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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Friday, 13 January 2012

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Pichard

Pichard - Roman Lash (my title)
This picture is a fetish perennial on the internet so I cannot overlook it. The artist is actually noted for heterosexual erotica and the background detail of classic architecture and female onlookers bears this out. The treatment of the foreground figure doesn't really match in quality and I suspect it has been erotically 're-engineered' for a gay audience. Nevertheless the combination of frail nudity and the domineering, unpleasant looking guard wielding the lash is very effective. The leg-over-the-bar shackling arrangement is curious but contributes to the visual erotic effect, I suppose it makes more sense in the original story context.
Georges Pichard is well represented on comic art fans . He's also in Wikipaedia and Googling produces lots of example of his work. Interesting if you don't mind looking at females.
For earlier posts in this series click on the A-Z label below

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