humanitarian, rest and respite facility for the milked men, but a cynic might argue it's just a necessary business response to the milk production limitations of male biology and hardly represents a free range approach to keeping them. 

The bubbles seen drifting around the captivity chamber are an intriguing but unfathomable detail. Dream-like? Maybe one of my readers can decipher the symbolism.

Shenguanlin - Suspension 2

Shenguanlin's complex art is built on simple bondage imagery, like this semi-suspended hog. 
His favoured tipple seems to be Rugby Players and other butch sportsmen, 
The bindings are invariably comprehensive, neat and believable.

This image is lifted by the lifelike representation of the captive's taped eyes and face mask.
 The face covering appears to be improvised from socks, underwear or shorts (of unknown, dubious condition and origin!) These are clues to his deeper fetish leanings.

Shenguanlin - Hogtied

This hog variant puts the prisoner into real world setting, balanced on a table in an austere cell whose bare interior contrasts vividly with the vegetation seen beyond the prison bars, the lush world from which he has been removed. Stripped down to just his shorts and socks, a typically hairy physique is revealed. Since he's so tightly hogtied, the table beneath his body is the only external thing the prisoner is aware of, because a blindfold, gag and earplugs deprive him of his other senses. 

This relatively simple image is visually appealing thanks to it's colour balance and crisp detailing. There's an intriguing sense of the unknown. Who is he? Why is he here? We can almost feel his isolation and share his mystification of where all this is leading. He may not even realise that he's set upon a table which seems to imply a tactile physical inspection may well follow his sensory deprivation.

Shenguanlin - The Penalty for Losing

The same basic hog-tie image is worked up here into a dramatic, erotically-infused scene with three rugby players put on display in matching restraints, having been held responsible for the loss of a match. It must have been quite an important one!

Part of their punishment seems to have been a beating of some sort, the random angles of the red weals on their bodies suggest a 'running of the gauntlet' prior to being tied up (compare the recent Drtkk imagery). The beating, however, is just a warm-up for their real punishment. Their faces have been wrapped in a mixture of dirty jock straps and smelly trainers (no doubt provided by their team mates). I suppose it brings home to them, rather vividly, just how much sweat and toil their colleagues had put in, when they hadn't. They are sweating profusely themselves now, even if they weren't during the match.

The restraints here look a whole lot tighter and much more strenuous for the three captives than the previous examples. Their heads are pulled back tightly and connected to tightly flexed legs at the toes. They will probably be dropped from the team after their poor performances, but if they're forced to endure this much stress for long - say, the same length as the match - they aren't going to be in a fit state to play again anyway for a while. 

This picture is packed with fascinating and sometimes sleazy detail. This artist has an unusual way (to me at any rate) of depicting the struggling movement of the captives. It consists of squiggly lines drawn around the outlines of their bodies. It works better when you get used to reading it. Some of it seems more like trembling than energetic struggle - which is not an entirely inappropriate reaction! He provides sound effects as well. A (slightly incongruous) dialogue box explains the scenario.

Shenguanlin - Duct Tape Boy

You can see the 'special effects' more clearly in this rather nicely drawn image of a skater-type tied to a chair (surprisingly it's a padded one!). The trembling interpretation applies quite well here. There are virtually no erotic ingredients in this picture beyond the captivity scenario itself and the suggestive, clean-cut characterisation of the prisoner.  However, the taped-up shorts are quite intriguing and fans of trainers and chunky legs get a small treat. The heap of tapes at the prisoner's feet and the ropes lying on the floor behind him suggest he's part of a much bigger bondage operation.

Shenguanlin - Bondage Freak

Here the artist takes the same basic image and makes a spectacular transformation with some relatively small alterations. The covering of the face with noxious looking fabrics has the most immediate impact, followed by the spurting, caged cock which is a good compromise between realism and wishful thinking. But there's another, easily overlooked change that arguably has more impact overall and that is the 'doubling up' of the taping which adds body bulk and emphasises the total restraint of the prisoner. 

There's a host of fascinating detail including the introduction of an electrical box whose terminals are connected to the man's balls with crocodile clips. However, this arrangement seems designed not so much to torment him, but to stimulate his engorgement into a seriously restricting cock and balls cage which also has a head attachment improvised from twisted wires and holding a 'sound' in place. 

This isn't the same man as the previous picture, this one has hairy legs, suggesting more maturity and a greater inner strength that warrants his more demanding restraint. The crudely boarded-up cell window seems to imply he's going to need it. 

Unexpectedly, the artist's title seems to imply this arrangement is all quite voluntary.

Shenguanlin - Tonight's Boy

This tweaking of straight-forward bondage images to show extreme, earthy outcomes reflects an interest in the whole process of a man's descent into captivity and this image depicts the starting point. A very real-looking man has been entrapped, apparently in his own home. He's laid out on a settee being tied up, surrounded by items indicating his passion for playing rugby - but not for washing his clothes. This stereotypically masculine trait makes him ideal material for Shenguanlin's predators. 

The captive has been put into a shiny, black, bondage suit with his arms strapped to his sides. The suit is not particularly tight but manages to display a sizeable mound between his thighs, which looks as if it might a white undergarment (and contents) extracted from inside the suit. It's squashed into two moundlets by a very tight belt, part of an assortment of ropes, bandages and belts providing head to toe restraint. 

This looks like preparations for an abduction - the protective packaging of a prized acquisition, but the captive's legs are actually being tied to the settee which implies he isn't going anywhere just yet. The captors leave him free to voice his confusion and protests, but it's hard to see that continuing for long.

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 1

In this image a similar looking man is being processed in a dark, undefined space. His two masked attendants are indistinctly drawn, but clad in skin-tight, dark body suits creating an eerie atmosphere of sexual menace. The title tells us more of what is to come, the smell of the place may give him that clue.

Standing erect so that the attendants can finish strapping him up, he is already fitted with  a thick, high collar that forces him to look upwards. A ring gag, attached to a whole-head harness keeps his mouth gaping open and already, his face is dripping with cum. His cock and balls, extracted from his body suit, are uncovered and forced into a multi-ring cage that squeezes tight round his balls and the base of his cock. 

Despite this multi-layered restraint, he is weeping excitedly. The artist cleverly maintains an element of ambiguity throughout the story suggesting consensuality. The photo ID card stuck on the captive's chest even suggests a club-like arrangement, recognising his individuality and tracking him. A bit like an animal passport. 

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 2

The captors tape over his eyes and carry him to an iron cubicle where he is put inside a body-shaped casket like a mummy. It seems to fit him perfectly not allowing him to make any movements. Perfect for shipping but the casket is actually chained to the wall. In the picture the attendants move in close to make final adjustments and he can probably feel them touching and arranging him. They stroke his cock encouragingly (sympathetically?) and too late, he senses something not very nice is going to happen to him, but his gargled plea is ignored. 

Next, they will fit the other half of the casket over him. The front section is fitted with a mouth tube that will be fed through the ring of his gag, there's also an orifice for his cock and balls to be pulled out, both requiring careful fitting. Eventually his voice is silenced by the outer cases being bolted together.

Shenguanlin - Installation of a Dungeon Urinal 3

By the time the attendants have departed some time later, the outer casing is doubly clamped and chained to the walls of the cell. The incarcerated captive's mouth piece is connected to a stub of a tube in the ceiling of the cubicle. When opened it will drain waste liquids from a Basketball Team's locker room just above. 

The captive's projecting cock is now fitted with close-fitting shaft-ring which can be agitated mechanically via an electric motor. His balls will simultaneously receive electrical stimulation and this control arrangement will draw repeated orgasms from him. His own emissions will be channelled to a valve gadget that either recycles them or else dumps them onto the floor. 

The prisoner manipulation and accumulating sense of doom in this little epic (which runs to 8 pictures in all) is very effective, all the more so if you identify with the captive. The artist explores this earthy scenario repeatedly in his work and I will provide links to find more at the end of the article.

Shenguanlin - New Arrival 1

This looks like it might be the same, butch captive but his restraint is very different here. He's been clad in a tight-fitting, latex, bondage suit that shows him to have a highly muscular physique. One that deserves to be displayed. His arms are restrained in a complex, shibari style, upper body harness but his legs are simply tied together at thigh height, hobbling him. Only two parts of his body are exposed. His head is enclosed in a harness with a gag attachment (which looks rather like a ball gag but is intended, I think, to be a ring). His cock is locked into a  chastity device through which he is leaking onto the floor. 

He's been parked in a urinal and, unsurprisingly, seems to have attracted the attention of it's users. There are limits to what they can do to him in this constraint but they have left behind souvenirs of their visit. A string of cum-filled condoms round his neck seem to have been left as tips, or I suppose they may be his own handiwork (if it's possible produce handiwork without using your hands!). Other visitors have splashed their compliments over his face, since the obvious receptacle is blocked off by the ball gag. 

Ominously the captive has been labelled here with a 7-character ID code, stuck to his chest. It suggests that this period of service is not just a a passing experimentation on his part but a more lengthy commitment. It also implies that he is just a small part of a laboriously assembled team of service providers.

Shenguanlin - Semen Collection

The condom motif is seen again here. These do seem to be filled with the prisoner's own produce. He's being continuously prompted to produce more by a vibrator strapped to his thigh.

This looks like a facility where passers-by can help themselves to refreshing, cold, cum shots.
They have contemptuously discarded their drained condoms at the prisoner's feet, one has even been draped over his shoulder.

This artist likes his captives to keep their socks on (see hogs above) and I love this one's semi-hairy pecs which remind me of my adolescent attraction to a young workman who worked for a while, bare top in his dusty, black jeans, on a building site very close to where I grew up. 

Shenguanlin - Caged

This image depicts a completely different form of captivity. The prisoner is hooded and locked into a chastity device, but otherwise naked. He's been put in a cage that is only big enough to allow him to kneel, a position that has been further restricted by roping that lifts up his tied wrists behind him. The simplicity of this arrangement creates a sense of great vulnerability

A captor wearing a sinister gas mask is crouched beside him as if concerned, but the coiled whip in his hand is evidence that brutal control techniques (or sadistic pleasure seeking) are rife in this particular facility. This may account for the prisoner's trembling.

More Shenguanlin in Part 2

Friday, 7 July 2023

Muscle Hunk Rudely Awakened

Prisoners don't always come as handsome as this, 
No wonder his tormentor has a lump in his pants!
Is he the infamous Mr Big everyone fears?

The worst part for the captive is that the he's stuck now
with soaking wet undies for the rest of his 'interview'.

This terrific clip is from MuscleDestroyer at Deviant Art

see his work also in 'Milking Parlour'

Thanks to the reader who identified the original video by Abs Art
see comment below

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Hitch-hiker by Migiri


Hitchhiking is a character-building activity, 
It requires perseverance and guile to persuade a motorist to stop. 
But I would think taking off his shirt would have sufficed for this guy.


A sensible driver will take precautions with a stranger.
 The law of unintended consequences kicks in for the hitcher.


Once you're tied up, one thing leads to another.
Who doesn't fiddle with the gearstick on a long journey?


Who doesn't want to stop for a nibble every so often?
The service areas are so convenient for a refreshing break.


The hiker never knows where the journey will take him.
How far the driver wants to go with him.
Sometimes the strangers will inexplicably bond together


A long boring drive can cause the mind to wader and fantasise.
Especially when there's inspiration sitting right beside you.


It's good manners for the hiker to offer a small sum towards the fuel
If they are broke, there are other ways of showing appreciation.
But that roadside ruse to attract attention may come home to roost
when the hunky HGV driver parks up.


Sunday, 2 July 2023

101 Uses for Belts - No 18 Brat Taming

CJ Madison (Landlord) leaves Aaron Adams (The Tenant) tied up in the cellar in the rules of the house in Bound Gods 6851 captions by mitchmen blog
Brat Taming 1

This ex-Navy landlord runs a tight ship.

CJ Madison (Landlord) leaves Aaron Adams (The Tenant) tied up in the cellar in the rules of the house in Bound Gods 6851 captions by mitchmen blog
Brat Taming 2

CJ Madison (Landlord) leaves Aaron Adams (The Tenant) tied up in the cellar in the rules of the house in Bound Gods 6851 captions by mitchmen blog
Brat Taming 3

Leather restraint straps
Available in packs of 10 (mixed sizes)
Suitable for brats of all ages and all builds.
(Mouth stretcher and mattress not included)


 Photos: CJ Madison (Landlord) and Aaron Adams (The Tenant)

captions by mitchmen blog

For more Uses for Belts, click on the label below