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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 8 April 2022

Art by Spacron - 1. Sexy Boys

Spacron - Only One Euro a Minute

The man in the foreground of this picture is one of the sexiest renders I've seen in a long time. The half-dropped cut-offs and exposed ass cheeks are a sight to behold with excellent, hairy detailing. He also has a great figure and his sweaty neck is almost as tempting as his ass. In dressing him, the artist has shown erotic insight into traditional masculinity and avoided the major pitfalls of the rendering technique. The ordinariness of the two other figures underlines how just exceptional this creation is.

The artist's concept of a 'relief arcade' is sexy too, probably not unique but it's a well-constructed realisation that might translate to a Milking Factory scenario. The price for this 'ride' seems to be a wry comment on the endurance of the average man, or perhaps it's a tribute to the coaxing powers of the milk machine. The public nudity and exposure which using it entails would also be a spur to many ordinary men. For us there's a corresponding voyeuristic aspect to the image, being able to observe these half-dressed men engrossed in important, intimate matters unaware of how interesting they look.

Spacron - Just Another Shower Scene

Hairiness (and ignorance of it's appeal) is also a feature of this image which isn't really a shower scene but hints more at straight seduction in the locker room. The cheeky boy making a play is not exactly being rejected by his target whose expression seems to be more puzzled than annoyed. He's dry, so the implication is that he's about to shower in his (conservative) underwear for the sake of modesty, just like the chap in the background. He probably doesn't realise that wet, clinging underwear can be more alluring to lurking predators than nudity itself. Perhaps that's what his friend is explaining. He doesn't look like a predator, but he does look determined to get those pants off! As their eyes meet there's a nice bit of sexual tension.

Spacron - Girlfriend's Panties

Here, Spacron has managed to infuse a straightforward, beefcake pose with some interesting fetish overtones. Even in this day and age, there is still something of a shock when a man is seen wearing lingerie, especially one who has broad, muscular shoulders and chunky, hairy legs which seem to indicate just how male he is. 

This man is sufficiently confident of his sexuality that he's prepared to wear female panties in a public, all-male place where sexual modesty seems to be the norm (witness the wearing of underpants in the shower, see also above). His lacy, girlie panties are nicely depicted but not overly feminised so they don't seem to compromise his masculinity, they don't suggest he's trying to be a woman. 

Rather, the title seems to imply that he's straight and not only likes to wear lingerie but gets off on wearing intimate garments that belong to his girlfriend (we don't know whether it's with or without her knowledge, nor the state of their cleanliness for that matter, but that's another story altogether). 

Spacron - Ron's Massage

Another understated image showing 3 hunky men undressing in preparation for a visit to 'Ron's Massage' upstairs. It's a great underwear image. Actually it isn't clear if the one on the right is taking off his slip - implying nudity is demanded - or climbing back into it having been 'done'. Perhaps even he's changing into a 'special', skimpy one Ron has provided - ostensibly so that their own clothes don't get oily. 

The two on the left seem like buddies wanting to taste this experience together, a sort of mini 'stag' do. We can only speculate about what sort of experience Ron provides, but it seems like word has got around. I quite like the idea that they have to leave their clothes (and money and phones!) downstairs when they venture up and put themselves in his hands. It creates an ideal scenario for abduction or enslavement fantasies. 

This picture has an unusual 'inside out' composition where the characters face away from each other. This means it's difficult to tell whether they are connected in the narrative here, or simply modest or just ships passing in the night. 

Spacron - Betting We Dare

There are similar ingredients in this image. Two good-looking men are undressing, seemingly because someone has dared them to. The difference is that this is a public space and the figures in the background seem to suggest that the scene takes place somewhere in the Middle East* which is not noted for it's tolerance of public nudity. So there seems a real possibility that these two will shortly be hauled off to a grimy cell to face the questions of the local Police.

This prank does imbue these lads with a certain laddish character and spirit, the sort we often associate with celebrating sports teams. Their foolishness is part of their charm. Unfortunately that won't cut much ice with the powers-that-be and if it's discovered that their actions have been fuelled by alcohol, well, severe punishment is a distinct possibility and since they appear to have lost their passports, negotiating their release may take quite some time!

* It's possible that the location is a European place that just happens to be popular with Arab tourists. The signage is all in English and German with no sign of Arabic script. The shopping arcade looks just like Covent Garden but that design could probably be found in any country in the world these days. I prefer to think that these boys are visiting further afield and have just made a big mistake! 

Spacron - Valentines Day (Who brought the dope?)

The spirit of laddish-ness pervades this picture too and the character with the red balloon is another little gem of observation. It captures wonderfully the comic boastfulness and exuberance of an intoxicated male. So too the self-absorbed, posturing dancer just behind him. These are both convincingly portrayed, sexy men.

Since this is an all-male, Valentine's day party with love tokens all around, we can probably assume these men are gay and not a rogue rugby team celebrating after their girlfriends have gone home. A ménage a trois is also an intriguing possibility but it's hard to image an erotic outcome to this scene. Whatever the case, they are taking advantage of an excuse (any excuse!) to party with their friends.  

The artist has used another outward-facing composition here. We can see they are partying together but this disconnected composition illustrates how they are in separate worlds of their own at his particular moment.

Spacron - Soccer Boys

This is a more conventional view of romance, one that is sadly rare for most gay men. The sporting setting and all that it implies about such men, gives any encounter like this a homoerotic edge. These two seem to be conversing about No.7's cock (and even if they are not, they probably are!). His rolled up shirt seems quite provocative and the standing man's hand itching to make a grab. There's no sense that either of them are overly shy or modest about such matters. Notice that their knees are just touching (on the inside too), it's the universal language for expressing sexual interest to those sensitive enough to recognise it. Maybe No. 7's right hand, which we can't see, is about to make contact too. More realistically in a place like a locker room, they are manoeuvring clumsily towards a date. 

I love Spacron's bold use of clothing and admire it too because it is often a tricky area for renderers, getting them to follow body shapes but not too closely and not everywhere. No 7's  attractive pec shaping avoids the dreaded 'painted-on' look and his sleeves and socks look just right. However the bottom hem of his shirt which encircles his torso should look similar to the arms, a gentle curve of rucked up fabric around the body. That's really a matter of observation which all artists must practice. Even clothes off the body can be problematic, often ending up 2-dimensional and flat. Those shown here work well.

Spacron - Romance in the Water

This image of two lovers wading and embracing in the still waters of a sunken temple reminds me of some of Ulf's fanciful landscapes but Spacron puts his men centre stage and relegates the beautiful location to a supporting role. It's a romantic picture but also tinglingly erotic, thanks to the groin-height water level and the wandering hand sensually encircling and tickling his friend's buttock. It seems rather more seductive when you realise they are talking rather than actually kissing. There's a nice light effect on the darker man's face and both their abdomens, as though from an unseen setting sun or a shared, inner warmth. There's scope for the sinister in this lonely place (for example the gaze of the Buddha) but that doesn't seem to be any part of Spacron's vision.

These images by Spacron show an artist with intelligence and erotic insights. He subtly dabbles with fetish ingredients and suggestive situations without over-dramatising them, allowing his viewers to imagine the outcomes. However he has also produced some more explicit fetish imaginings and in the second post I will review some of them.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Beautifully Bound - Matheus

Matheus gets a classic hog-tie work-out at BondageMan
It's as if we stumbled in on him in this picture and he doesn't look too pleased about it.

He has a beautiful face which thankfully the gag doesn't hide or distort.
He also has a great ass which is showcased by his sexy, backless briefs.
They seem to accentuate his nakedness.

Matheus' basic hog-tie has been enhanced with tight bicep restraints which pull his arms right back.
The ropework is a little untidy in this view but his straining is still worth seeing.

Seen from the front, his briefs have featureless rubbery look
which raises thoughts of other fetish pleasures.

This is Matheus' birthday treat apparently. Carry on struggling Matheus.

The birthday video of Matheus is available (for members) at BondageMan Clips (No 0853) 

There's also a trailer which  circulates unofficially and contains bits of various videos featuring Matheus. BDMan are actively seeking to suppress it so you may find it's been deleted. I don't quite understand why, surely any publicity is good.....?


Click on the 'Beautifully Bound' label below for other posts in this mitchmen series

Exciting New 'Slave Academy' pictures by Brick

Brick - Hot and Cold

This is an old classic by Brick. Two naked captives shivering in a locked refrigerator watch as another is slotted into a steam cabinet alongside a fourth who is already sweating it out. Temperature stress trials also feature in other Brick pictures. This picture provides a useful yardstick for understanding the leap in quality evident in Brick's new work (below).


The list of new pictures by Brick at MetalbondNYC continues to grow. 

I have compiled an index below of the 2022 Slave Academy releases.

New artwork by Brick |

More recent erotic male bondage drawings by the artist Brick |

3  More images from ‘Slave Academy 2022’ by Brick |

Extreme male bondage and torture as depicted by the artist Brick |

Male BDSM art by Brick |

Boi in the Cart by Brick New

7 Games Guys Play New

8 Chained and Numbered New 


If you like Brick's style be sure to also read the mitchmen review of Brick's art 

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Marcus Wrestling Match

A reluctant young man is dragged towards a fight cage by two muscular brutes.
There another tough guy awaits him with folded arms and suggestive trunks.

This terrific image was produced by MarcusWrest and is part of 'The Audition' a long series of renders which describe at length the humiliation and sporting punishment of this young man, Joao, and his two buddies by a group of fight toughs, mostly in the guise of a tag team wrestling match but this fight cage sequence is the most interesting part for me.

In fact this group of images is not really a sequence in the conventional sense, but a series of render variations on an identical scene utilising the built-in ability of render software to vary the viewpoint and in this case permit changes to the detail too. Thus the unfortunate Joao loses his underwear in this variation. So too does the bully waiting for him, demonstrating that the bulge in his jock in the first picture was not artificial.

This sight is much to the horror (understandably) of Joao who we now see has recently had a close encounter with something very similar belonging to someone else. 

It looks like the artist has has simply reversed the picture viewpoint here but that's too simplistic. In order to do so he has had to build a complete 3D model of the scene, every character, every prop (like the cage) from every angle. The simple brick wall in the background perhaps is indicative of the limits of his patience - and underlines the amount of work he has put in elsewhere. 

I think this overhead variant is possibly my favourite, showing the forcefulness and the muscularity of the attackers nicely, also the smooth 'ass-let' of their victim. Also here we discover the referee is playing a somewhat sinister role, ushering the poor man into the cage with a knowing smile. Joao seems to be begging him for help.

Here a more elevated viewpoint  conveys something of the daunting heights the young captive must scale if he is to emerge from the cage with minimal damage, unscathed is too much to hope for!

Viewing this version you might recall me recently discussing the merits and limitations of a similar image from long, long ago, namely the photo of two sailors dragging Percy a new recruit back to his berth after having been given a bath scrubbing in Royale's 'Navy Gash'. This picture might be a perfected version of Royale's rather cautious take. Marcus's version brings out the glorious, plumped-up, bare backside which is produced by dragging the owner along in this manner with his feet trailing helplessly behind.

I'm quite surprised that the artist has not produced a version looking upwards from between his feet. That surely would be most erotic!

This final variant produces the illusion of motion (or displacement should we say) towards the cage by using a viewpoint that telescopes the distance between Joao and the cage door.

 Eager spectators are seen following the procession. 


Full info on the work of this artist at MarcusWrest, a Patreon site with a few free images

 Free download Marcus Wrestling Match 1

Gay Spank Art Site Officially Open

 The new, free, Gay Spanking Art site I mentioned early this year is now officially open

Strictop, the owner intends to progressively add new galleries

visit Gay Spank Art (free membership)

The image in the ad above is one of my own, mitchmen pictures 

from the 'Bondage Furniture' series.

Mitchell - Bondage Furniture No 2

You can see the whole set at the mitchmen club @Adonis Male

(free membership)

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Vintage Bondage - Dean Spencer - 4

Dean Spencer's induction as a rubber sub by Master Andrew Lennox continues... 
(Read this mitchmen series of articles on Dean Spencer from Part 1)

Lennox peels up Dean's rubber top to reveal alluring pecs.
one of which has a piercing.

It looks like love at first sight.
For both of them I think!

Dean sits up bolt upright with shoulders pulled back, in proud military style
as Lennox bestows what seems like a kiss of approval.
It's as though he's already decided Dean's a 'keeper' (see Part 1).

At the same time he squeezes Dean's nipples firmly
and savours Dean's flinching through his mouth.

For my money Lennox looks great here in his skin-suit and boots
as he drops to check the response at Dean's crotch.
It's not a masterful pose I suppose, more like worshipping at the shrine.
But it's a very mannish in character and shows great ass.

Dean's holy pecs preside over the feasting.
As a buddha-like presence

Lennox releases Dean's hands, but not yet his feet.
There's something very thrilling about the tying and untying of wrists.

Lennox's squatting figure here is another nice, typically manly pose,
showing great thighs and hinting at volume in between them.  
Nice shot of Dean's arms and folded legs too, they must be hurting by now.


Now he tests Dean again with another kiss and nipple pinch.

His chunky thighs and their centrepiece are close now - in touching distance.
Dean doesn't quite know what to do with his hands.

But when Dean reaches out to touch his new Master,
Lennox brusquely pushes his hands away. 
"I didn't say you could do that" he says.
An understated assertion of his absolute control
which he takes for granted.

A nice shot of Dean's forearms

Dean's sulky reaction to his chastisement
shows an inner spirit that is well worth controlling.

He transforms from Buddha into a stony-raced Sphinx.
But Lennox is busily licking up the sweat that has accumulated
between Dean's amazing pecs during their rubber confinement. 

Once again he has to remind Dean to keep his hands under control.
That ass is not for touching by him.

His kneeling position in front of Dean give his authority an alluring, parental softness.
Dean's face looks pained as he begins to learn the true nature of subservience.

Lennox decides it's time for a more physical lesson.
He releases Dean's feet and pulls him up off the chair.

He throws him to the ground. Telling him to stay there.

Now he kneels and removes Dean's rubber top altogether.
Reminding him that it's a privilege to be allowed to wear anything in his presence.

This is also a practical lesson in the art of removing tight rubber garments,
which is much, much easier if you have a helper. 
 I don't suppose Master Lennox would apply that term to himself
but in the video he demonstrates great skill in whisking off  the sticky top.

He quickly follows suit with the trunks,
pausing only to spank Dean's exposed ass with his hands. 

In short order Dean is reduced to nakedness in boots.
Lennox disentangles his trunks from his feet
telling him to stay down, lying flat on the floor.

Just in case the kissing and stripping give Dean the wrong idea,
Lennox gives his ass another drubbing.

He spreads Dean's legs open wide, confirming that his duties as a Sub 
will include giving his Master free access to everything between his legs. 

Dean is revealed to be wear wearing a cock ring that plumps his balls. 
Lennox arranges his cock and balls into a pleasing erotic display.

Finally Lennox plants his boot between Dean's shoulder blades
preventing him from getting up while he licks the other boot.
This is total domination, but Dean seems quite excited by it all!

When he eventually is allowed to stand
Lennox discovers that his spirit has not yet been quenched
The two of them begin to fight..... 

This final image in the 'David and Goliath' vein seems to epitomise 
how the relationship between these two men has evolved.


I've given this segment of Fetish Fights 3 a lengthy presentation because I love the imagery of this combination of simple bondage, rubber and domination in an enslavement scenario. These two great-looking men convincingly play the roles of Master and would-be Sub. Dean's pouty boyishness is a natural fit to his Sub role here and Andrew Lennox, who I haven't come across before, makes an extremely manly Master. The sequence is actually only 9 minutes long and (apart from the 2.5 minute 'crucifixion' epilogue which I covered in Part 1 of this mitchmen series) the rest of the video is entirely devoted to the two men wrestling naked and ends with Dean surrendering his fetish virginity to Lennox. You'll have to get hold of the video to see how that goes (link below). 

The Spencer - Lennox encounter is just one of three pairings of Fetish Sex Fights 3. 
Find out more at

(Read the whole Dean Spencer story at mitchmen from Part 1)

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Vintage Bondage - Dean Spencer 3

 Continued from Part 2

Dean Spencer has been waiting for his first training session to commence.
He's tied to an uncomfortable chair in a vast emty room.
Now he hears someone entering the room and steals a glance.

Just in time he remembers that he must not stare.
It's not respectful. So, he hastily averts his eyes.
The Master comes and stands silently behind him,
like a menacing presence.

The Master circles to the front, inspecting his new sub.
Dean steals a wary look at him.
He's a big, big man and wearing a black rubber, skin-tight, wrestling singlet.
It shows off his muscular shoulders and massive thighs.

The Master's hand lashes out, stinging Dean's cheek.
Then he lifts Dean's chin.
"You look at me when I say you can" he says firmly, but not unkindly.
Dean remembers his manners, "Yes, Sir" he says, trying not to sound terrified.

The Master crouches before Dean explaining the rules he must follow.
It's nothing like the military bawling Dean had expected, more fatherly.
As he speaks he runs his hands along Dean's thighs approvingly
Dean feels instinctively drawn to this handsome man, it will be easy to serve him.

The Master stands and circles behind him and Dean watches, fascinated by his muscular body
and the way the tight, shiny singlet changes shape, moulding to his body through every movement. 

Much to his surprise the Master releases the restraints on his upper body.
"You cannot show me you are obedient if you are tied up", he explains,
running the thongs through his fingers as though he hasn't finished with them yet

"No Sir", Dean affirms, sitting up straight
and trying not to look too hard at his rubber-clad torso.

Dean's disinterest suddenly becomes harder
as the Master suddenly bends and kisses him.
At the same time he stretches the thongs across Dean's throat,
a sinister reminder of his subservience here. 

Dean's chest swells with excitement and he feels a surge of pleasure
as his Master's hand drops between his legs.

It seems like the kiss was just a test
and now the Master wants to gauge the response.

It seems he is satisfied, bestowing a token of approval.

Then he turns his attention to Dean's pecs which seem to have swollen with pride.

This idyllic interlude does not last for long.
The Master squeezes his nipples sharply
Dean manfully strives to give no sign of how much it hurts.

A quick check on his nether regions reassures his Master that all is well.
Another test has been passed, another milestone on Dean's long journey into service

to be concluded

The narrative I have supplied here is entirely my invention and not part of the Can-Am video. Andrew Lennox plays the Master and he hardly speaks except to make approving noises about Dean as well he might! Dean doesn't utter a word throughout. 


 I mentioned in another post recently that the world of rubber was a largely closed book to me apart from the visual impact and the presentational benefits of the simple outfits these two are wearing amply satisfy my preferences. Can-Am's photography does do justice to Dean's sexy physique but Lennox seems to be relegated to a supporting role. His black body suit flatters his physique and looks terrific  from a distance but the most sexy details have to be imagined.