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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Men in Tights - 2

Continued from Part 1

When Phoenix Flex comes to, feeling slightly fuzzy,  he discovers to his horror that The Silent Shadow has started to remove his hero suit while he was unconscious. 
His arms are trapped in the rolled down fabric so he can't stop him.

The Shadow believes he is impersonating his old adversary, 'The Flash' 
(The Hero who was the suit's original owner).  
Of course, being a Silent Shadow he can't say so to Flex. 

Lacking that info, Flex thinks he must want to steal the suit from him. 
Already he feels it's 'Hero Power Enablement' feature slipping away from him.

As if to emphasise Flex's vulnerability without his suit,
 the Shadow jerks his head back and squashes his right nipple.
 His 'Power-Grip' gloves apply extra-human pressure. 
Flex gasps in agony, but is still unable to defend himself.

Sneering (silently) at his opponent's weakness, The Shadow up-ends him
He transfers his crushing grip back to that other more interesting area.
Flex can't stop himself from letting out an agonised yell as his sore balls 
are subjected to another squeeze.

The Shadow pauses his devastating assault,
To investigate the fascinating shape he has found in Flex's tights.
It's unlike anything he's ever seen before, 
All Heroes have smooth crotches, not this strange little peg*. 
He nudges it tenderly with his hands feeling a strange sensation swirl within him, 
That makes him realise - it must be some evil trick!

*Of course, The Shadow has a human sub-ego with a dick himself, but when he assumes his Hero Villain persona, all inconvenient human traits - physical and psychological are suppressed and hidden.

Regaining his self control, he recoils in horror and stamps on the offending object, 
Meanwhile Flex has succeeded in freeing his hands, but it's too late,
His crotch is wide open and his balls (and more) are well and truly busted.

Flex howls, nursing a throbbing (and terribly painful) swelling,
He's unnerved by the silent, unprovoked attack 
and it's vicious success has severely dented his Heroic aspirations.
It's a bitter pill, but escape seems his only option,
He rolls over and begins to crawl away.

But The Shadow is not about to let his new enemy escape that easily
Especially not after experiencing that strange moment of thrall from him.
Be he genuine Hero or clumsy imposter, this character must be neutralised 
For the good of all of Super-Villaindom!
He just succeeds in stopping him from escaping by grabbing his tights.

As Flex continues to wriggle away, his tights peel off in The Shadow's grip.
The Shadow experiences that strange feeling again as he sees what is revealed.
It makes him confused about why he is trying to prevent Flex from escaping.

Dimly The Shadow realises he's being enchanted by those mesmerising globes.
Summoning his reserves of  villainy he looks away and makes a grab for Flex's neck.
A tight choke hold soon subdues his opponent's struggles.
But The Shadow can't stop himself checking out his peg again.
He is convinced that some secret power must lie within it.

Angrily, he hauls the unresisting Flex to his feet,
 how can this pathetic excuse for a Hero mesmerise him so much?
And yet with so little?

Standing behind, the peg is invisible and unable to exert it's distracting influence.
To neutralise it, he delivers a second vicious upper cut between Flex's legs.
It's more effective than he dared hope, Flex screams and doubles up.
But as he bends The Shadow is exposed to the full glare of his hairy ass.
He reels back, his body swimming with more, confused feelings.

Flex sinks to his knees, cradling his crotch and pleading to be spared
To his astonishment, The Shadow finds himself thinking, why not?
Are there not other things he might do with this strangely alluring creature? 
But then realises it's another of his tricks.

To shut Flex up, he pulls back his head and drops down onto it,
locking his neck under his armpit and levering him into a back-breaking arch.
Pit odours assail Flex's senses through the sweaty dampness of The Shadow's suit.
He feels The Shadow's glove tracing lightly across his torso, heading downwards.
It seems to trigger a nerve signal down through the pain in his spine to his ass.

The Shadow, is distracted for some time by the novelty of a helpless Hero's naked body
shuddering with fear and pain at close quarters under his hands.
But he is shocked when he notices that the strange little peg has changed.
It has morphed into something much bigger, firmer and more menacing.
Instinctively he goes for it with his glove, aiming to crush it before it can erupt.

The hot air of Flex's howl suffuses his armpit disturbingly.
Angrily he yanks Flex back by the hair, 
sending him sprawling on the floor.

Once again The Shadow attacks the source of his confusion.
Grinding it under his foot as one might an insect.
To his horror, Flex grabs at his boot as if he likes it there.

The Shadow hastily withdraws his foot.
But instead of scampering away, Flex just lies there, 
Protecting himself but leaving his legs wide open.
He seems to be challenging The Shadow to do it again.

Despite his inner fear, The Shadow obliges, 
He feels a grim satisfaction, crushing Flex's hand as well as his peg.
Looking down on Flex's naked body, his hair- flecked pecs and stubbly chin
The Shadow realises he doesn't want to let Flex go,
But to struggle with all the strange tricks his body seems to offer.

His mind made up, he picks up shreds of the ex-hero's suit 
and begins to bind him with it, hand and foot.
It's the first time he's restrained a defeated opponent in this way.
And he finds Flex's feeble resistance strangely satisfying.
It's almost as if he's collaborating, willing The Shadow on.

Lying naked at The Shadow's feet feet in a V-tied, hog restraint,
Flex squirms, grunting as he half-heartedly tests the bindings. 
But the Hero qualities of the suit have turned against him
The power in it seals his entrapment.

Flex's shoulders are broad and muscled, his buttocks plump and round
And The Shadow finds that sight more mesmerising than ever.
His hands are drawn towards the dark place between the thighs.
Just in time he checks himself.

 If Flex's globes can still enthrall him, what of the deceptive peg?
He kneels to roll Flex over to inspect his unprotected groin.
Flex moans as if he dreads his conquerer's touch. 
The Shadow likes him responding in this way.

As he heaves the heavy body up, he is distracted again by Flex's buttocks
They are now just inches away and bunched up tightly by the rolling action.
Helpless wriggling fingers stretch out protectively across them.
The Shadow senses the mysterious power that lurks down there 
and resolves to look into it later - in a more suitable place. 

As he rolls the defeated Flex onto his side, 
His nakedness spells out the totality of The Shadow's victory.
"You are mine now, Flash" he crows, silently,
"All my life I have wanted you and now you are mine. All mine".

 Flex somehow understands these thoughts
 realising that he has inherited a truly heroic mantle, that of The Flash.
It's a position that exceeds his wildest ambitions.
"Yes master", he murmurs, "I'm yours".


And at that moment, in a room, not far away, a weary-looking, strongly built man looks away from his TV screen which is showing a biff-bash movie. He sits wonderingly for a moment, then he takes off his yellow mask, goes to the kitchen and drops it into the rubbish bin. The Silent Shadow has been neutralised at last.
 Now he can give up his job in the Heroes shop and retire in peace.
 Smiling he returns to his armchair, picks up the remote and changes channel.

Read the whole saga from Part 1

See stills and video trailer of Phoenix Flex v Silent Shadow
in Hero Hunks at Wrestler 4 Hire

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Men in Tights - 1

Ordinarily I don't get excited about masked heroes or masked men. 
But I do get hooked on tight clothes with the right man inside.
In this set from Hero Hunks, Cameron has provided the right man

The Silent Shadow gets to grips with Phoenix Flex at 'Hero Hunks'

Read on for the true story of Flash-Flex.....

Phoenix Flex's oversize mask can't disguise an unusually rugged face (for a hero).
But the impression created below the waist is even more out of the ordinary. 
The garish, upper body styling suddenly fizzles out into pure sex appeal.

In the traditional self-introduction, ceremony, 
Flex makes short work of bending a plastic tube.

Even his mighty thighs seem to be participating 
in this demonstration of amazing strength.

Flex is very proud of his hero suit and the way it shows off his bicep flex.
He picked it up for a song in the 'Help your Heroes', pre-loved suits shop.
With a bit of spit and polish it's come up a treat.

Encourged to buy the suit by the Shop Assistant,
He didn't think much about the previous owner or why it was recycled,
Apart from concluding that he might have been called 'The Flash'.

The shop didn't have the original mask, but found a match in the Toy Dept.
But what mattered was the suit, already impregnated with 'Essence of Hero'.
Flex sensed it's influence as soon as he put it on.
It would give him a flying start in his new career.

But, every Hero has his Nemesis and The Flash was no exception
The Silent Shadow and his finely tuned senses have already picked up
 his hated enemy's scent, reinvigorated by the warmth of Pheonix Flex's body, 
As he perspires inside his new suit, too tight even for underwear.

Silently the Silent Shadow steals up behind the self promoting hero
 and before Flex has a chance to explain, he has him in a choking neck lock.
intending to finish off the despised Flash once and for all.

A dastardly strike between the legs, delivered from behind, takes Flex down.

Before he knows what's happening the Shadow has him in an improvised half-Boston,
a hair-pulling, leg lock combo, that puts the strain on Flex's back and leg joints.
It also plumps up his ass and thigh muscles, momentarily rivetting The Shadow's eyes.

The sudden onslaught of contortion and pain bemuses our would-be hero,
But his worst fear is that his second-hand suit will split at the seams.

To Flex's dismay The Shadow doubles up on the punishment
with a fiendish transition to an equally unconventional surfboard,
Now the hero's shoulders are hurting as much as his back.
It's a torrid introduction to the life of being a Hero.

But the Shadow is presented with a sight like no other Hero has shown him.
Bulbous buttocks nestle between his thighs like a sacred offering, 
The Flash never used to be like this, of that he felt sure.
He must have been on a crash, ass-muscle development course

The Shadow is mesmerised by the sight wriggling before him.
Something goes kerdoing! between his legs.

In a sudden urge, he rolls the Flash onto his back and realises his mistake.
It's not the Flash! He'd shout it out, were it not for his Silent persona.
Instead he he finds himself making a grab at the nearest hand hold. 
Flex, inside The Flash's suit, squeals in shock.

The Shadow is shocked himself at being drawn to the imposter's appendage
It a below-the-belt trick, unheard of in the world of Hero vs Hero struggles
Angrily he stamps on it and Flex squeals this time in true pain.

There's no time for Flex's agony to subside,
The Shadow roughly hauls him up onto his knees.

Thanks to The Shadow's boot, 
Flex's proud prowess is now a shadow of it's former self.
Nestling in shock between those wondrous thighs.
But all Flex feels is the mushrooming agony in his loins.

Consumed with these dire sensations,
 Flex is easy meat for The Shadow's dreaded Finger Stun.

"I'll teach you not to impersonate a much respected Hero", The Shadow silently vows.
But then he finds himself unexpectedly distracted by the imposter's muscular chest.
His finger lingers in Flex's orifice long after the stun has discharged bis digit.

Next Time

Is Flex doomed? Has The Silent Shadow scrambled his brains?
What other torments has he planned? More fingering?
Will Flex ever be the same man again?

Find out in Part 2

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Eye of the Tiger

 Sebastian thought the 'Safari Adventure for Over-21's' sounded like a great way to spend his vacation and widen his horizons. He expected lots of wacky, drinking games and late nights and was not disappointed about that, but it turned out the organisers had some very unusual ideas for exciting, day time entertainment. 

The Tiger Hunt was all in keeping with the Safari theme, involving an ironic, role reversal for the Tiger that appealed to the young holiday-makers enormously. The 'costuming' of the Tiger was an event in itself, not a silly zip-up suit as Sebastian had expected, but something simpler that reflected the naked vulnerabilty of hunted animals. Cast out into the jungle wearing only a lurid pouch, Sebastian set out anxiously for the 'safe place' feeling like he had a target on his back. When he stopped to get his breath back, anxiously listening to the forest murmurs, he realised with a flush that the bulls balls eye, was actually between his legs. 


For more mitchmen captions, click on the 'mitchmods' label below

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Beautifully Bound

It had turned into a truly miserable day for Hunter

Hunter thought he had got off lightly considering all the damage he had done when he had crashed his Dad's car. He had been fortunate that no-one had been hurt and having to attend an 'Attitude Counselling' course seemed a small price to pay for his recklessness.

Nevertheless he felt a sense of foreboding as he waited for the Counsellor.
He'd been told to attend wearing sweatpants, but he hated physical exercise
The place had a musty, medical smell which he didn't like either.

He liked it even less when the practitioner arrived and made him strip.
Then he understood why he had been told to attend in loose clothing.
It turned out to be a unusual sort of assessment, the 'Pathway to Reform', he was told.
When he strayed from the pathway by giving wrong answers, the Counsellor spanked his ass.

Spanking was a familiar experience for Hunter, he was well used to it.
But as he continued to show incorrect attitudes in his replies
the Counsellor, became exasperated, and deviated from the normal path,
resorting to bare cheek counselling with a heavy, leather strap.

This was new territory for Hunter but he endured it stoically.
Eventually the ordeal ended, as it always did.
He was sent away with an instruction to return the next day
for an appointment with a 'Behaviour Therapist'.


Hunter fared no better in Behaviour Therapy than he had with Attitude Counselling 
He would have rebelled at the threat of another spanking but did not get the chance.
Because he was ambushed by two muscular 'support workers' on arrival.
They rendered him helpless with multiple belts and then the punisher returned.

As the day wore on, Hunter began to think about giving them the answers they wanted.
But couldn't really articulate them with a big red ball in his mouth.

His underpants, chosen by him for their thick fabric, were cut away and The Cane appeared.

Hunter's therapy continued intermittently for the rest of that day

Hunter never borrowed his Dad's car again.


images courtesy of Spanking Straight Boys

More brat training in 101 uses for a belt #18

For more 'beautifully bound men' or spanking posts 
click on the labels at the foot of the post

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Sailors Duped

A sailor on shore leave takes his buddy to beauty spot he knows,
A cruisy place where they can just relax together as friends.
But it's changed a bit since he was last there, not much cruising going on
But there are lots of new facilities to take advantage of.


The Navy sent out a Patrol to find the two AWOL sailors,
but in the end the ship had to sail without them.
By that time the boys were miles away.
Still catching the rays together in their free, sun-bathing pouches 
But hard at work, shifting stones in a quarry.


The original photo is by AMG of course, 
the guy on the left looks like Dick Dubois....? 

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Adults chastised at Ginch Gonch Ranch

 Jotits, one of the blog visitors, asked me about an AI version of Ginch Gonch Ranch. The AI engine I have used in the past to generate variants of my drawings is no longer available at the service I subscribe to, but I did some exploring and produced these variants using Art Guru AI. None of the results were amazing pictures and I didn't have time to develop them into better ones, but some new elements and perspectives appeared which are quite interesting and worth sharing.

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 1

This is the best result that came out. It changed all the characters into much older men with faces that very much suit the Ranching Cowboy scenario, giving it a modern twist of earthy, Clint Eastwood-style realism. Their skimpy underpants now look deliciously incongruous, with the middle man nervously trying to hide it by raising his knee, as though it were a secret vice.. 

Their hair-free bodies make you wonder if that grizzled old rancher has been having some fun with his cut-throat razor over the last hour leading up to this moment. Just to make them feel that little bit more exposed and humiliated, you understand. 

The background has been transformed such that it now looks like the backdrop to an amateur production of 'Oklahomo' put on for the entertainment of the other ranch hands, who will no doubt enjoy this newly discovered twist in the plot!

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 2

This second variant seems to transport the whole scene to some ancient civilisation where gold seems to be much in evidence, suggesting a power relationship that is more absolute. The spanker has acquired some tattoos, giving him a more earthy, sensual character. The face of the right-most captive has come out particularly nicely this time, I'd happily swap him into variant-1 or dispense with his comrade altogether for a one-on-one scene.

Mitchell - Ginch Gonch Ranch, AI variant 3

 In variant 3, the AI-engine has come up with the idea of the captives looking at each other as though realising that this punishment is going to be worse than they thought. In my original concept, the out-stretched hand of the rancher was turning the first captive round, so as to present his rear to the paddle. The captive's sudden alarm here suggests he's just announced that he's first going to relieve him of that last obstacle to the full sensory experience - his underpants. His older partner seems to be advising him to grin and bare it. The bulge in his pants gives the game away.

The AI has made a hash of their faces, this arms raised position is quite tricky to draw in any medium, simply transplanting heads doesn't work. However, what it has produced is a hint of two very characterful faces, one young, smoothly handsome in a butch way, the other older and experienced. 

The poor rancher's stiffie has got short shrift in all the variants, but his balls have bulked up nicely in this last picture. The treatment of the creases in the legs of his suit is much better than my original.


click on the labels below for more pictures on these themes

Saturday, 31 August 2024

Mitchell's Cowboy Folio 11

Mitchell - Sunday Morning on Ginch Gonch Ranch
(Inappropriate Dress)

In the bad old days, new hands at the GG Ranch got their ass felt with the whip
- or even the branding iron, if the foreman took a dislike to 'em.
These days it's a more civilised coming-of-age experience for the sons of rich men.
Not sure if it's the flat things or the pointy things that they remember most.


I first published this image at the now-defunct Yahoo! Group
This is a bigger version with the contrast tweaked to enhance the atmosphere. 

Remember Ginch Gonch?


Go to Part 12 of Mitchell's Cowboy Folio (pending)

or Read this series from Part 1
or see all at this blog by clicking on the 'cowboy' label below.

The full Cowboy Folio can also be found at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male*
*You can also find The Cactus Kid story there in full or Images only