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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 23 October 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Joe Johnson

Joe Johnson is one of the early artists in this selection, as you can tell from the hairstyles his men sport. The pictures mainly feature whipping and belting although I also have a piercing picture.
Johnson - Bondage Island

He has two distinct styles. On the one hand there are hard edged ink drawings featuring lean bodies, angry faces and fierce punishments. The caricaturing of the faces is not particularly attractive but produces a very grim scene. We're not having fun in the dungeon here. This is serious and somewhat disturbing. It's as though the artist doesn't really like men and the general tone of these pictures reminds me of old heterosexual porn. That said these pictures have interesting incidental detail (like the mattress in 'bondage island' above) and the shading is stylish and professional.
The second style consists of much softer pencil worked drawings something like the style of Esposito. The characters have more voluptuous bodies (and hair) and their faces seem less pinched and angry. The fetish proceedings are equally severe in nature but have a less intense atmosphere with balletic poses and discharges of impressive creamy fountains. These pictures are less detailed and not so realistically rendered like the vanilla example shown here.

Sorry no link info.
For earlier articles in this series click on the label A-Z below.

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