To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Monday, 8 March 2010

Rugby Images - 01

Ain't nothing like the real thing baby! (see previous post)
Boad of beam, chunky legs, animal strength and just a hint of togetherness. The scrum is one of rugby's unique glories.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Mitchell's Rugby Art - Sexy Scrum

Mitchell - Rugby Memory

My illustrated story The Legend of The Path of Pain (avail at my Yahoo! Group) includes a section detailing the capture and milking of a whole rugby team (and the reserves!).

I have an erotic attraction to Rugby Players that goes right back to school experiences but it has been re-invigorated by recent changes in the game that have produced fitter, muscular players and sexy clinging outfits.

I took the opportunity to play with those themes in a series of rugby pictures for my story. This particular one (Rugby Memories) grew out of a sketch which I have had hanging around unfinished for 20 years or more, showing just the foreground figure wearing a jockstrap. He dresses up quite well I think, at any rate I had fun doing it! The resulting picture is not realistic and you can see the joins, as it were, but I hope it conveys some sense of the pleasure I get from watching these hunky beasts!

The full set is posted at my mitchmen Group (link in sidebar).
To see more Mitchell gay art pictures in this blog click on the mitchpix label below.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - My Favourite 'L'

Once again I have a good selection from which to choose a favourite, but for 'L' it is heavily weighted towards past masters so I have the benefit of a long term perspective.

I have always found the sensuality and subject matter of Link's art very attractive but he is being jostled by some seriously talented artists here. I love the domination scenarios concocted by Losarro and Lowenhaupt but as regular readers will know, the old man + young man scenario doesn't work for me erotically and when combined with feminised facial features it's a no no.

I highlighted femininity in Leo's work as well, but it's quite different in nature, his men are made to behave in a feminine way so there's a humiliation angle that I can appreciate providing that the men do not lose their maleness in the process. In fact there is a gentleness about Leo's men which is not unmasculine (and is probably true to life) but doesn't seem quite appropriate in erotic domination fantasy. Leo's wide-ranging exploration of bondage is very perceptive and tremendously important but his representation of manhood doesn't work for me.

Logan is a different kettle of fish. He's a very talented graphic artist and his pictures have a tremendous power that springs from their artistry more than the subject matter. The maturity of his men is refreshing. But they have an angularity and hardness that for me drains away the erotic appeal.

This leaves me with Link and Les. Eye candy vs scary fantasy. I have to admit that my favourite picture in all the “L's” is Les's dungeon staircase, it invokes a sense of sexual anxiety and helplessness that presses all my buttons and this flavour runs through his work. The bizarre facial features and outfits add an extra twist which is surprisingly effective and has even survived the passage of time.

Les - Military Interrogation

'Military Interrogation' is another picture that makes good use of clothing and nudity to underline danger and vulnerability. The neat balanced composition draws you in to focus on the prisoner until you realise what the guard has clenched in his hand.

The vague, muddy reproductions unfortunately deprive Les's pictures of sensuality which is where Link really scores with his voluptuously muscled and handsome heroes that the eyes linger over.

Link's 'Train to Crotchdorf' is a good example with a selection of attractive men to study. The cute prisoners are being ferried to the prison, apparently by public transport, while the guards charged with keeping them 'on the boil' relax with their buddies. I love the situation that Link has created here, the condemned men hanging naked in full view of all the other passengers is the stuff of many commuters' fantasies!.

It's very hard to choose between these two but in this case I'm inclined to follow my head rather than my heart so I'm choosing Les as my winner for L.

There's a good selection of Les's work in the recent postings at Roids and Rants - but you'll have to hunt back through the archives for it!

For other articles in this series click on the A-Z label below.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Lowenhaupt

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Sunday, 28 February 2010

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Losarro

Losarro is known through his illustrations for printed story books and many of the examples I have of his work are fairly crude scans from bound books but he deserves a better legacy.

Losarro - Ironman 7

Forced submission features strongly in Losarro's work the perpetrators are usually strongly masculine figures with jutting jaws , muscular bodies and attitudes to match. The victim is often a stereotypical innocent - slender and boyish, wide eyed with floppy blond hair. In 'Ironman 7' the contrast between these very different men is captured quite well but I am afraid the subject matter - strong man bullies small, vulnerable youth - leaves me cold.

I find his images where the participants are more equally matched much more interesting, like the Boot Camp Recruits.

Boot Camp Recruits 7

This picture wouldn't win prizes for artistic technique but he makes a decent stab at the elevated viewpoint which must have been quite novel in it's day. What it does show is Losarro's gift for capturing male submission and domination. The soldiers' fearful expressions and their sprawling helpless poses are powerfully erotic and the 'buddies suffer together' ingredient amplifies their plight. I hardly need point out the Tom of Finland influences here but the profile of the far soldier suggests an acquaintance with Etienne too. The face of the soldier on his knees is pure Losarro, it is a version of his 'innocent kid' but somehow the stronger jaw and fleshy muscularity has matured him into a puppy adulthood which is rather sexy.

Losarro - Arab Captives

'Arab Captives' flirts with age and racial taboos to add spice to the suggestion of forced sex. Much has changed in the decades since this was drawn! The sexual action is suggested rather than explicit but it's done so cleverly you have to examine the picture quite carefully to realise that these two are merely wrestling. However, it's a satisfying composition, the sense of vulnerability, compulsion and pain is successfully conveyed. The prisoner's youthful body is particularly erotic.

Losarro's imagery gets close to caricature at times and this undermines his message somewhat but his art is full of original and really effective expressions of male domination. Bondage situations can easily turn into 'stand and deliver' images where the characters are completely separated but Losarro always seems to be trying to make his men interact physically. It's not the easiest path to tread, interlocking bodies are tricky to pull off and his technique doesn't always match his ambition but the results still repay a little study.

I can't ID a working link for this artist but a search of GMBA (see sidebar) should turn up more examples. I'd welcome up to date link info from readers of this blog

For other articles in this series click on the A-Z label below.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Logan

Logan - Hardhats

Logan's work is quite different from most fetish artists, his men are mature, big, hairy and not especially pretty but he draws out the sexuality of this hyper-masculinity rather well. The fetish angle is primarily bondage as an adjunct to raunchy, sometimes forceful, sex but you will also find S&M imagery.

Logan - Smoker

There is often a military or police presence in his work, these characters abuse men who fall into their hands, sexually or physically. In smoker, the satisfaction and intensity of the soldier's expression is chilling. The victim is utterly submissive, you can see that this is a strong man, muscular and hairy, who has been broken. In this picture Logan uses clothing and nudity to great dramatic effect.

Logan - Werewolf

Logan has a highly professional, comic book style so there is often a tremendous sense of action and exertion in his best images. He makes great use of lighting, close-ups and unusual angles for added atmosphere as in werewolf above. His treatment of creases in garments and furrows in skin is quite emphatic, useful for emphasising detail in small scale comic images and it makes for characterful, hard faces, but creates an odd effect in bodies - see the back of the victim in 'smoker'

Logan - Tentacles

The werewolf picture is an example of Logan's fantastical work which also includes some highly erotic 'tentacle' imagery. The style here is softer but the more delicate shading brings out the latent strength in the thick arms of the octopus creature, giving this image a dangerous edge. Compare this with the snake picture in my A-Z article on Fillion. Logan is able to indulge his artistry in the sweep of the bodies and curling tentacles which make for an attractive image. This element of intelligent artistry can be seen in other pictures, in hard hats above, for example, the facial furrows echo the shape of the tribal tattoos.

Logan also uses his softer style for more humorous, romantic images,
often starring cute chubbies but these pictures are outside my remit here.

Logan's website is at Logan Porn Comics but if you google him you'll find lots of stuff

For other articles in this series click on the A-Z label below.

Sunday, 21 February 2010