This post features another recent release in which two buddies are watching TV in their flat when an intruder bursts in and takes them captive. Bound Gods is great when it gets away from the dungeon.

The two actors Brian Bond and DJ (nearest) look just like two ordinary, straight guys doing ordinary things - no muscle gods here. The bond between close friends is very special and very powerful of course (whatever the sexual orientation) and that's what makes this story special. It can be a source of envy, but this rarely leads to it being tested in a physical way.

The intruder takes the boys captive after cutting the electricity and proceeds to remove both men's clothes. Brian is tied to a chair while DJ is forced nuzzle his underwear, then to suck him off. Equally humiliating for both of them of course. This image with Brian sitting, legs spread wide and grimacing helplessly as his nipple is being tweaked is very striking, the highlight of the set. The buddies are both the instrument and witness of each others humiliation. Brian's impressive erection is mandatory of course but suggests another layer of embarrassment for him.

Brian is temporarily consigned to the bathroom while the intruder works on his buddy. For the friends, separation and isolation is just as bad as joint humiliation. It's a nice twist. This picture, where he is dragged back to the living room (having been primed for action you will note) is another great picture. Once again the simplicity of the bondage enhances the captive's body - and emphasises his complete nudity.

In the final excerpt the straight boy's humiliation is rammed home by a collar and chain, which he can see in the mirror. It's symbolic rather than a real restraint (and mundane in a way), but doubly telling in this straight domestic environment. Great story.
Ref: Bound Gods 14589 There's Someone Out There
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