I couldn't resist these pictures from Julius' story "Devil's Canyon".
Great men and incredibly sexy, only the words have been changed!
The Sheepmen 1 |
The Sheepmen 2 |
The Sheepmen 3 |
The Sheepmen 4 |
The Sheepmen 5 |
The Sheepmen 6 |
All these pictures come from the Devil's Canyon Story (Part 1) by Julius.
I've put them together as an invented tale, but only the last three are a sequence in the original.
These pictures are a perfect illustration of why I try to champion the art of Julius by separating it from his under-age and sometimes disturbing story lines. 'Julius man' is a pretty much unique creation, a classic, mature male stereotype that deserves to be enjoyed without guilt. In this particular group, the inappropriate element is confined to the square caption boxes that characterise his work. I didn't have to remove or modify any characters. The narrative inside those boxes actually bears hardly any relationship to the pictures themselves. Removing them leaves 5 terrific, raunchy, man-on-man images.
(I've described the other alterations I've made to these pictures near the foot of this post,
plus a little 'Spot the Difference' quiz if you're bored!)
My captions are partly there to fill the visual void and satisfy my own creative impulses but hopefully they add a less contentious context to his predominantly 'fixed pose' imagery which otherwise might reduce to simple, easily-overlooked beefcake. If anyone wants me to post the stripped-down, un-captioned versions, I will. Just post a comment below, but I won't post the unamended originals.
This group of pictures highlights another marvellous facet of his work, his ability to provide his men with marvellously evocative clothing, like the principal Cowboy of image #1 whose gun-belt artfully slung across his groin seems incredibly erotic to me. I can just imagine the leather creaking as he shifts position! The token clothing of Stetson and bandanna adorning an otherwise bare torso is a classic erotic device but it only works if the accessories look right on the naked body. The kit he draws may not be authentic, but nevertheless it connects uncannily well with the idealised Cowboys in our imaginations, which I suppose are rooted in childhood. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose enjoys seeing those TV Western characters of yore filled out into mature, muscular heroes.
The other notable items of clothing in this set are of course the sheepskin chaps in the last 3 images. I wouldn't claim that Julius has drawn them particularly well but once you grasp what they are, they sustain a remarkably erotic presence in the frames that follow, too earthy for some possibly but undeniably powerful.
Bondage is not commonplace in Julius' work but Image #2 is one of his more committed excursions into the genre, although it's barely fetish in flavour. The tantalising peripheral reference in image #4 is more typical of his approach. In the original it that leads to an S&M conclusion that is sadly too brutal to include here (see alterations paragraph below for further explanation).
As a separate point of interest, the side-kicks in the background of these images, especially the cigar smoker in #5, bear a remarkable facial resemblance to some of Tagame's characters and that brings out a wider similarity. Both have an interest in hairy, muscular, mature men of course (and younger acolytes!) but there's also more general similarity in technical style and sheer attention to detail (in clothing at least) which I've never noticed before.
My alterations to the original images
I have removed all the original caption boxes from them to eliminate 'non-adult' references
and substituted my own speech-bubbles and narrative.
Apart from this, Images 1,2,4,5 are just as Julius drew them.
In Image 6 I changed the original bare ass into a more succulent form and added rope to tie the legs. I also turned the Sheepman's 'stick' round so it looks more like it's being held by his fist. More importantly I removed the original references to branding, that's too strong a subject for this blog, but it's pretty obvious how I've edited it out.
See below for Image 3
Spot the Difference Quiz
Image 3 is obviously a stripped down version of Image 2, with two men removed and different speech bubbles, but there are 4 more distinct areas where I changed more subtle details,
see if you can 'spot the differences! Answers at foot of the post
This is the 6th 'Julius Re-imagined' post
You can track down all the earlier ones by following chained back-links,
starting with the Sheriff and his Deputy
You might also like to read my A-Z article on Julius
Spot the difference answers:-
1. Captive's eyes opened. 2. 'Quiver lines' and a cum-drip added to dick. 3. Left wrist and forearm narrowed to a more normal size and shape. 4 More stubble on his chin and upper lip.
I've put them together as an invented tale, but only the last three are a sequence in the original.
These pictures are a perfect illustration of why I try to champion the art of Julius by separating it from his under-age and sometimes disturbing story lines. 'Julius man' is a pretty much unique creation, a classic, mature male stereotype that deserves to be enjoyed without guilt. In this particular group, the inappropriate element is confined to the square caption boxes that characterise his work. I didn't have to remove or modify any characters. The narrative inside those boxes actually bears hardly any relationship to the pictures themselves. Removing them leaves 5 terrific, raunchy, man-on-man images.
(I've described the other alterations I've made to these pictures near the foot of this post,
plus a little 'Spot the Difference' quiz if you're bored!)
My captions are partly there to fill the visual void and satisfy my own creative impulses but hopefully they add a less contentious context to his predominantly 'fixed pose' imagery which otherwise might reduce to simple, easily-overlooked beefcake. If anyone wants me to post the stripped-down, un-captioned versions, I will. Just post a comment below, but I won't post the unamended originals.
This group of pictures highlights another marvellous facet of his work, his ability to provide his men with marvellously evocative clothing, like the principal Cowboy of image #1 whose gun-belt artfully slung across his groin seems incredibly erotic to me. I can just imagine the leather creaking as he shifts position! The token clothing of Stetson and bandanna adorning an otherwise bare torso is a classic erotic device but it only works if the accessories look right on the naked body. The kit he draws may not be authentic, but nevertheless it connects uncannily well with the idealised Cowboys in our imaginations, which I suppose are rooted in childhood. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose enjoys seeing those TV Western characters of yore filled out into mature, muscular heroes.
The other notable items of clothing in this set are of course the sheepskin chaps in the last 3 images. I wouldn't claim that Julius has drawn them particularly well but once you grasp what they are, they sustain a remarkably erotic presence in the frames that follow, too earthy for some possibly but undeniably powerful.
Bondage is not commonplace in Julius' work but Image #2 is one of his more committed excursions into the genre, although it's barely fetish in flavour. The tantalising peripheral reference in image #4 is more typical of his approach. In the original it that leads to an S&M conclusion that is sadly too brutal to include here (see alterations paragraph below for further explanation).
As a separate point of interest, the side-kicks in the background of these images, especially the cigar smoker in #5, bear a remarkable facial resemblance to some of Tagame's characters and that brings out a wider similarity. Both have an interest in hairy, muscular, mature men of course (and younger acolytes!) but there's also more general similarity in technical style and sheer attention to detail (in clothing at least) which I've never noticed before.
My alterations to the original images
I have removed all the original caption boxes from them to eliminate 'non-adult' references
and substituted my own speech-bubbles and narrative.
Apart from this, Images 1,2,4,5 are just as Julius drew them.
In Image 6 I changed the original bare ass into a more succulent form and added rope to tie the legs. I also turned the Sheepman's 'stick' round so it looks more like it's being held by his fist. More importantly I removed the original references to branding, that's too strong a subject for this blog, but it's pretty obvious how I've edited it out.
See below for Image 3
Spot the Difference Quiz
The Sheepmen 2 |
The Sheepmen 3 |
see if you can 'spot the differences! Answers at foot of the post
This is the 6th 'Julius Re-imagined' post
You can track down all the earlier ones by following chained back-links,
starting with the Sheriff and his Deputy
You might also like to read my A-Z article on Julius
Spot the difference answers:-
1. Captive's eyes opened. 2. 'Quiver lines' and a cum-drip added to dick. 3. Left wrist and forearm narrowed to a more normal size and shape. 4 More stubble on his chin and upper lip.