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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Waistband

 Waistband - Y-Front Fantasy

Waistband - Ass Worship

Two images by an artist I know only as 'Waistband' and involving the worship of traditional white men's underwear. Many of us cut our teeth on gear like this, advertised in store catalogues. Functional underwear that isn't pretending to be anything else and is not meant to be seen makes the wearer look particularly undressed whenever it does see the light of day. 

There's memories of the famous Y-Front marque in the first picture although I can't recall ever seeing variants with a button fly like that depicted here. The second image portrays something more like the Calvin Klein revival style. Both varieties provide the glorious rear view that only comes with a modest capacious fit and high waist. This inbuilt characteristic of modesty makes the man who wears it all the more challenging and intriguing and sightings of him in his underwear acquire a rarity value.

This artist has his own distinctive 'woodcut' style that gives these images credibility. If anyone can supply more information about him (via comments) I'd be glad to hear from you.

If you like looking at men in this style of underwear have a look at my series 'In Praise of Y-Fronts'

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

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