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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

mitchmen's war No 17 - The Aussie Batman No 4

This post follows on from the story which I featured in this series last year, No 15 - 'The Aussie Driver', giving me another opportunity to explore the custom of Military Officers selecting men from the lower ranks to be their 'batman' or personal servant and aide.

At the end of that post, Captain Davis (also shown below, right) was being scolded by his C.O. for his foolhardy rescue of an Aussie Truck Driver from an attacking aircraft. In my version of that story he used this chance to proposition the hunky driver to become his batman. Unfortunately that exciting prospect will have to wait until the poor chap's recovered from his wounds. Read full post No15

While Davis and the Colonel are talking, a message arrives.......

Fresh from chatting up the hunky driver, the cute messenger now catches his eye.

In both this image and the previous one from the Aussie Driver story Davis keeps his hands in his pockets, despite being in the presence of a superior Officer, which isn't good form even if you are a hero. I imagined him fiddling with himself and fantasising about the Aussie hunks in the Regiment he's been seconded to.

To add to his temptation here I made the messenger's shorts shorter
and allowed his wicked thoughts to develop....

These two are in danger of committing a number of offences under Military Law, not to mention Davis two-timing the wounded driver. Conducting this interview on the Parade Ground seems a trifle rash.

Unfortunately their euphoria is short-lived. As a result of the message brought in by the Corporal, Davis is despatched to the jungle by the Colonel to help the beleaguered contingent.
(I think it's a ruse to get rid of him and stop him interfering with the lower ranks!)

Captain Davis, the Corporal and the Driver are destined never to cross paths again, but his erotic adventures continue in the jungle, which will be the subject of the next 'mitchmen's war' post.

Other 'batman' themed posts No 1, No 2, No 3

To see the complete 'War Comics' collection click on the label below.

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