To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Friday, 12 June 2020

Priapus of Milet - Shooting The Past 1

My 'A-Z of Fetish Artists' article about 'Priapus of Milet' is the most popular post on this site. I also included a sample picture from this series, 'Shooting The Past', in my annual 'Most Popular Posts' article in January 2018. The artist has now allowed me to do a more detailed feature. For me it's one of the most beautiful and homoerotic of all his works. It features some playful fetish moments and a rousing, very sexy finale.

All these images can be expanded by clicking on them

Shooting The Past 1, image 04

The scene is set in an ancient industrial plant with giant, coal-powered furnaces.
A photographer is taking pictures, presumably for a magazine article of some sort.
The men shown working there are dressed in traditional working garb including cloth caps.

Shooting The Past 1, image 12

Like many chroniclers before him, the photographer is attracted to the 'heroic' qualities of ordinary working men using their physical strength to toil in dirty, difficult conditions. This one has a near god-like physique and Priapus turns his simple shovelling of coal into a labour of Herculean significance.

Historically there was a lot of artistic and politically-motivated licence in the concept of the heroic working man. In modern times the same iconography finds a natural home in beefcake imagery.
I included some photo examples in my recent article about model Jase Dean.

Shooting The Past 1, image 18

A bare-top pose highlights the heat of the factory and the furnaces.
The labourer is persuaded to strike this bloke-ish, swaggering pose.
His open flies suggest he's less inhibited than your average manual worker
If this is a calendar project needing sex appeal, he's clearly happy to oblige.

Shooting The Past 1, image 20

It starts to develop into a full-blown strip scene as the workman gallantly removes his remaining outer garments. He turns his head away, almost shyly. It's as though he's happy to show off his body, but is not seeking personal attention and so doesn't engage directly with the photographer or his viewers.

This is picture 20 in the series and it feels like the photographer is gradually persuading the coy workman to reveal more and more by flattering his physique. The angle and positioning of the connecting rod in the background seems to hint at an erotic undercurrent.

Shooting The Past 1, image 23

However the muscular model demonstrates he's not entirely naive, playfully offering to show more. But if that's intended to embarrass the photographer, it's not succeeding. He moves in closer, going down on one knee, a not inappropriate response to this god-like presence. But the model is trying to draw his attention lower down. That connecting rod now links the two men directly, simultaneously suggesting an eye line and an improbable erection. Notice where his gloved hand is.

Shooting The Past 1, image 25

Priapus doesn't provide a commentary to explain how the photographer persuaded the workman to 'bare all' but this charming, boyish, locker-room moment suggests 'dares' might be involved. Despite the bravado you sense the subject has an innate modesty and shyness even. There's a fascinating moment of human connection here as the formal barrier between the two men represented by the camera lens is temporarily swept aside and a tentative physical contact made. It's an intriguing homo-erotic situation, the down-to-earth working man dropping his defences before the reserved professional.

Shooting The Past 1, image 27

With the model completely unclothed, formal distancing returns and the humble workman proves have a majestic presence worthy of a Greek statue. His once-more averted head restores the idea that this is artistic nudity, not anything more sensual. The angle of the connecting rod also seems to suggest that the moment has passed. This modesty-concealing drapery showing a nice bit of leg is more erotic than full nudity in my book, the folds of his comfort blanket are actually revealing more than he might think

Shooting The Past 1, image 29

Not everyone likes bulky muscles, but this back view is stunning for me, a big shape but not overly detailed. The accidentally(?) exposed buttocks and robust neck are great erotic ingredients.
A Peeping Tom moment for the lurking viewers. A rusty wheel makes a satisfying frame.

Shooting The Past 1, image 36

In this image the workman/model engages directly with the camera (and the viewers beyond) for the first time, striking a pose that is informal and not particularly manly in conventional terms. Instead it has a sort of coy, come-and-get-me openness that expresses both sensuality and vulnerability. Vampish, but without the veneer of sophisticated seduction.

It's another new side to the man we saw before as highly muscular and masculine, but also mischievous and playful. Priapus has built up a very appealing personality here and although the workman seems to be making all the moves, you sense he has been hopelessly seduced by the photographer and is here surrendering to him and his camera.

I featured this particular image in my 'Most Popular Posts' article mentioned above
and I still love it's self-conscious shedding of modesty.

But is it really the photographer that's being seduced? He moves in for his closest and most intimate shot yet and that massive, mischievous, connecting rod appears to have acquired a phallic dimension as though to indicate a substantial erotic interest on his part, although you could also interpret this as a pushing away gesture - that's the ambiguity of falling in love of course!

In this picture there is less differentiation between the two men and the engineering behind them, the connecting rod almost seems to emerge from the photographer's chest with the other end resting on the workman's side, as though to tell us that the link between the two men has become more substantial and physical, dare I say it's coupling them?

The subtlety of this imagery, it's 'hidden eroticism' is delicious, suggestive but never crude. Priapus manages to show us an encounter between characters with genuine male traits - confidence and vulnerability, openness and wariness, an encounter that is both romantic and sexual and that makes it truly gay.

I have presented only a fraction of the images here and I recommend readers to follow the link which I give in Part 2 to view the whole set. However we are not finished yet! You may recall that there were two workmen in our opening shot.

More in Part 2

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Grown Men Forced to wear Short Trousers

In the 'mitchish' sect men are not permitted to wear long trousers until they reach the age of 25.

This rule can be problematic for those who find work outside of the 'mitchish' community.
Getting office jobs which involve sitting behind a desk is usually no problem, but their unusual appearance inevitably attracts humourous comments on the commute and sometimes unwanted attentions of a more invasive nature from other men. For this reasons many 'mitchish' men avoid public transport and travel in pairs (like these two investment bankers resting on their way home)

For growing men the risks are compounded if their mothers refuse to buy them larger shorts as they grow older. Only mothers are allowed to buy the proper shorts which are only available in 'mitchish' shops and being a captive market it's very expensive. Most prefer to make do and mend and making do often means letting them get tighter and tighter, particularly if the age of 25 is not far off (see above). Of course these men can buy shorts and proper trousers in the big city if they want, but they will be confiscated if they wear them anywhere near their home area.

The 'mitchish' leaders send out specially trained, 'trouser-spotter' patrols to catch out any men who try to evade the rule by changing into short pants on the way home.

Tourists unfamiliar with the rules are frequently picked up by these patrols and they too have their trousers confiscated. If they are wearing jeans they are liable to get a ducking too.
'mitchish' fanatics loathe young men dressing in tight jeans.

Needless to say, walking around in wet underpants is not acceptable either. Offenders are photographed for the records and advised to turn back or else make their way to the nearest 'mitchish' shop and get themselves some decent shorts. Naturally buying restrictions are waived for the non-'mitchish'.

Young men don't like being told what to do very much
But it's not as though back-packers are completely unwelcome!

Unfortunately, the 'mitchish' community is quite remote and if it's getting late, especially in the colder months, visitors may feel they really have no choice anyway but to go on.

The 'mitchish' general store doesn't stock a wide range of sizes, but it's usually easy to find overnight accommodation in the town. It won't have all the usual facilities though, like locks on the doors, which some young men find disconcerting in the old creaky houses.

One enterprising spotter has a reputation for helping out stranded lads, he's built his own dorm in the woodshed. I'm told he's very attentive. If he keeps his hands in his pockets you know he likes you

If you ask him nicely, he'll probably let you stay for nothing.

Modelled by Mitchell Slaggert, Kit Butler, Julian Schneider

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Containment for the bigger man

Chirenon - Containment Unit for Liam

"Jeez, I didn't realise they'd switched from using ankle straps for tagging"

This chastity device has a chunky, strong look that matches the lush muscularity of it's wearer.
Chirenon majors in this fetish, he usually euphemistically refers to it as 'protection'
but he's chosen the more descriptive and appropriate term 'Containment Unit' here.

In the picture 'Liam' appears to be deep in thought, as if contemplating his new accessory.
I won't spoil this rather pretty picture with a caption but other possibilities spring to mind:

"It's humiliating, but I guess it's worth it for the reduction in my sentence"

"How can I go and shower with the rest of the team, wearing this?"

"It's a joke Liam, tell yourself it's a just a joke, he'll unlock it when he's had his fun"

"Keep calm, keep calm Liam, try to remember, where did you last see the key?"


There are four other posts on this blog with Chirenon's images, see Airforce Boys

Chirenon is a bit of a nomad on the internet, his tumblr site is gone now but he's got a number of others on the go including Sadosam, bdsmlr and imagefap. (Some of his stuff is dubious age-wise and some is gender-ambiguous but there are also plenty of man's men being managed in a multiplicity of ways.)

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

mitchmen's war No 17 - The Aussie Batman No 4

This post follows on from the story which I featured in this series last year, No 15 - 'The Aussie Driver', giving me another opportunity to explore the custom of Military Officers selecting men from the lower ranks to be their 'batman' or personal servant and aide.

At the end of that post, Captain Davis (also shown below, right) was being scolded by his C.O. for his foolhardy rescue of an Aussie Truck Driver from an attacking aircraft. In my version of that story he used this chance to proposition the hunky driver to become his batman. Unfortunately that exciting prospect will have to wait until the poor chap's recovered from his wounds. Read full post No15

While Davis and the Colonel are talking, a message arrives.......

Fresh from chatting up the hunky driver, the cute messenger now catches his eye.

In both this image and the previous one from the Aussie Driver story Davis keeps his hands in his pockets, despite being in the presence of a superior Officer, which isn't good form even if you are a hero. I imagined him fiddling with himself and fantasising about the Aussie hunks in the Regiment he's been seconded to.

To add to his temptation here I made the messenger's shorts shorter
and allowed his wicked thoughts to develop....

These two are in danger of committing a number of offences under Military Law, not to mention Davis two-timing the wounded driver. Conducting this interview on the Parade Ground seems a trifle rash.

Unfortunately their euphoria is short-lived. As a result of the message brought in by the Corporal, Davis is despatched to the jungle by the Colonel to help the beleaguered contingent.
(I think it's a ruse to get rid of him and stop him interfering with the lower ranks!)

Captain Davis, the Corporal and the Driver are destined never to cross paths again, but his erotic adventures continue in the jungle, which will be the subject of the next 'mitchmen's war' post.

Other 'batman' themed posts No 1, No 2, No 3

To see the complete 'War Comics' collection click on the label below.

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Bondage Art by Albron

Albron- Your Pleasure is all mine

A whimsical and romantic view of bondage from Albron with a nice, muscular subject all primed and ready to go. In the 'mitchmen' universe the fanciful fluffer here would be hustled away in due course to make way for a more earthy instructor in the arcane arts of fetish. The cloaked cock is supposed to be censored but it's plenty erotic enough for me, you can sense it's silky texture.

Albron distributes his work through Patreon so it's hard to find on the free web. There's a gallery hub at AlbronMuscle pointing you to a decent selection. I found his DeviantArt page Albron111 easiest to access. If you opt for his Patreon blog, you'll need lots of patience to wait for it loading.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Mitchell's Gay Fetish Art For May

Ripped clothes
Mitchell - We Ripped His Clothes...

This must be one of the cutest men I have ever drawn. A man who looks after himself, he's got himself a nicely developed body and a tan. He dresses neatly but unpretentiously and yet here he is, clothes ripped apart and dragged into a shower by at least two assailants who have hold of his arms. He's about to to get deluged with water next. Whatever can he have done to have deserved this treatment?

Torn jeans come and go as yoof-wear, but I have always had a thing about the drama of ripping clothes open - as a statement of passion rather than fashion. Of course the flesh revealed by a well-positioned tear is no less attractive (no knee tears please!).

This picture was a pure drawing exercise but I suppose it would fit quite well into one of my abduction stories like the Navy Press Gang tale or the Flat Cap Gang currently running at the mitchmen Group.

For other pictures by Mitchell at this blog, click on the 'mitchpix' label below
Visit the Gallery Hub for the full mitchmen archive links

Click on the'ripped/torn.....'  label for other examples of men forcibly undressed.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Alien Experiment

AManNamedN - Conversion (2013)

AManNamedN makes a speciality of furry human hybrids and Incredible Hulk-like creatures but this one is pretty near human apart from his feet which match the structure of the alien overseeing the experiment. It's not clear which direction the conversion is supposed to be going in, but the 'human' is showing signs of life where it counts most. I hesitate to call it 'the elephant in the room' but machine and alien alike do seem to be studiously avoiding it!

The technology on show seems less modern than you might expect with a 'ray gun' design reminiscent of mid-20th century sci-fi comics and Frankenstein films. The blocky mounts and ratchets are coloured like rusting cast iron but it does tone in nicely with the alien's skin.