Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 17 |
The Trainer's desire to punish Peter mounts further.
He changes here from using artistic humiliation poses and opportunist flicks with his rope,
to engaging in full-on spanking with Peter pinned down on the top of the horse.
The fact that we can't see his face adds to the sense of subjugation.
The curved shape of the horse forces his legs to stretch out behind, opening slightly to straddle it.
Possibly the sexiest image in the set if you're a spank fan.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 18 |
But the relentless assault has now become too much for Peter.
He turns and stops his tormentor from delivering the next blow,
which he was clearly intending to make even more forceful.
He had even risen onto his toes to bring more weight to bear.
This action also raises his crotch closer to Peter's face
but Peter seems to turn away.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 19 |
The battered athlete finally rebels and turns on his tormentor
and the oppressor suddenly looks far less bulky and intimidating.
Like the rest of this set, it's a very 'posed' picture,
but the intertwining is quite sculptural, and Peter's pose is almost balletic.
There's also a decent tension and sense of strength in the grapple.
However, the erotic is not forgotten, both men have their backsides turned towards us.
Peter's being still in the line of fire of that rope.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 20 |
The bully is forced to his knees (nice showcasing his own shapely buttocks)
It's another classical sort of image, but by a quirk of the camera lens,
Peter suddenly seems to be looming over his tormentor.
It's as if his show of spirit has caused him to become a giant.
The close bodily intimacy here is rather daring.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 21 |
The Trainer is forced to the floor.
A great domination image with interesting shadow detail.
Peter's crotch here is poised directly above the bully's face
producing a rather subtle, erotic potential.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 22 |
Peter drops to his knees, pinning the bully's shoulder
and straddling his body, much closer to his face.
He reaches for the knotted rope to establish full control.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 23 |
This is the best image in the set for me - energy, unrestrained eroticism and sexual domination.
Although the rope is raised threateningly, it's physically impossible for Peter to use it in this position, in fact there's no image in the set that actually shows him landing a blow.
It's his crotch, with contents clearly delineated by shadows and creases which is the threat.
It's poised just inches above the hated Trainer's face, ready to descend.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 24 |
The Trainer fights back (or so it seems)
but rather than throwing Peter off, the pair have simply turned sideways.
and his chest is still intimately bedded between Peter's thighs.
Is Peter's left hand holding him back in this picture - or pulling his head forward?
The phallic, drooping tip of the horse seems to creep closer, sniffing.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 25 |
At this point it seems like Peter has had enough and is turning tail.
The angry Trainer prepares to get up and follow him,
incidentally giving us a nice shot of his back muscles.
But there's more to this picture than this unexpected plot development....
Peter has bent down presenting his backside to the Trainer's face.
He seems to look back, resting his hand suggestively on the tip of the horse.
You can read this as being inviting or/and signalling that he's in control, sexually.
The tip of the horse just happens to be exactly aligned with the Trainer's mouth.
Coincidence? Or design?
In fact this composition has a splendid connecting line that starts with Peter's head, curves with his back and ass, down through the Trainer's torso to the floor. That curve seemingly encloses the projecting shape of the horse, rather like an 'end' bracket, thus: --) It's a cleverly disguised message that seems to sum up the ambiguous, on-going, simmering sexuality between these pair.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 26 |
Peter clambers on to the horse, giving himself more height and launching himself onto the trainer before he can stand up. This move is reminiscent of those dives off of tabletops in swashbuckling movie fights but might also have been inspired by the use of ropes in professional wrestling which was coming into vogue in the UK at this time and about to launch on TV (ITV World of Sport).
Paradoxically, this picture also seems to suggest that he's going to be received with open arms. It's possible (at a stretch admittedly) to see Peter's act as symbolising an erection (and that represented in his body shape). The Trainer's sexy, open-legged stance and wide-open arms suggest unexpected receptiveness and vulnerability. Notice that the Trainer's own phallic symbol, the rope, is pushed aside, disappearing out of the side of the picture.
This looks convincingly like an action shot, but it was probably posed statically due to camera limitations. Peter demonstrates more balancing skill to sustain what looks like an unstable position. It's a crafty picture though, your eye tends to assume that the horse is sideways-on but in fact it's angled towards you so Peter's leading leg is not hovering in thin air but planted on the horse like a tightrope walker's.
His co-star's kneeling pose looks equally unbalanced but I think that is a trick of the camera.
This is a particularly nice shot of him from behind, suggestive of manly bulk.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 27 |
Here, the necessity of static posing turns what ought to be an 'impact' picture into a 'help me get down' image that seems to hark back (unintentionally) to Peter's boyish, softness in the opening pictures of the set. However, it has produced a particularly attractive shot of the Trainer (his best methinks) and (out of context) seems to show manly dominance and a welcoming back of the prodigal son that is warmly homoerotic.
However, the suggestion of an embrace is illusory for the Trainer has reclaimed the rope and it remains poised menacingly, it's frayed ends a reminder of the intensity of earlier misuse.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 28 |
However, Peter's fight-back in this story is not finished.
His flight knocks the Trainer to the floor again.
Peter pins him down by the shoulders,
his leg pushing between his thighs.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 29 |
The bully is knocked out.
Peter stands over him in a nicely crafted pose,
seeming satisfied but alert to deal with any revival.
It seems to say, "You deserved that".
The horse seems to chuckle in the background.
The reclaimed rope drooping in Peter's hand here suggests he might be thinking of delivering other, wetter punishments and you might think the 'hands free' pose in the final picture below is suggestive of exactly that.
Royale Studio - Airman's Gym Training 30 |
Thumbs up. Job well done.
(Until word gets back to their superiors).
Views through open legs like this are something of a
Royal trademark, one that was employed also by
Guys in Uniform. If you check out those examples, you will see it works rather better with stocky legs.
Compared with No 29, this is a somewhat disappointing final picture in dramatic and erotic terms, although there is that faint whiff of the urinal about it and a decent copy might show enough detail of the Trainer's crotch for fans to fantasise about Peter squatting on his toadstool. Otherwise, we have to content ourselves with a vanilla, fairy tale ending - the sensitive dreamer outwitting a sadistic bully by virtue of his athletic agility - and a parting shot of Peter's delicious bottom.
All in all this series it's a feast of bottom shots, mostly Peter's, with a couple of very nice crotch shots making memorable punctuations (Nos 2, 23 and, in a better-quality set, 29 too perhaps). It's also a feast of spanking imagery with eight distinct occurrences and it really puzzles me why it doesn't pop up more often at spank sites.
This series seems to have been primarily designed to showcase Peter and as well as looking good physically, he also does enough in acting terms to bring the staged poses to life which is no mean achievement. The wrestling sequence seems to cry out for video, but be careful what you wish for, porn actors don't usually have the practical craft to put on a convincing wrestling performance, they tend to end up as friendly rough and tumbles.
Despite the cauldron of sexual suggestiveness and ambiguity cooked up by the photographer we end up no wiser at the end about the inner feelings of the participants - or even what has really happened here. A bit like a Becket play. All very sixties.
The inter-services element is something of a mystery too, the sailor is definitely in charge but wouldn't have any jurisdiction normally. Even Sailor Al was perplexed by this one!
A Gym style punishment also featured in my review of Guys in Uniform material and it's quite an interesting erotic power scenario. For the ordinary serviceman, the stiff formality of his uniform has a protective character and hides his individuality. When he is made to change into flimsy, briefer gym kit his body is more exposed, but he also loses that shield of anonymity and membership of a group. The dispenser of punishment here remains part-clad in his normal service uniform which reinforces his authority and the disconnection of the victim.
Peter George's other appearances in beefcake mags and Royale Studio sets are reviewed in a separate mitchmen article - Peter George (pending)
This complete set has been added to the mitchmen Royale Studio Open Archive as
Royale 05