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Monday, 11 July 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - WhiteBriefs

A brief (!) mention for WhiteBriefs whose obsession is what you might expect from his name but he makes occasional excursions into the fetish areas of slavery, ancient and modern.

WhiteBriefs - Becan The Catamite
This is an example of his most polished work. It's intensely detailed and decorated and the depiction of the chracters is often slightly strange with an unsettling a hint of the extreme if you examine it closely.   

WhiteBriefs - In The Cage
Personally I find his rough sketches like this one more approachable. The softer lines create a less stark image and give the prisoner's body more substance, his facial expression seems more real. The caged man is an intriguing idea about power and control but it doesn't always translate into an erotic visual image. The butch prisoner helps this one to work but I'm glad it's not in colour.

WhiteBriefs - Ready to Serve
 The rebellious mohican hair style adds a similar frisson - the hard man subjugated - to this picture. He's been forced to wear harem style, feminine, butt-enhancing pants as part of his humiliating servitude.

You can see more here - Whitebriefs at Deviant Art
including samples of tentacles and crucifixion art
 For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

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