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Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Targeted - Collar and Tie

Dave and Sam normally spent New Year in front of the TV.
They reckoned it was the best way to enjoy all the fireworks.
But this year they got a surprise, personal invitation to a private party.
It came from 'John', but they could guess which John it was.

The black dress code was a slightly daunting to Sam, 
but Dave, who mixed in classy circles, was perfectly relaxed.
Plus, there was to be a spectacular display at midnight.
So they thought, Why Not?  Enjoy the change. 
Something out of their comfort zone, you might say.

The venue was already busy with guests when they arrived.
They didn't spot John amongst the crowd but  
they were immediately offered free drinks and food,
so they were soon enjoying the party atmosphere.
About half past eleven, anticipation and excitement was rising.
Dave and Sam were both feeling distinctly mellow.
Then someone called for silence, he had an announcement to make.
He asked for the Guests of Honour to come to the stage. 
Dave and Sam discovered it was they who were the Guests of Honour,
a group of burly men closed in and frog-marched them to the front.
Gazing out at the crowd, they realised they were all dressed in black leather.
But any feeling of being over-dressed was quickly taken away from them.

In fact, all their clothes were taken away from them, by muscular attendants.
They weren't exactly in good shape to resist, but tried their best.
The crowd appreciated their efforts and wild cheering broke out
as they were buckled into wrist suspension bars and their arms hoisted high.
In a final dramatic gesture, their attackers removed their underwear.
Sam cursed loudly as his new, Christmas, designer briefs were cut open.  
It was little consolation when they were replaced by soiled jock straps
 donated by audience members in the front row, their pouches still warm.

Thanking the donors, the MC reminded them of the Charity Auction
which would enable them to recover their property (with added interest!)
The front row audibly dissented, convinced that some rich bastard
would inevitably carry off the star prizes to some distant part of the globe.

'Big Ben' was invited to come to the stage to 'officiate' the midnight rites
The Guests of Honour would lead the count-down to the strokes of midnight.
That's 12 strokes each of course, he cackled, to uproarious laughter.
'Black Jack' was summoned to be his assistant and synchronise

Dave just had time to apologise to Sam before Big Ben gagged them both
So that they might bear the ritual strokes safely and with dignity.
Their only consolation was to be in the front row for the 'fireworks'.
But in all honesty, it would probably have been better on the TV at home.

for other captions, click on the 'mitchmods' label below

Monday, 30 December 2024

The King's Mount

 The inspiring original is by muscleandboots @tumblr

For more captions click on the mitchmods label below

Sunday, 29 December 2024

After The Parade

It had become a weekly ritual. After the Parade, the Colonel would summon a selection of his Officers for a debriefing on how he thought it had gone. One or two of them would be commended for the way his men had turned out and then dismissed. The remainder would have the faults in their Divisions laid out in excoriating detail. The worst would suffer a spanking in front of their colleagues. 

In pursuit of this method of instilling excellence, the Colonel had introduced a new Parade Dress Uniform for the Officers only. It looked wonderful, but the tight pants that replaced the normal riding breeches were made of the thinnest material imaginable. It was true that tough seats were not required for riding in a parade, but it ensured that any punishment afterwards would be much more painful. So thin was the material that the officers riding astride their horses could feel their butts tingling under the stares of the men riding behind them. When mistakes started to happen, they would buzz in anticipation of the inevitable retribution.

 The inspiring original by muscleandboots @tumblr

For more captions click on the mitchmods label below

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Morning Ride

The Prince's stable-boy has earned privileged access to the seat of power. The prince loves his stallion.

He knows he must maintain the dignity of his position.
Fortunately, the boy responds well to a stern hand.

 Original image by muscleandboots

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Christmas Criminal

Mitchell - Apprehending the Christmas Criminal

 If you fancy a longer read with spanking content,

try Mitchell's Classic:-

"A Christmas Criminal"

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

The Art of Gilgamesh 4 (cont) - Zahir Escapes

As always, here at mitchmen, the Christmas day post is dedicated to anyone who is alone or who feels alone at this time of year. I hope you enjoy this offering and all the other goodies from years gone by posted here.


Zahir's (somewhat grim) Adventure
Continues from Part 1


Zahir awakes to find himself lying in a pool of dirty water in a cell.
He has been stripped of his weapons and all his clothes too are gone.


 He gets up and tries to open the door, but it is securely locked.
Angrily he shakes it, tries to bend the bars and finally kicks it in frustration.
It's all in vain and despite the noise he has made, no one comes.


He gives up and lies down, wondering what his captors might do with him.  
He fears they will never set him free but keep him as a prisoner forever.

After a while, he manages to push these gloomy thoughts aside.
Looking around the cell, he notices a nail lying on the shelf.  
He picks it up, imagining it must have been used to do terrible things.
But then he realises that the nail might help him escape.
He tries to use it to pick the door lock. 
But the lock is old and rusty, the workings are stiff.

 Zahir becomes more and more desperate.
But then suddenly he feels the lock give, 
after a struggle, he manages to get the door open. 

Once out of the cell, Zahir stops to listen, hearing only distant echoes and trickling water.
Nail in hand, he heads off through the tunnels, hoping to find his way out. 

 He's escaped just in time, because seconds later the jailer, Nam, arrives.
He's carrying shackles, intending to restrain Zahir and begin his interrogation.
Seeing the cell door open and the prisoner gone, he roars with anger
and cursing him, he sets off in pursuit.

Ahead of him, Zahir has paused at a fork in the tunnels, already lost in the maze.
But hearing Nam's angry shouting behind him, he presses on, hastening his pace.
But as he passes the next fork in the labyrinth, he is spotted by another guard, Siraj.
Siraj shouts for him to stop. Zahir attacks him, though armed only with his rusty nail.

Siraj deflects the nail with his club, but is sent sprawling in the water by Zahir's kick.
The fight, though brief, has delayed Zahir long enough for Nam to catch up with him.

Unknown to Zahir, there is yet another Guard not far away.
 Essam is sadistically tormenting a mature, muscular prisoner in one of the cells.
The man is hung from the ceiling in shackles, his moans silenced by a metal gag. 
Hearing the commotion outside, Essam interrupts his work to listen.
As the shouting continues, he reluctantly leaves his prisoner to investigate.

 The prisoner watches Essam go, knowing it is only a temporary respite.
He feels pity for whoever it is that the guards are dealing with, out there.

*You might suppose that this is Jeff, whom Zahir has been seeking to rescue, 
but Gilgamesh doesn't actually say so in his text.


Essam arrives to find Zahir just in front of him, defying Nam's instructions to give up.
Essam leaps on him from behind and knocks him to the ground. 


Siraj comes to and sees to his astonishment that Essam has his head buried in Zahir's lap,
while Nam restrains him from behind.


Nam hauls Zahir to his feet, pinning his arms firmly behind him.
His resistance has been drained by Essam's violent attack and distracting cocksucking,
But when he sees Siraj approaching, he realises his chance to escape has gone.

Essam releases Zahir's cock from his mouth and forces his head down
bending him over, so that Siraj can put the manacles on his wrists. 

As soon as Zahir is secured, Nam drags him away, back towards his cell.
He mocks him for his aroused cock and promises painful retribution.
Essam studies Zahir's departing backside, sniffing the musk on his hands.

He calls after Zahir, promising to come and visit, once he's settled in.
Then they can finish what they started - in private.
Zahir curses him, but a seed of fear and anticipation has been planted

Laughing at his joke, Essam heads back, eager to resume work on his own prisoner.
His imagination has been fired up by the brief, sexy encounter with Zahir.

The prisoner sees Essam returning and is filled with dread,
 knowing that Essam will resume his 'examination' with renewed vigour.
It is he who will suffer because of the distraction.


Siraj helps Nam to propel Zahir towards his own private hell
He caresses Zahir's hairy buttock, asking Nam what he will do with him.
"He's a strong stud..." Nam replies, smiling, 
"... so it's going to have to hurt". 

This is a highly condensed and embroidered adaptation of Gilgamesh's story, which consists of no less than 222 frames depicting Zahir's muscular encounter with the castle guards.
Gilgamesh's own storyline can be read at pixiv where it is displayed alongside all the pictures in three parts:  -  
Vault Part 1 (Zahir Captured)
Vault Part 2.1 (Zahir Escapes)
Vault Part 2.2 (Zahir is recaptured)
The pictures at pixiv have been 'sanitised' and if you want to see the uncensored version you must head for 'X' where they are all posted (also with storyline) in 4 image episodes.
Vault Part 1 (post dated Apr 17th 2023)
Vault Part 2 (post dated Jun 4th 2023)

Gilgamesh has now begun to publish a third Part of this epic tale

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Art of Gilgamesh 4 - Zahir Captured 1

You can also start reading about Gilgamesh from Part 1 of this mitchmen series
click on pictures to enlarge


Zahir is looking for his friend, Jeff, who has been captured and taken to the castle.
Under cover of darkness he enters the place to investigate Jeff's whereabouts.


Seeing that the entrance is guarded by two warriors, he decides to look for another way to enter.
He finds a sewer that takes him to a vault which seems to be deserted.


He decides to explore the tunnels. They seem to be very big and complex.
Suddenly he hears footsteps in the distance. He decides to stop and stealthily observe.
He doesn't realise he has been seen and is being stalked himself as he wanders the vault.


Zahir sees there is a huge, muscular guard patrolling and decides to wait for him to pass.
But his own stalker is creeping ever closer, waiting for the right moment to attack.


He hits Zahir with a huge cudgel, knocking him out.


Hearing the commotion, the other guard comes to see what is happening


They gloat over Zahir's fallen body and decide to strip him of his clothes.


They lift Zahir between them and drag him away.
Zahir is now naked and without a weapon.


It needs two of them to support the mighty Zahir on his shaky legs,
So they have to wade through the central drainage channel, splashing through the murky water .


They drag him to a cell where the Guard unlocks and opens the door.


They push Zahir inside and he collapses onto the floor in a pool of water
One captor scratches his head wondering why any man would be so foolish as to enter the vault.


The lock the door, leaving Zahir lying in the dirty water.
Then they go and report his capture to their master.


Has Zahir's rescue attempt ended in ignominious failure?

More of Zahir next time, read the full story of  Zahir, (all 99 images) at pixiv


Gilgamesh Gallery Links (updated Jul 2024)

Gilgamesh on Pixiv

Pixiv has a comprehensive and well organised collection of his work with helpful narratives that add colour and background to the stories he tells. It's the most accessible gallery but recent releases (2024) have censored cocks, the explicit versions are posted on 'X' aka Twitter

Gilgamesh on Deviantart

There's a limited selection on DeviantArt including some older images which are not in the pixiv collection. They have escaped being censored somehow but tend to lack explanatory titles or narrative information, however, this site does provide an easily scannable overview of it's contents.

Gilgamesh on 'X'

The X, ex-Twitter gallery appears to mirror the pixiv one but has explicit versions of recent images which are censored on pixiv. There's no overview, just sequential postings with the stories spread across them, broken up into four images per post. Gilgamesh has gone to the trouble of making sure they come out in the right order. There are slightly different comments, I haven't explored the site in great depth so it's possible there are works there that don't appear anywhere else.