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Tuesday, 19 July 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - WithNoTitle

Another Japanese artist who practises the national, spiky style of drawing but with more softness than most of his compatriots. The fetish content is fairly mild for the most part but visits some interesting by-ways which I have sampled here.

 I admit to knowing next to nothing about the game characters who populate this artist's images, but Chris Redfield is known to me, his ample physical charms and interesting clingy outfits speak for themselves anyway. This image (like most of WithNoTitle's work) exists in other, more naked variants but I like the groaning underwear in this one. Chris has evolved a long way from his chunky look in the original game here.

 A more overt fetishism here, sadly impaired by the pixilation of the most important 'part'.
The agonised facial expression helps to make a distinctive image. There's a certain kinship here with the time-honoured tentacle pose but this picture is much simpler, with just one line of attack on the victim. If you look closely and screen off the far leg you can see the underlying image here is of a man seated on a ledge not the floor. I think retaining this pose might have made an even better picture, it brings out the way the captive is bracing himself.

Talking of tentacles, this is one of the better examples of the genre. It helps that the creature is given a vaguely recognisable, octopus-like form and the artist has brought out the daunting strength of the creature in those massive flailing limbs. It's a worthy challenge for a muscular hero and having to fight in the alien environment of the sea (which is surprisingly calm today!) poses another danger to him. 

The efforts of the creature to open out his legs represents a subtle sexual threat, but having suggested the vulnerability, the artist has resisted the temptation to show another tentacle directly attacking that area. I chose the clothed version of this picture because I like the body-enhancing effect of the loincloth (fundoshi) and it adds greatly to the simmering, erotic brew here. The garment has a ancient, primitive character that strips away any trappings of modernity, reducing the wearer to his animal essence. Yum!

I have introduced a new label for my posts, 'encounters-with-creatures' which links images where recognisable creatures are involved, not just disembodied tentacles (see foot of post for labels).

There's a suggestion of bondage in the arms-behind-the-back pose of the right-hand man here but I really selected this picture because it underlines the artist's skill in depicting tense, muscular interactions. It has a nice voyeuristic feel. He has used a more naturalistic style with the faces and bodies so it's intensity makes an immediate connection with our normal viewing receptors (whereas we have to process and translate comic/fantasy images like those above into our normal viewing 'language'). I'd love to see the octopus image done this way.

I haven't been able to find any recent images from this artist or a website
(your information is welcome via comments)

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