To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Leather Sex Appeal - 5

Collars are erotic emblems of submission and belonging,
but padlocks and gags symbolise domination and control.
This gag is particularly effective because it gives a sense of the bulky plug within
but the captive's face is not distorted by it nor his expression hidden.
His poignant appeal for release is plain to see.

Picture courtesy of Mr S Leather

Friday, 25 December 2009

Leather Sex Appeal - 4

I'm dubious about the idea of slavery in S&M,
but a handsome man newly tamed by a collar is highly erotic.
Aficionados may complain about his highly styled hair
but it's a detail that can easily put right when he acquires a Master
and begins to be taught the ways of leather men.

Mitchell's leather themed picture story, 'The Legend of The Path of Pain'
can be viewed at the mitchmen club at Adonis Male (see Gallery Hub tab for link).

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Leather Sex Appeal - 3

An image from the 80's also attempts to connect leather to cool fashion
 but it's still sexy despite - or perhaps because of - the naivety.
These guys are in for a shock when they enter the leather den.
But sure of a warm welcome.

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Leather Sex Appeal - 2

This outfit is ideal for a novice seeking acceptance.
He'll be able to wear long trousers when he's proved himself.
But it looks like there's a bit of attitude needing adjustment first.
Luckily he's brought his own correction belt.

Mitchell is a long time fan of shorts in combination with generous thighs.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Leather Sex Appeal - 1

To accompany my new mitchmen series 'The Path of Pain'

An example of a regular looking guy
transformed into sexy leather man.
for his induction into the society..

Friday, 18 December 2009

The Legend of The Path of Pain

Mitchell's new story, 'The Legend of the Path of Pain' is set in the world of Leather and S&M.

Marlon Brando - The Wild One

Brando's images in the 1950's (see attached PP00a) are often credited with originating the link between leather and illicit forms of sex but the connections with S&M, motorcycling, Hell's Angels etc. go back a lot further than his films. Today, leather retains these attractive, ancient associations with animal strength, masculinity, independent rebelliousness and danger and it isn't surprising that it became linked with S&M, the domain of sex with claws.

Tom of Finland - Kake the Intruder

The leather drawings of Tom of Finland feature a confident and sexually aggressive leatherman 'Kake'. The image attached (PP00b), in which Kake gatecrashes a young man's session with his porn mags and treats him to the real thing is a universal 'rescue' fantasy (dressed up with a 'conversion' twist).

Rex - Leatherman

Rex's famous image for Drummer (PP00c) seems to epitomise the idealistic, God-like attractions - and dangers - of such men.

Mitchell's new story is set against this background, a world of leather with demanding sexuality and ancient values. It describes what happens when fantasy collides with the real world. To see the pictures you need to join Mitchell's 'mitchmen' Yahoo Group (see sidebar)

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Mitchell's Leather Gods Story

The next series of pictures and story by Mitchell will begin at the Yahoo Group (see sidebar on how to join for free) in the next day or so and run over Christmas and the New Year. It has a leather theme and is entitled 'The Legend of The Path of Pain'. It tells the story of a group of men who band together to share their love of S&M but discover through various trials and tribulations that they share something far greater.