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Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Milking Factory 16 by Gorounaoki

Gorounaoki - Black vs Villain (h-d)

Gorounaoki's milking factory features a hygienically sealed enclosed chamber. It is kept chilled to keep the product fresh, the temperature is low enough to cause the milk producers' breath to condense. I dare say it also stimulates their lungs and encourages them to stay active, rather than allowing themselves to be passively milked, which must be a temptation after a few hours in the saddle. 

This artist subscribes to the theory that men's nipples can be milked too, perhaps by introducing some mutated hormones into their feed. True or not, it is a sexy embellishment that shows up well here at the 'green' station at the end of the line. Attachment of the nipple tubes is helped by the tight fitting suits the men are wearing, their nipples are squeezed out through holes to form tingling, sensitive peaks, highly receptive to suction caps. The body fitting rubber also promotes a heightened sense of sexuality in them, an encouragement to produce plentiful, good quality volumes.

The milkers are all wearing dark goggles which conceal from them the mechanistic nature of the extraction, allowing them to fantasise about human stimulation. I suspect this futuristic set up may even include some sort of virtual reality delivered through the goggles and tuned to their individual tastes in J/O material.

The other original feature of this set up is the suspension arrangement. Five straps are attached, one to each of their elbows and ankles with one to the body harness at the back of the neck. This keeps their limbs from interfering with the process while still allowing considerable freedom of movement, not least during orgasm. As a result they remain aware of the proximity of their fellow milkers, promoting an unspoken camaraderie and sense of shared purpose. Their 'uniforms' also contribute to this and lend dignity to the conscripts.  

Gorounaoki - Black vs Villain (h-c)

The glass wall enables the chamber to double up as an entertainment exhibit for visitors when the men are 'off-line'. Some guests strip off as they enjoy the vicarious illusion of being drenched by the studs, perhaps imagining that they are responsible for it, but the reality is that, even when disconnected from the collection tubes, the men find it hard to stop producing, much like their bovine equivalents who are become programmed to be milked at a certain time every day. This display chamber produces a significant income stream for the factory and (surprisingly) a steady stream of applicants keen to experience being part of the production line. In fact it's no longer necessary to 'conscript' new beasts when replacements are needed.

See unobstructed variant of this picture

Gorounaoki (or Gorou Naoki) usually provides a comprehensive range of variants of his images featuring the characters in various states of undress but disappointingly he hasn't given us a naked equivalent of the top, 'connected' image as far as I have been able to discover. In his original scenario, the captives are actually four heroes who have been captured by 'Villain', hence their colour coded 'super-hero suits'. They are relentlessly milked to expose their susceptibility to sexual pleasure while their Commander, 'Black', is forced to watch from outside. 

View this whole series at hentaiera
 More of this artist at Gorounaki Gallery and My Reading Manga
pay site: GorouNaoki on Patreon


Read the mitchmen Milking Factory series from the start

click on the 'milking' label below for more milking situations

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