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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Yana Goya

YanaGoya - Avengers - Tony x Steve
 A stylish artist, the depiction of the bearded man's face is extremely effective. YG captures a simple bondage scene which probably defines the genre when all the S&M trappings are stripped away. "You like it really, don't you?" as they say in the trade. The blush effect linking the captive's embarrassment to his erection is a neat device but the colouring jars a bit with the sophisticated tones that dominate elsewhere in the picture. 

YanaGoya - SPN - Dean x Castiel - Chains
 A variation on the same theme using chains (well loosely!) The link to the fetish genre is a little tenuous here, but I like the hand delving within and the very nice rendering of the two lads hair. Regular readers won't be surprised to know that I haven't got a clue what the titles refer to but 'd welcome advice from my more knowledgable readers via 'comments' below

YanaGoya - GridGames 09
There's definitely fetish content in this image, the like of which I don't think I've ever featured here before. You can take your pick of what the substance being used to coat the captive's nether regions might be - add yukk to your own taste - but the erotic sensation the artist is trying to convey is probably known to all of you, cold damp sand from the beach being a fairly obvious example. 

I'm not entirely enamoured of YanaGoya's slightly spikey style but there's a sense of youthful experimentation about these images which is quite charming.

If you search on-line you will find plenty of Yana Goya's work including some nice vanilla encounters, however I haven't been able to find a gallery site to link to (info welcome)

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top and top right)

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