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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 6 April 2008

"Building site incident" by Mitchell

I've been looking through my unfinished sketches for material that might fill the gaps in the S&M Clinic story and I came across a little story board depicting a building site incident. Sometimes these unfinished items cry out to be set free! Then this picture popped up in my mailbox. He might have stepped right out of the picture story. Seems like an omen so I'm tidying up the drawings for publication to bridge the gap before the next S&M story goes out.

It's a fairly straight forward boy meets man story with a bit of bondage thrown in for spice. It's drawn in a comic format 6 frames to a page but I may split the pictures to create a narrative. The individual frames of course are less complex than my normal pictures. I'll be interested in the reaction they get.

I have a number of other stories in storyboard, comic format which will probably never get drawn as full size pictures as there are too many frames. These include a freestanding Neighbourhood Police Story and another on the S&M Clinic theme. Both follow a single character through their respective experiences with these organisations. I'm hoping these will go out towards the end of the year.

'Building Site Incident' will be published at mitchmen (yahoo group) in the next week or so.

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