To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Friday, 18 November 2022

Black Friday

Why take chances at an auction 
when you can get the size and quality you want, from a reputable store?
 A once-a-year opportunity.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

The Elusive Slave

Photo: Roy Woodward by Bruce-Of-LA

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

The Unwanted Slave

The big house had just been sold and Brian broke into it thinking it was empty.
It turned out the owner was still there, in the basement, practising his martial arts.
Brian's street fighting was no match for that.

A week later the owner threw a leaving party.
He'd enjoyed practicing his shibari skills on Brian
But he didn't want to take him with him to his new home.

 Photo: Brian Bonds @BoundInPublic

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Tips For Your Holiday - No 8


When visiting foreign lands be careful how you dress for the beach.

In some cultures, the loin cloth is the uniform of servitude

and locals are always on the lookout for opportunities to make money from tourists.

photo: Bruce of LA

for other holiday tips or enslavement fantasies click on the labels below

Saturday, 12 November 2022

BDSM Art by Casablanca

This article presents extracts from 'Amagami no Shitsukekata' by an artist who calls himself Casablanca in English or Yuritaro. It contains some striking bdsm imagery in a highly original style. I don't have an English translation of the story, so the narrative below is my interpretation of the images. The actual text may contradict it. The title translates in Google to 'How To Train Amagami'. Wikipedia translates Amagami as 'gentle bite' and relates it to a Japanese dating computer game which has a sort of relevance to the story.
*since publication a reader of this blog has kindly provided a summary of the plot and background to the story, you can read it in the comments at the foot of the post.

It begins with an executive type entering a bar and being propositioned
 by a man with a distinctly butch, athletic persona.

His audacious flirting overwhelms the businessman's embarrassment.

He discovers his target has a military background.

It leads the muscular seducer to reveal his own interest in discipline.
The two men adjourn to the businessman's flat.

There the businessman quickly reveals a talent for domination.  
The muscular athlete is quickly stripped and prepped for sex.
Now it's the businessman's turn to seduce him with affectionate gestures.

It seems no Japanese erotic scene is complete without mini-vibrator eggs being deployed, I think the invasive action must have a significance in that culture that escapes westerners. In this scene it's doubled up and I particularly like the idea of parking the controls in the athlete's jockstrap bands.

I admire the economical, subtle style which portrays the guest's youthful, muscular physique in a way that makes it look bulky and sensual. Notice the little clues that some rough treatment is getting under way - the shred of cloth hanging over his right shoulder, the impact symbols to the left of his shoulder and buttocks plus the perspiration on his back. 

massive pecs, leather collar

With his trainee secured, the 'shy' businessman changes into something more appropriate.
The athlete looks as if he's having second thoughts about this.
His combination of sweaty, muscular pec and chunky leather collar is great.

The true nature of what is in store for him
is dramatically revealed - a leather lash.

agony of pain, blond muscleman

It's quickly put to work.
The athlete discovers that this roleplay is for real.

Notice how the wimpy businessman, progressively reveals his own muscular physique 
this image of him is particularly nice. The style is reminiscent of the great British artist, Bill Ward. It creates the impression of a brief snapshot in time, barely glimpsed before it is gone.

The flogging is severe. The Master very stern.

The businessman/master becomes more substantial here, his victim depersonalised.
There's some odd drawing in the jockstrap area which I can't decipher.

But he pauses to acknowledge the trainee's erection, looking somewhat disappointed. It's a development that ensures the session will continue of course. 

The 'Master' has become quite boyish here, but the athlete seems to have grown in stature, not just in the groin area. It's as if the punishment has made more of man of him.

Casablanca pulls off a tricky perspective here and succeeds in making the humiliating 'inspection' very erotic.

As though offended by the captive's resilience, the Master strips off another layer to reveal a clinging rubber vest which restores his intimidating appearance in an even more substantial characterisation. He matches that by ditching the lash and switching to a far more serious bullwhip. He quickly shows it's not just for show by laying into the athlete with even more determination and power. The force of his blows and the helpless vulnerability of his captive (little more than an outline by comparison) are superbly captured in this dramatic image.

An insubstantial, ghostly outline of the athlete is superimposed on the master here. It's as though his manliness has been driven out of him and he's now looking up and ready to submit to the master who towers angrily over him looking very butch indeed compared with his original appearance in the bar. Something of a monster almost. That's the fine line of bdsm.

This ghosting technique has become very popular of late, particularly as a way of  depicting penetration. I'm not sure it works for me here, the text might help, I guess!

Shockingly, the captive's ordeal continues.
It's as though the 'shy' businessman is determined to exact his complete submission.

He gets what he wants. 

I don't know how this submission fits with the characterisation of the athlete in the bar, 
where he seemed to be more of a top than a sub. Rent perhaps. That twist would be sexy.

It looks as if he's being manoeuvred into an even more unfamiliar position here.
But if he's as reluctant as his facial expression suggests, 
his dribbling libido isn't doing him any favours.
To add to the irony even more, his muscularity has reasserted itself here.

muscle guy fucked

The penetration isn't to be avoided naturally,
It lifts him into the air, helplessly succumbing to the manipulation of sensitive body parts.

To be honest, the love hearts floating around in these last two pictures suggest the athlete has thoroughly enjoyed his introduction to bdsm and discovered a new world of excitement.

Looks like a happy ending!
Which is as it should be.


I believe the artist may be Yaritaro who is on twitter with a small gallery

Great S&M art.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

The Power of Wet

 This image, called 'Men of the Road' is a fascinating mixture of technical skill and miscalculation. One is immediately struck by the convincing sense of men being caught in a downpour at night. The wet, clinging clothing and hair of the one on the right is marvellously captured. 

The scene itself, showing the two men changing the wheel of an articulated truck in a rainstorm, draws on powerful themes of masculinity - truckers working with huge machines. The glimpses of the broken-down truck rig in the background reinforce this with realistic detail, as do the faces of both men, mature and handsome, manly. It has a similar quality to the heterosexual art we see on the covers of Men's Action magazines.

The impromptu strip therefore seems in keeping, a typical laddish response to the downpour, but the eyes of the wheel-changer, staring at his buddy's sexy midriff, and his grip on the nut removal tool speak for themselves and suddenly homoerotic overtones creep in, hardly needing the elaboration provided by the huge boner in his pants. It's as though he never really looked at him before and now he sees the light.

So far, so sexy. However, closer inspection reveals all sorts of inconsistencies in the drawing. The proportions of their bodies, for example, their bottom halves don't seem to match the top and there's a subtle alteration in toning and style with the bottom half more typical of erotic fare. It's almost as if two different pictures have been merged together or perhaps that an 'innocent' straight image has been adapted for nefarious purposes. A 'might have been' classic.

The artist is Bart West
I found this image in a gay beefcake magazine Sir G (ca 1960). 

Monday, 7 November 2022

The Art of Gilgamesh - 3

Read this mitchmen article about Gilgamesh800's art from Part 1

click on pictures to enlarge the detail

Gilgamesh800 - Prisoner's enema torment - 1

These two pictures depict a muscular prisoner being subjected to punishing torment. Positioned in a frame that holds his neck and ankles in the manner of the pillory and stocks, the victim is forced into an unnatural position, balanced on his knees with his wrists chained together and pulled up tight behind his back. It's a murderous distortion that will soon wreak havoc with his knees and back. 

But that is not the end of it, because dubious, brightly coloured liquids are being forced into him simultaneously through a gag-like mouthpiece and an enema tube up his ass.  

Gilgamesh800 - Prisoner's enema torment - 2

 A hooded, executioner-like figure directs and oversees his torment. He appears to be lecturing him, finger in the air, but we have no idea what the benighted captive has done to deserve this punishment. Since he cannot really move or speak, there is nothing he can do by way of submission, confession or reparation to bring it to an end. He must endure it - as best he can - until his torturer decides he has had enough.

Gilgamesh used a similar punishment position for his captive 'sneaky' cop in Part 1. There it seemed to be a preparation for a humiliating penetration by his captor, but the device is doing that job itself here. The elaborate design and finish of the restraint apparatus indicates that many other men will taste its capabilities in due course.

Gilgamesh800 - Prisoner's ordeal on the Cross

This muscular, hairy man strapped to a cross is just one of many who are destined to suffer in this dark realm. His crucifixion is bloodless, but for him too, the prolonged immobility produces increasing agony, both physical and mental. His anguished expression says it all. He must be wondering if this is to be the full extent of his punishment or are his captors simply preparating him for further pain?

There's a great depiction of emotion in this picture, a man on the brink of breaking and making a desperate mute appeal for anyone to come and help him.

Hairy muscle chained hands behind his back, cock chained lead, dragged to be tortured
Gilgamesh800 - Muscular Prisoner taken to his Fate

Elsewhere in the depths of the prison another hairy muscle giant is dragged through a cold, stone tunnel. He's pulled along by a well-built guard at the end of a lead attached to the root of his cock rather than his neck. His hands are chained behind his back and he has been gagged, but nevertheless he tries to resist, fearing that terrible things await him at their destination. The guard is insistent and coaxes him along with false reassurances but implacable determination. He finds that persuasion is easier than using brute force and he likes to see the reaction when the prisoner finds out the terrible truth.

The prisoner's reticence and dread come across really well here. It's futile of course.

Hairy muscle in dungeon tied to post threat of cock lopping
Gilgamesh800 - Muscular Prisoner Cock-locked in Scaffold Frame

The fear is well placed. For some of these muscular giants the denouement is truly terrible. This tattooed man, probably a captured, mercenary fighter, has been taken to a room where there is a tall guillotine-like frame. Its purpose is obvious, there's even a bucket placed directly beneath the wooden 'lunette' holding him in position below the blade. But it's not his neck that has been put into the opening formed by the two boards, it's his cock.

bondage tied to post cock trapped hairy muscle
Gilgamesh800 - Muscular Prisoner Cock-locked in Guillotine Frame

From this direction we can see the prisoner has been chained to a post prior to his cock being snared, so he cannot retreat and thereby extract his tackle from the trap, even if the grip of the boards were loose enough to permit it. It isn't even worth struggling. Above him the prisoner can see the huge blade waiting to fall. The hooded guard places his hand upon the release handle laughing at the prisoner's efforts to control his horror. 

If he is a true hero, he will face even the loss of his manhood with stoic fortitude. They may release him if he survives this ordeal, knowing that his masculine life forces and urge to fight have been lost forever. He and his kindred will no longer be a threat, those sons he wanted will never be.

I'm glad to say Gilgamesh does not illustrate the denouement of this terrible punishment so we can imagine alternative outcomes for ourselves. For me the threat is certainly punishment enough. The prisoner can be released and returned to his cell after a suitable period of cbt. 

Gilgamesh800 - Asad Waylaid by a Thug

There always seems to be a sense of gathering doom in Gilgamesh's art but it usually seems to point to inescapable, indefinite incarceration with a spicing of periodic abuse. Extremes like the guillotine above are rare but one of his recent stories, 'Asad The Mighty' goes further in terms of mortal threat. 

The background to this cameo is not really explained but the title character is portrayed as a giant, muscular, hairy man who goes around the seedy parts of a Middle Eastern town topless, showing off his muscles and bedecked with jewels (presumably the fruits of his Mightiness). We don't know if he is a good or bad man but, not entirely surprisingly, he is waylaid in a quiet back-alley by an armed thug. However, this is a problem Asad is used to encountering and he is well-equipped to deal with it.

There's a clever use of close-up here, giving a good sense of Asad's physicality (and vanity perhaps). It also shows the predicament he faces, with an armed antagonist blocking the narrow passageway. 

Gilgamesh800 - Asad Overpowered by Thugs

Unfortunately, the thug is not alone. Asad is attacked from behind and overpowered. He is tied up and stripped of his jewels and his clothes. Tightly bound and dressed only in a loincloth he is lifted up by his (equally strong) captor and carried off. Thus are the Mighty felled.

However the captive's destination this time is not to be a dark dungeon - as is so often the fate of heroes in Gilgamesh's world. Instead Asad is taken to a strange deserted, palace which has an arcaded central atrium containing a beautiful pool. A place appropriate to his standing in life, it might seem.

Gilgamesh800 - Asad is Chained to a Ball

However, Asad is not destined to be a bird in a beautiful cage. He is forced to stand on the edge of the pool, gagged, heavily roped and immobile, while his guard attaches a heavy ball and chain to his ankles. The implications of this are obvious and dreadful. Is this to be his pathetic end? The reasons for such a cruel outcome are not revealed to us. Since he is gagged, he cannot even ask.

Gilgamesh800 - Asad's Captor Toys With Him 

Asad is a brave, strong man but nevertheless is forced to confront the end of life. 
His cruel captor has no pity and actually seems to be excited by the prisoner's plight and his muscular, rope-wrapped body. He strips him of his loincloth and salaciously toys with his manhood. Despite the danger, or perhaps because of it, Asad finds he is aroused too.

Notice the golden hue of his cock, seemingly reflecting his status, and it's interesting juxtaposition with his captor's bulge, clad in the rough fabric of a more ordinary man.

Gilgamesh800 - Asad's Captor Carries Him To The Pool Edge

Asad's captor milks him into the water in a lengthy sequence of images,
it's an absorbing distraction, a temporary reprieve from the threat looming at his feet.
 But as the passion of ejaculation recedes, Asad feels himself lifted bodily into the air.
He is carried towards the edge of the pool, soundlessly protesting.......

The strange, interlocking steps that we see in the background here seem to suggest that Asad has been brought to a place of ritualistic significance to confront his own mortality. Perhaps they represent the choices that he has made in life in order to rise up in the world. This is not a tawdry robbery or assassination but part of something much deeper. 

I won't reveal the outcome of this suspenseful tale, 
you can see for yourselves at Gilgamesh's pixiv site (free membership)

More Gilgamesh in Part 4 (pending)

Read this mitchmen article from Part 1