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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Classic Homoerotic Images 4 - Levi Laundromat

This TV advert for Levi jeans starring Nick Kamen caused a sensation when it was first aired in 1985. Nick's public disrobing was not exactly shocking back then but it wasn't the sort of thing shown on TV and ads in the UK were still being policed by regulators. Somehow it escaped censure though.

For gay men, though, the homoerotic impact of a man stripping off on prime-time TV in an everyday scene was even greater. It must have been an unforgettable milestone for many teenagers in their journey to self-awareness. 

Naturally, the ad itself was couched in heterosexual terms with females and an old man watching the strip performance. It was easy to miss suggestively gay references in the opening seconds, a soldier loitering outside misses seeing Nick's ass arrive and a kid reading a comic suddenly looks up and finds Nick's jeans close up very interesting. 

The theme was borrowed by hunky rugby player Thom Evans for a health campaign in 2015

 Levi laundromat video borrowed from U-Tube


For other homoerotic classics in this mitchmen series click on the label below.

See also My Beautiful Launderette

1 comment:

JohnF said...

Sadly Nick died in May 2021.