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The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 29 April 2024


A few hours ago he was he was hard at work, digging on a construction site,
he was looking forward to a dirty weekend with his girlfriend.
But suddenly he was grabbed and manhandled into the back of a van.
Two burly thugs stripped him of his shirt, boots and jeans.
and now he faces a very different weekend.


 Credit: Max Duran models underwear for Jessy Ares

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Friday, 26 April 2024

Chastity Art by Blake Alexander

Blake Alexander - Caged Mako 1

Like Aizenhower, Blake Alexander draws on the characters of 'The Legend of  Korra' for these images. He's dressed them in modern clothes and set the encounter in a sort of classical pavilion or villa bizarrely located in what seems like a typical, suburban, back garden. 

It's a fairly complex scene and the first impression is of a technical style that is crisp, clean and colourful. Visually it's very appealing to the eye and it's populated with attractive men dressed in modern, sexy clothes (nice shorts!) that make you want to see more. 

This picture belongs to a series called 'Caged Mako', Mako being the character who is being dominated and groped in the foreground trio. The thumb just showing between Mako's thighs and his mounded shorts just above it are a very clever detail and, to my mind, much more sexy than a crudely grabbing hand. 

Beyond him is Bolin who features prominently in my recent extracts of Aizenhower's images. He is being readied for you know what by the Commander, who is being assisted by a curious blob-like manifestation which is helpfully supporting Bolin in mid-air, holding his arms and legs in a convenient, spread-eagle position. He seems as happy about it as any leather guy would be in a sling.

Blake Alexander - Caged Mako 2

In this image the clothes of the captives have been magicked away leaving them in jock-straps. Although none of the characters have moved the scene has become much more charged erotically, with the groping hand now in intimate contact with Mako's crotch features and Bolin's rose bud fully visible, open, vulnerable and tempting. Both men appear to be covered in a sheen of perspiration following this unexpected development.

Blake Alexander - Caged Mako 3

All the remaining clothes now disappear and the excitement of all (except Mako) is revealed.
We can now see that the object that the kneeling man has been holding in his right hand is a chastity cage and it has now been lodged around Mako's cock. The 'safety string' holding it in place is a surprising detail, it ought to be able to stay on unsupported! The fitter strokes it lovingly but Mako doesn't seem to notice, he suddenly has his hands full behind (neat!). 

Meanwhile, Bolin's immediate admirer is poised to engage gear.

In a fourth image, the fountains duly gush.

I suppose the simultaneous depiction of what happens to Mako and Bolin is intended to draw out the 'buddy effect' of friends being exploited together and unable to help each other. However, there's a slightly frustrating detachment between the two cameos, the two men don't even look at each other and the freeze technique rules out more physical communication. Not that they seem to need much help, Bolin is clearly having the time of his life and there doesn't seem anything to prevent Mako escaping if he wanted to, despite the angst on his face. He is not visibly restrained but I suppose there might be some magical, invisible bindings on his wrists. Forgive my ignorance, fans!

Blake Alexander - Caged Mako 6

The prisoners are released after serving their purpose and later pictures in the series show Mako cruising, but frustrated by the restriction of his cage which is still in place. He doesn't get his clothes back either. In this rather beautiful image we see the device more clearly. It has a curious, organic shape resembling the head of a hawk. The gold colour suggests metallic solidity but in this universe I imagine it might have magical qualities that enable it to come to life. It's no longer attached to a retraining waist string either. The mind boggles.


There's a smattering of vanilla Blake Alexander Art on Instagram
or just use a search engine.
Also  Blake Alexander at Patreon (if you join) probably has the full series.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Milking Factory 16 by Gorounaoki

Gorounaoki - Black vs Villain (h-d)

Gorounaoki's milking factory features a hygienically sealed enclosed chamber. It is kept chilled to keep the product fresh, the temperature is low enough to cause the milk producers' breath to condense. I dare say it also stimulates their lungs and encourages them to stay active, rather than allowing themselves to be passively milked, which must be a temptation after a few hours in the saddle. 

This artist subscribes to the theory that men's nipples can be milked too, perhaps by introducing some mutated hormones into their feed. True or not, it is a sexy embellishment that shows up well here at the 'green' station at the end of the line. Attachment of the nipple tubes is helped by the tight fitting suits the men are wearing, their nipples are squeezed out through holes to form tingling, sensitive peaks, highly receptive to suction caps. The body fitting rubber also promotes a heightened sense of sexuality in them, an encouragement to produce plentiful, good quality volumes.

The milkers are all wearing dark goggles which conceal from them the mechanistic nature of the extraction, allowing them to fantasise about human stimulation. I suspect this futuristic set up may even include some sort of virtual reality delivered through the goggles and tuned to their individual tastes in J/O material.

The other original feature of this set up is the suspension arrangement. Five straps are attached, one to each of their elbows and ankles with one to the body harness at the back of the neck. This keeps their limbs from interfering with the process while still allowing considerable freedom of movement, not least during orgasm. As a result they remain aware of the proximity of their fellow milkers, promoting an unspoken camaraderie and sense of shared purpose. Their 'uniforms' also contribute to this and lend dignity to the conscripts.  

Gorounaoki - Black vs Villain (h-c)

The glass wall enables the chamber to double up as an entertainment exhibit for visitors when the men are 'off-line'. Some guests strip off as they enjoy the vicarious illusion of being drenched by the studs, perhaps imagining that they are responsible for it, but the reality is that, even when disconnected from the collection tubes, the men find it hard to stop producing, much like their bovine equivalents who are become programmed to be milked at a certain time every day. This display chamber produces a significant income stream for the factory and (surprisingly) a steady stream of applicants keen to experience being part of the production line. In fact it's no longer necessary to 'conscript' new beasts when replacements are needed.

See unobstructed variant of this picture

Gorounaoki (or Gorou Naoki) usually provides a comprehensive range of variants of his images featuring the characters in various states of undress but disappointingly he hasn't given us a naked equivalent of the top, 'connected' image as far as I have been able to discover. In his original scenario, the captives are actually four heroes who have been captured by 'Villain', hence their colour coded 'super-hero suits'. They are relentlessly milked to expose their susceptibility to sexual pleasure while their Commander, 'Black', is forced to watch from outside. 

View this whole series at hentaiera
 More of this artist at Gorounaki Gallery and My Reading Manga
pay site: GorouNaoki on Patreon


Read the mitchmen Milking Factory series from the start

click on the 'milking' label below for more milking situations

Saturday, 20 April 2024

More Art by Aizenhower

Read Part 1

Aizenhower - Kristoff Revealed

 I suppose I shouldn't confess to liking 'Frozen' but I was intrigued by the 'male romantic lead' in it, Kristoff. He suffered the laughable fate reserved by movie-makers for male characters - being amiable, strong and dumb but loyal to his mate. It's a negative stereotype that goes strangely unremarked by feminists in the sexism debate. 

Kristoff a la Disney

Disney's official packaging of Kristoff in heavy winter gear is unlikely to stir the senses but Aizenhower extracts and magnifies his sexual presence that simmers, neglected throughout the film. Juxtaposed against his co-stars in the film (top image, above), this first glimpse of him naked is almost as shocking to the viewer as it obviously is to the imaginary heroines. 
The reaction of the coachman at the back is harder to read!

Aizenhower - Kristoff Unveils His Feet

This image stays closer to his film persona - a man inclined to cute boyishness and out of his depth in the sumptuous extravagance of the Palace. This babyish baring of his feet is not in the film. Is it a ploy to alleviate his boredom by attracting the attention of a passing 'footman'? 
Note the hairy legs, this character is a real man.

Aizenhower - Kristoff Bares All

This doesn't actually happen in the film either, 
certainly not with Anna, his romantic counterpart.
It's no surprise to find bulk under his clothing,
though perhaps not as muscular and alluring as this.

Aizenhower - Kristoff's Best Friend

Kristoff's other dumb-male quirk is that his best friend is his reindeer, Sven.
I'm not sure whether this image is an attempt to suggest something more racy
or just a play on the ability of Nordic people to kinkily embrace their climate.
Either way it's a very sexy image.

Aizenhower - Kristoff and a Stabbington Brother

'Frozen' gives Kristoff little in the way of male interest to reciprocate his imagined gay leanings, 
so Aizenhower has transplanted him into the world of 'Tangled' for this fan image.
Here he's paired off with one of The Stabbington Brothers

According to Disney fandom, the Stabbingtons are "are twins with muscular bodies, fair skin, red hair, light blue eyes, big eyebrows, big noses, and big jaws". So far so good but they are also described as brutish thieves, the clue is in the name, I guess. That makes this encounter in a weirdly romantic setting very interesting indeed. 

Feet figure again in this picture here. 
I'm puzzled as to why they are dipped in the sparkling stream, but I can see that it is kinda sexy
Perhaps it's something that happens in 'Tangled', but I haven't seen it. (Honest!)

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

In Part 1 of this post I featured a number of Aizenhower's images from his 'The Legend of Korra' series and this is another, with the hapless hero, Bolin, playing top for a change. It's quite a complex image which gives the initial impression of him applying a wrestling 'Nelson' hold to persuade a reluctant partner. Closer inspection reveals a very different sort of restraint, a slightly puzzling one. 
Nevertheless, it's a powerful image of two men coming together in high excitement. 

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

The tables are turned on Bolin here, it seems, but I don't think he minds. 
A remarkably energetic and affecting image, considering it doesn't really show very much!

Aizenhower - The Legend of Korra

In Aizehower's world all heroes have to succumb to the villains at some point.
Here the Commander takes his medicine in a very steamy scene.

Aizenhower - Open wide!

Invasive medical inspections are another favoured topic for this artist (see Part 1). 
This one, unusually, is taking place on the floor with the medic astride his subject. It creates a marvellous impression of a reluctant patient being firmly treated by a very determined medic. 
The patient's erotic response seems to be the root of the problem and it's clearly an embarrassment.  
The medic can hardly fail to be aware of it, he appears to be enjoying every minute.

These two also featured in a spanking image in Part 1
they are protagonists who become friends in an animated film 'Yu Yu Hakusho'.

Aizenhower - Cowboy Bebop

This images features two characters, Jet Black and Spike Spiegel, who are the captain and crew of the spaceship Bebop (from Cowboy Bebop which was a controversial Japanese, TV, animated series about space bounty hunters). 

Aizenhower shows them in what seems to be a seduction, sensitively handled by Jet, the older man. Although there's a striking inter-generational gap, Spike is actually 27 years old in the context of the story - and straight! As a bounty hunter he ought to be well able to stand up for himself,  but the boredom of being cooped up on those long space flights can do things to the toughest of men.

Aizenhower - Rugby Coach

I featured another rugby cartoon by Aizenhower in Part 1. This character is less stylised and captures the sexy credentials of the Rugby sporting stereotype very well. We are presented with physical bulk (great pecs!), square-jawed manliness and a devil-may-care persona for which mooning holds no fears. How these men love to tease us! But who knows what desires lurk inside the brain of this brawny beast?

Aizenhower - Space Dandy

Aizenhower's 'Space Dandy' is a trifle too eccentric for my personal taste, but he does possess one characteristic that I would never ignore - a great ass! What's that saying about the fire and the mantlepiece? In this image it seems like a space alien has also spotted the same attraction via some sort of spying device.

Aizenhower - Space Dandy

      This picture shows the Dandy to have a pretty good physique too, but it's still put in the shade by his backside. It's amazing how the addition of two faint highlights can enhance it's shape and the allure and suggest tight, stretchy fabric at the same time. An interesting demonstration of the power of the humble cartoon (and the gay mind!)


Link information for this artist is in Part 1
for more posts on these subjects click on the labels below

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

First Catch Your Rogue - 25

 He wasn't a very good burglar.
I'm a light sleeper, but he made enough noise to wake the dead.
He didn't put up much of a fight either, I'm a big guy.
I got him securely tied up without too many problems.

To give him credit, he didn't beg me not to call the cops. 
But we both knew that was the deal on the table.
I emptied his pockets and poked around in them
giving him a clue to how he might escape my trap.

He wasn't too happy though when I started to cut his clothes off.
The only way, since his arms and legs were tied together.
He started mouthing off about how much they had cost him.
More likely he had stolen them, so I just gagged him.

He was a street-wise punk, in his mid-twenties, 
But the harsh strangeness of the fetish gag shocked him. 
The hard ball filling his mouth, the strap pulling it tight.
He knew then that negotiations were over.

I watched him squirming naked on my bed for a while,
then fetched a razor from the bathroom, a new one
I set to work clearing the fuzz on his lower regions.
I don't use foam, I like to see what I'm doing.

He squawked briefly, but knew better than to struggle,
not while I was working with the blade between his legs.
He watched me, probably wondering how to explain it
to his girlfriend and team mates in the locker room.

I cleaned away the fallen fluff with the vacuum cleaner.
Lifting his legs and teasing him with the suction tool
Then I fetched some ointments to sooth his razor burn.
And then he was finally ready for me.

I fetched my camera.


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Sunday, 14 April 2024

Punishment Art by 'G'

This remarkable image seems to show an athlete being punished by man who is semi-formally dressed in clothes that have a military cut. The T-shirt suggests he might be his coach or it might simply be a military undershirt. The athlete's hands are tied together and his feet, though not tied, are also close together, as if in obedience to a demand for military neatness. 

He is suspended, stretched out across his mentor's feet and a low table in a beautiful arching pose that accentuates his buttocks and conveys an impression of extreme defencelessness. The instrument of punishment is a ferocious-looking multi-tailed whip which flails in the air above them suggesting extreme anger and pain lies in store for him. In reality, the wielder is standing much too close to use it effectively, but this close positioning suggests intense, personal emotions are in play. 

The style of the image is strikingly artistic and modern with a slightly fuzzy appearance that belies the level of detail where it matters and there's a similarly loose approach to perspective. Compare with the Art of Vern Dufford

This picture is simply signed 'G' but the artist was identified as 'Greg' when it appeared in 'Mandate' magazine in 1985. Tim in Vermont website attributes it to Greg Maskwa (aka 'greg') who was certainly a contemporary. Maskwa (not previously featured here at mitchmen) was a prolific artist in the leather-rich 1980's and is probably best known for his image below called 'The Oasis'.

'greg' - The Oasis

 These two images are quite different in style but they both have been created using very distinctive, professional 'studio'  techniques. Greg did not always use his distinctive logo on his images but I've not found one that does have it with a similar style to 'G' Greg. You can draw your own conclusions about the source of the liquid spilling from the boot.

Greg - The Olympians

I haven't found any other fetish images by 'G' but this shower scene shows a similar mini-drama unfolding in the contrasting halves of a diptych. On the left two (swimmers?) are showering in a perfectly normal way with a nicely muscled, broad back on view. On the right the blond has actually removed his trunks and has attracted the attention of the third man, seemingly drawing him away from that glorious back. He spans both halves of the image with an air that suggests he is not a man to be dallied with. The faces are stylised but rather sexy.


for similar posts at mitchmen, click on the labels below

Thursday, 11 April 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 8

Mitchell - Fear The Lash

A rule-breaking cowboy braces himself for punishment.

This is based on an unfinished, very early work which in the original,
showing the subject kneeling, eyes raised to heaven, like would-be saint. 

I have substituted this cartoonised version which has a more interesting, apprehensive face.
(the original is included in the folio at Adonis Male)

Mitchell - Wagon Wheel Punishment

This picture is even earlier and even more circumspect about the fate which seems to be in store for the subject. Interestingly, neither of these images portray bondage which is a surprise to me, looking back. It seems an obvious embellishment given my track record in later life! 

Mitchell - Wagon Wheel Punishment (cartoonised) Sweaty

This cartoonised variant has given the condemned man a more sensual physique.
It suggests a sweaty struggle has taken place to extract him from his clothing. 
A necessary preparation before tying him to the wheel.

Guest (?) - Promotional Ad for Male Classics (1960's)

My original sketch was inspired by this rather beautiful drawing  that appeared in the British, 'Male Classics' range of beefcake magazines in the late 60's promoting subscriptions to their various titles. Rather appropriately it seems as if the young man in the ad is being pulled in different directions by the choice available.

My youthful imagination saw him being stretched out to receive punishment. His loincloth cum pouch in the picture looked very improvised, loose and insecure, a temporary arrangement to save his usual clothing from damage during chastisement and create a more ritualistic air. The shiny fabric had an intricate, arabesque pattern which suggested a rather superior sort of enslavement to me, one where even the servants were given panels of silk to protect their modesty. The sheen suggested a significant presence underneath.

I'm not sure what gave me the idea of pinning the unfortunate to a wagon wheel.
They are a regular presence in Western movies and TV series of course
 and I quite likely saw one being used as a whipping post at some point.
However there is also a parallel with the Royale Studio image below.

Royale Studio - Unapproved School - Part 2, No 24

At the time I drew my picture I was not familiar with this memorable Royale Studio image from 'Unapproved School' (1959), but it's hard not to make a connection. The Male Classics group who published the inspirational advertisement had been strong supporters of Royale in their heyday and produced a remarkable pictorial tribute to the Studio after it's demise (see Royale Studio Blog - Timeline article). However, I've not found this Royale image in any of their magazines that I might have seen at the time.

Mitchell - Wagon Wheel Punishment (cartoonised) Voluptuous

In this final variant, AI has produced a strikingly voluptuous body.
It's paired with a Manga-style face that seems quite incongruous to me 
but that's Artificial Intelligence for you!

The wheel has morphed into padded, fan like prop
that might have been used in a burlesque performance.


The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male

See them at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below

Monday, 8 April 2024

The Destruction of Channing Travolta - 3

 Continued from Part 2, or you can start reading from Part 1

Somewhat chastened by his run of defeats, Channing tones down his hair for his next fight, a return match with Max Quivers. He approaches his opponent more carefully but his character hasn't changed, as his flashy white boots suggest.  Max expects a little more respect than Channing's thinly-disguised smirk.

He makes his displeasure clear to the arrogant young man, 
using the proffered hand to pull him into a vicious knee raise.
It lifts Channing into the air and leaves him gasping for breath. 

Channing collapses onto the floor but Quivers follows him down.
He's seemingly intent on twisting Channing's head off his shoulders,
as if trying to finish what he started in their first bout, see Part 1.

The grisly reminders for the young upstart continue 
as Max switches to one of the choke holds
that he tamed him with in that first meeting.
Channing's spirit seems to ebb away.
(but I do like that groin shot!)

When Max relents, Channing is left dizzily stumbling. 
The fight has barely started, but already he is forced to crawl.
It's a humiliating acknowledgement of his inferiority.

Unfortunately, his grovelling makes his foot an easy target for Quiver's quick grab.
He twists it into a half-Boston, levering Channing's knee joint and stressing his back.
Channing whines in dismay.

One leg lever quickly becomes two, 
Channing spots the full Boston Crab torture coming his way. 
Predictably, he makes a panicky, desperate grab for the ropes.

Quivers simply yanks him back to the middle of the ring
and punishes Channing's arm joint for it's part in the cowardliness
Channing can't believe how much it hurts.

However the sight of his exposed, arched torso 
has inspired Max to give a more appropriate punishment.

Channing learns from the seasoned sadist that the sanctuary of the ropes
can also become a place of inescapable restraint,
leaving him wide open and totally defenceless against a cruel barrage of blows.

Channing bleats about the rules and Quivers sets him free.
He retreats into a corner, desperately clinging to the ropes.
The chunky hunk has been reduced to a very sorry state, 
and mealy mouthed, he acknowledges Quiver as the victor.

But it his ordeal is not yet over,  
Quivers' jacket drops on to the floor in front of him.

Channing scarcely has time to register his dismay before Max steams back in, feet first, 
Contemptuously he pins him, squealing in protest, against to the post.

Channing is dragged back to the centre of the ring for a celebratory reprise of punishment.
He's anchored there by a painful figure 4 while Quivers relentlessly assaults his back .
Endearingly, Channing endures it all grimacing in pain.

But Quivers is denied the pain fest he wanted
Channing can't (or won't) fight back any more.
It's like he's been completely squashed.
But he ain't seen nothin' yet!

View Channing v Quivers at Wrestler4Hire (with video trailer)


More of Channing's attempts to break into the wrestling big time in the next post!

Thanks to Wrestler4Hire for the pictures

For other wrestling humiliations click on the wrestlers or humiliation labels below

Friday, 5 April 2024

Defeated Army Enslaved

Charles Gleyre - Romans Under The Yoke (1858, detail)

This image depicts the subjugation of an entire, defeated army. 
The muscular soldiers have been stripped of their uniforms and armour.
Reduced to loincloths, their hands are tied behind their backs 
and noose collars of enslavement have been put round their necks.

The entire army was forced to pass under a yoke,
 symbolically bending their heads to acknowledge their failure
and the superiority of their captors,
 who flogged them as they ducked to pass through the arch.

In the full size image of this picture, the artist sought to heap further embarrassment
on the captives by surrounding them with jeering children and choirs of celebrating women.

It's an 19th century work but those sullen, masculine faces and muscular physiques 
still reach out to us across the chasm of time. 
Sadly that homoerotic tang is absent from other, grand works by Gleyre
but some have an unexpectedly modern, surreal quality,
Look for 'Egyptian Temple' and the fantasy world of 'Lost Illusions'.

In this image of the scene the captives are tethered together, like oxen. 
This illustrator seems to have heavily based his work on Gleyre's compelling image
But, he's accorded the captives more modest attire, Victorian style.

Another image of the scene shows a captive stripped completely naked
and his clothes and possessions being looted by the captors.

Other artists have imagined a less graphic format to the humiliating submission
with the 'yoke' merely symbolic, the arch actually made from the captor's spears.

However, the flimsy shifts worn by the captives here are scarcely better than full nudity
The depiction is highly sensual and the 'horns' of the aggressive captors
add a threatening tang of sexual domination to the army's subjugation.


The event that inspired these images was the ancient battle of Caudine Forks (321 BC)

It wasn't really a battle at all.
The entire Roman army was decoyed into a trap by the Samnites.
Bottled up in a canyon, they surrendered without a fight.
That's humiliation enough for any seasoned soldier.

Samnite Re-enactment Fan

I doubt that the Samnite warriors ever looked quite like this!
But that short tunic and bag dangling from his belt
might have been a useful distraction during close combat!

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Art by Aizenhower

In this article I have gathered together a selection of work attributed to Aizenhower which I just happen to like. He seems to have an amazing range of styles and I don't claim this to be a comprehensive or balanced review. The titles are mine, generally his own simply provide names of the fantasy heroes depicted, rather than the subject matter.

Shower Stud

Shower scenes have always been meat and drink to the soft porn industry and it's usually a private place for reflection and the release of personal tensions, but there's a hint of  'Psycho' about this image. The strong, chunky hunk washing his hero-length hair unexpectedly shows a sexy vulnerability at being disturbed, vulnerability verging on panic .

Behind Bars

A hero's life is not all steamy, but there's plenty of sex. This one faces the double jeopardy of being tied up and locked up in a cell at the mercy of his captors. However, he must surely have consented in some way to this arrangement to be exploited by a guard through the bars of his cage. Possibly it's a ploy to escape, worth the teeth-gritting unpleasantness, but his bushing cheeks reveal that it's still an affront to his self image. It's a great picture.

Double Trouble

It's not clear whether this is a captivity situation but it does look as if the man at the middle of this trio is not very happy about being fought over. His paler skin colour seems to suggest innocence and softness, desirable qualities that are amplified by the vulnerable position they have put him in. One of the two men fighting over him seems to be the muscular hunk from the shower (above) and he has a similarly confused expression here. The third man seems to be a lot keener on sharing (or acquiring) the prize, definitely up for it you might say. He has a curious, old-fashioned moustache that used to be the sign of a foppish cad

Chained up and Open

Almost the same position of vulnerability but the addition of restraining chains and a bare, supporting shelf transforms it into a more intense situation. Tom of Finland almost invented this image back in 1970, giving it a disarmingly whimsical treatment (see below). Aizenhower's captive has a more modern appearance and a more serious expression at the prospect of initiation into the dark mysteries. 

Tom of Finland - Biker chained to a wall

 Tom of Finland's interpretation is surprisingly frank for it's time.
Typically, it's full of ambiguity and improbable body positions. 
But there's a distinct sense of a man getting his comeuppance.

click on the label at the foot of the post for more Tom of Finland imagery

Butt Machine

The initiation of the novice continues. 
The impersonal power of the machine is somehow more daunting than even the most intimidating of men. More exciting perhaps if you've taken the dare, but terrifying if you haven't.

Morning Wood

Beds are like showers, they are normally a place of safety, 
a place for recharging batteries and relieving of tension.
But like Showers and Psycho, there's an exception to every rule.....

Medical groping

An appointment at the clinic turns into something else. 
I can't understand why this man is complaining!
This is the sort of carer we'd all like to have.

Milking Therapy

Alone with the machine, this patient might wish the hunky medic was back. This milking device is clearly designed to extract more than a small sample. I love the bubbling flask of accumulating discharge in the foreground. The pressure gauge emphasises the intensity of the process and, like the butt machine, it's completely impersonal and unresponsive to appeals. Interestingly the patient is not restrained but there comes a point in this process where he's no longer in control anyway.

Big as an Arm

This more-stylised cartoon uses a similar characterisation of inexperience to the trio picture at the top of this post. The humour here has a tang of truth about it and harks back to the 'It's Gonna Hurt!' porn genre that enjoyed a vogue a few years back until realisation dawned that it was mostly clever camera work and the innocent-acting model on screen didn't find it anywhere near as daunting as the viewer. Which is not to say they weren't bring stretched!

Rugby Tackle

The artist uses a completely different style here and has created a remarkable sense of movement and drama. I'm a fan of rugby imagery and this takes all those pulled shorts pictures to the hoped-for next stage where the tackler grabs his opponents tackle. Aizenhower has captured the stereotypical, physical character traits of rugby players but I suspect the horrified expression of the tackled man is wishful thinking!

Big man spanked

The ability of cartoons to express movement makes them a good medium for spanking imagery and it also defuses the violence. That sense of comeuppance is evident again here where a big man has been stripped naked and is receiving a punishment that's turning his backside as red as his hair. If he has a fiery temperament it's not helped him and the man who is taming him has a youthful look and devilish grin that adds insult to his humiliation.


This character, another conspicuously large man, is shown suffering a more subtle and arguably more profound humiliation. He's been forced to kneel completely naked before robed men who might be part of some mystical order, Samurai perhaps. They contemptuously rest their shoes on him, prod him and cruelly expose his sexual enjoyment at being dominated by them.  

The Samurai's Pleasure

Samurai Warriors are a class apart and not renounced for their kindness to defeated enemies. This image is based on a character called Samurai Champloo whose name apparently means 'making it up as you go along'. That has an ominous ring for this prisoner who can expect anything to happen to him.

Sweaty Lovers

A more conventional statement to end on. The cartoon technique is able to add a little extra via the facial expressions and profuse sweating.

I haven't found a mainstream site for Aizenhower, his Twitter account is suspended.
There are images at Danbboru and Rule34 and many others if you search.